Pavel Stratan - M-am nascut de ziua mea

Thread: Pavel Stratan - M-am nascut de ziua mea

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  1. Eudaimon said:

    Default Pavel Stratan - M-am nascut de ziua mea

    So I continue my attempts to translate the songs of my namesake that caught my fancy so greatly.
    Please correct me where I'm wrong or lost. Thanks in advance!

    Eu сānd mă-mbăt, īs bat, cānd merg, mă ţin de gard
    When I drink, I'm drunk, when I walk, I lean on the fence
    Da dacă gardu se termină nu ştiu ce-am să fac
    And when the fence ends, I don't know what to do
    Am să mă iău īn māini şi am să-mi fac un vānt
    I'm gonna grasp myself (?) and I'm gonna make wind (??? - some idiom?)
    Da tot mai ghine-i pe chicioare cānd te sprijini de pamānt
    But it's even better to be on your feet, when they keep you on the earth
    Dimineaţa capu-i greu da eu mai vreu să beu
    In the morning my head is heavy but I still want to drink
    Dau cu māna pe sub pernă: oare unde-i capu meu?
    I fumble with my hand under the pillow: where on earth is my head?
    Cāt băutură ast-noapte am băut, n-am băut īn viaţa mea
    I've never drunk as much as tonight in my life
    Eu cred că-s unicul bărbat care m-am născut de ziua mea
    I'm probably the only one who was born on his own birthday

    De fapt, eu ziua mea mi-o fac īn fiecare zi
    In fact, I arrange my birthday every day
    Dacă trebui, cāteodată chiar de două ori pe zi
    And sometimes, if need be, even twice a day
    De-o vorbă ziua dacă-mi pică ziua, nu mi-o fac de tăt
    In one word (?), if my birthday comes in daylight, I don't arrange it at all, (looks like a wordplay)
    Da dacă ziua-mi pică noaptea, noaptea iară mă īmbăt
    But if it comes at night, I'm drunk again at night.
    Ce interesante gānduri īmi intră-n cap atunci numai cānd beu
    What interesting thoughts come into my head only when I'm drunk!
    Nici nu ştiu cum de cap īn cap īncap atātea-n capu meu
    I don't know how many heads, one in another, fit into my head (?)
    Oricānd memoria īmi ajută, da asta nu-i puţin
    My memory always helps me, but it isn't little (? - doesn't make sense for me)
    Ce-i drept că am memorie, numa nu ţin minte unde-o ţin
    True, I have memory, I only don't remember where I keep it

    Dacă doctorii m-or prinde, ştiu ce mi-or propune-amu:
    If doctors get me, I know they'll offer me (a choice? - suppose it merely by context, I didn't find what "amu" means)
    Ori trăiesc puţin da ghine, ori mai mult da ghine nu
    Either I live a little but good, or longer but not good
    Eu, de-o vorbă, pentru mine de-acum mi-am ales ce-am vrut:
    In short, I've now chosen for myself what I wanted:
    Să trăiesc mai mult da ghine şi să beu cum am băut
    To live long but good and to drink as much as I did before
    Beu şi eu ca moldoveanu, patru ori pe an, i-am zic:
    And so I drink like a Moldovan, four times a year, that is:
    La Crăciun, de Hram, la Paşte şi īn fiecare zi
    On Christmas, on name day, on Easter and every day
    Eu cānd beu īntotdeauna niciodată nu mă nervez
    When I drink, I never worry about anything
    Mă nervez atuncia numa cānd nu pot să mă nervez
    I worry only when I can't worry (? - doesn't make much sense either)

    Doamne, ce se-ntāmplă aicea de-s aşa de multe fete?
    God, what's happened here that there are so many girls?
    Oare-n seara asta am să dovedesc să beu cu tăti?
    Will I find myself drinking with them all tonight?
    Cred că da, pentru că eu īntotdeauna dovedesc
    I think so, because I always find myself
    Īnaintea lor de-aicea şi după dānsele să ies
    Going away ahead and behind them (???)
    Da pānă cānd mai este "cānd" şi īncă nimeni n-a plecat
    But as long as 'when' still exists and nobody left yet
    Beu, fumez, mai nu ştiu ce, cānd mă trezesc, de-amu īs bat
    I drink, I smoke, I no longer know what, when I wake up, I get drunk again (? - another "amu")
    Şi eu de asta nu-nţeleg mai ce tot beu aşa gustos
    And I don't understand anymore what is this tasty thing I keep drinking
    De se duce totu-n cap de parc-aş be cu capu-n jos
    That goes into one's head so strongly that it seems to him that he drinks head over heels

