ExacT meaning oF lyRICS!

Thread: ExacT meaning oF lyRICS!

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  1. astorias's Avatar

    astorias said:

    Talking ExacT meaning oF lyRICS!

    heY everYone...

    soMe lyriCs are in a waY thaT i can't understaNd the exaCt meaning at all!!
    liKe "bu yagmurlaR- Emre aydin"..
    and I'm reaLly interested to Know abouT them!

    caN we discuss abouT these kiNd of lyriCs here!?!?
    ـــ★ـــ it seeMs likE every day's the saMe...
    aNd i'm leFt to discoVer on my owN...
    It seemS like everythinG is graY...
    and there's No coloR to beHold..
  2. nork's Avatar

    nork said:


    I like those kind of lyrics, some of my favorite bands never really give a clear picture of what they mean in their lyrics, they just leave it ambiguous and let the listener attach their own meaning to it