שרית הדד – Sarit Hadad - Do you love me?

Thread: שרית הדד – Sarit Hadad - Do you love me?

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  1. 1inamillion1 said:

    Default שרית הדד – Sarit Hadad - Do you love me?

    BY THE WAY - YES, I am aware that her name is spelled "שרית חדד’ and not "שרית הדד" as in the title - it is a typing error.

    New Sarit Hadad song - cover of the old Lebanese song.

    מה בסוך הכל ביקשתי...
    Ma besach hakol bikashti...
    What did I really ask for...

    שתגיד לי...
    She'tagid li...
    For you to tell me...

    שאתה אוהב אותי...
    She'ata ohev oti...
    That you love me...

    Do you love me?
    Do you, do you?
    Do you need me?
    Do you, do you?
    Do you want me?
    Do you, do you?
    Do do you, do do you...etc etc

    מה בסך הכל ביקשתי?
    Ma besach hakol bikashti?
    What did I really ask for?

    שתגיד אתה אוהב
    She'tagid ata ohev
    For you to say that you love

    שתגיד לי מהלב
    She'tagid li me'halev
    For you to tell me from the heart

    שעליי אתה חושב
    She'alay ata choshev
    That about me you think

    או לה לה לה...
    Oh lalala...

    Do you love me?
    Do you, do you?
    Do you need me?
    Do you, do you?
    Do you want me?
    Do you, do you?
    Do do you, do do you...etc etc

    מה בסך הכל ביקשתי?
    Ma besach hakol bikashti?
    What did I really ask for?

    שתגיד אתה אוהב
    She'tagid ata ohev
    For you to say that you love

    שתגיד לי מהלב
    She'tagid li me'halev
    For you to tell me from the heart

    שעליי אתה חושב
    She'alay ata choshev
    That about me you think

    או לה לה לה...
    Oh lalala...

    etc. etc...
  2. shhora's Avatar

    shhora said:


    yes i know this song, and julieta version too
    "Love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person."