    Cānd dau din bar să intru afar şi-ncep cu umbra să mă-ntrec
    When I try to leave the bar and start to overtake(?) my shadow
    Eu īnţeleg că-ncep să īnţeleg că nică nu-nţeleg
    I realise I'm starting to realise what nobody realises
    Da principalu-i important că unde m-am pornit m-am dus
    But the most imporant thing is that I'm back to where I started
    Şi dacă am ajuns acasă, acasă-nseamnă c-am ajuns
    And if I've got home, it means I've got home
    Chiar de-o să mă-ntrebe tata unde-am fost, o să-i spui şi ce-am făcut:
    Even if my father asks me where I have been, I'll tell what I've been doing:
    Am băut la bar cu Ghiţă! Ei, şi ce dac-am băut?
    I've been drinking in the bar with Ghiţă! Hey, what if I drink? (???)
    Şi cu fetele-am băut, şi unde-am fost mă duc şi māine
    I've been drinking with girls as well, and tomorrow I'll go where I've been,
    Ştii ce-am mai făcut cu fetele, tată?
    You know what else I did with the girls, father?
    Şşşt, ruşine!
    Whisht, shame on you!
    Last edited by Eudaimon; 08-17-2010 at 04:02 PM.
  2. NNA for life's Avatar

    NNA for life said:


    Da dacă gardu se termină nu ştiu ce-am să fac
    But if the fence ends, I don't know what to do

    Am să mă iău īn māini şi am să-mi fac un vānt
    I will take myself in arms and trow my self

    Da tot mai ghine-i pe chicioare cānd te sprijini de pamānt
    But its better for your feet,when you stay on ground

    Nici nu ştiu cum de cap īn cap īncap atātea-n capu meu
    I don't know about my head, in head manage to get so many things

    Oricānd memoria īmi ajută, da asta nu-i puţin
    My memory always helps me,that's why aren't less(in my head)

    Dacă doctorii m-or prinde, ştiu ce mi-or propune-amu:
    If doctors get me, I know they'll put me choose now

    La Crăciun, de Hram, la Paşte şi īn fiecare zi
    On Christmas,on Hram, on Easter and every day
    Hram-its a holiday,celebrated my a church once a year,its like "the name day" of the church.In romania the churchs wear names(Saint George...)and in the day in which is "Saint George" in the calendar its "the hram" of the church and also the name day of every1 which wear the name of "George"

    Eu cānd beu īntotdeauna niciodată nu mă nervez
    When I drink, I never worry about anything don't get angry

    Mă nervez atuncia numa cānd nu pot să mă nervez
    I get angry only when i can't get angry(because i can't get angry,i am angry)..{he is happy because he is drinking and can't get angry,and because he can't get angry...he is angry}...In other words he is angry all the time when drink.

    Īnaintea lor de-aicea şi după dānsele să ies
    Before them(boys,mans) to get out and after them(girls) (He will drink more than boys and will not gonna end sleeping like the boys in the bar)

    Da pānă cānd mai este "cānd" şi īncă nimeni n-a plecat
    But how much is till"when" and nobody left yet

    Beu, fumez, mai nu ştiu ce, cānd mă trezesc, de-amu īs bat
    I drink, I smoke, other things/actions, when I wake up,From now i'm drunk

    De se duce totu-n cap de parc-aş be cu capu-n jos
    That goes into my head like i was drinking whit my head under my feet (He get fast drunk)

    Cānd dau din bar să intru afar şi-ncep cu umbra să mă-ntrec
    (When i get to enter outside from the bar and start to race whit my shadow)
    When i get out from the bar and start to race whit my shadow.

    Eu īnţeleg că-ncep să īnţeleg că nică nu-nţeleg
    I realise that I'm starting to realise that i don't realise anything

    Da principalu-i important că unde m-am pornit m-am dus
    But the most important thing is that when i start to go ,i reach the destination

    Omg man this is a funny song and hard to understand
    ------>Kaal ho na ho<------
    ------>Lebnan ya 2it3it sama<------
    ------>La 2ilaha 2illa allah<------
  3. Eudaimon said:


    Thanks a lot!
    What I still don't understand is:
    Oricānd memoria īmi ajută, da asta nu-i puţin
    My memory always helps me,that's why aren't less(in my head)
    Da pānă cānd mai este "cānd" şi īncă nimeni n-a plecat
    But how much is till"when" and nobody left yet
    As of the second quote, it seemed perfectly clear to me before you corrected me... now I can't get what it means
    Could you please explain it maybe in your own words, not word-by-word? Thank you!

    PS And this, too:
    Ei, şi ce dac-am băut?
  4. NNA for life's Avatar

    NNA for life said:


    "Da pānă cānd mai este "cānd" şi īncă nimeni n-a plecat
    But how much is till"when" and nobody left yet " (he is wondering how much time he must wait til he will leave after boys and before girls)

    "Oricānd memoria īmi ajută, da asta nu-i puţin
    My memory always helps me,that's why aren't less(in my head)"(He memories many things,that's why he is wondering that so many thing get in his head)

    "Ei, şi ce dac-am băut?" (Any problems because i was drinking?) or (Do you have something against me because i was drinking?)
    ------>Kaal ho na ho<------
    ------>Lebnan ya 2it3it sama<------
    ------>La 2ilaha 2illa allah<------
  5. Eudaimon said:


    Thanks a lot!
    His word lace is fascinating, but sometimes not easy to understand
  6. doramide7 said:


    wamly welcome

    Sure all pro gamer are most welcome... if you can reach out to them it would be great!! Thanks a lot

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