Another request to check for errors on my part. I'm a bit less confident then the previous time (especially in the second stanza). I recently learned the song is a cover from a Turkish original (Hersey bos, by Nez). But if you ask me Albana's version is the better one by far.
Plasi plas
.. It explodes, bang,
plasi zemra ime
.. my heart bursts
pėr qunin qė mė shikon.
.. for that boy that looks at me.
Rrugės si po kalon
.. On the street he passes
me qunė tjerė
.. with another guy,
bukurė mė provokon (2x)
.. handsome, provoking me.
Me mua mos luaj
.. Don't play with me
eja mė thuaj
.. Come (and) tell me
se mė don mua
.. that you love me
se unė ty tė dua. (2x)
.. as I love you.
Djemve u thua
.. The boys have told
ke shumė vajza
.. (to) many girls you have
vetėm po gėnjen.
.. just lied.
Unė e di unė e di
.. I know, I know
tė gjitha tė tjera
.. that from all the others
vetėm mua mė vjen (2x)
.. you come only to me.
Me mua mos luaj
eja mė thua
se mė don mua
se unė ty tė dua (4x)