Learning French language

Thread: Learning French language

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  1. Enoo's Avatar

    Enoo said:


    Coucou Pinky golam ! Wow, c'est une belle traduction que tu as fait là !!! Beau boulot, toutes mes félicitations !!!

    Voici quelques petites corrections ^^


    هرچی که خاطره بود جلو چشات سوزوندم
    J'ai brûlé tous les souvenirs devant tes yeux

    نه اشک منو دیدی نه بغضتو خوندم
    Tu n'as pas vu mes larmes et je n'ai lu ton chagrin
    Hmm, either you have to say both the "pas", or you have to eclipse both
    "Tu n'as vu mes larmes et je n'ai lu ton chagrin" (poetic)
    "Tu n'as pas vu mes larmes et je n'ai pas lu ton chagrin"

    دیدی دو راهی میره سمت تباهی
    Vois-tu le dilemme va à la ruine
    Alors, usually we say: "aller à sa perte" (to be on the orad to ruin) or "tomber en ruine" (to fall into ruin). There is also a small subtlety about a coma here, depending on whether "aller" goes with "voir" or not:
    Vois-tu, le dilemme va à sa perte.
    Vois tu le dilemme aller à sa perte ?

    تو هم با من نموندی
    Toi aussi, tu n'es pas restée avec moi

    تو رفیق نیمه راهیی
    Tu es une amie des beaux jours
    ---> wow bravo for this idiom!!

    نه نگو دوسم نداری ،
    Non, ne dis pas que tu ne m'aimes pas
    "ne dis pas" is the correct order

    نه نگو تنهام میذاری
    Non, ne dis pas que tu vas me laisser seul

    نه نگو که از یادت میرم
    Non, ne dis pas que tu vas m'oublier

    نه نگو که دیگه دیره
    Non, ne dis pas que c'est trop tard

    بری قلبم میمیره
    Si tu pars, mon cœur mourra

    نه نگو از عشق تو سیرم
    Non, ne dis pas que t'en as marre de mon amour

    بی تو اینجا چه دلگیرم
    Quel triste je suis ici, sans toi!
    Two solutions here (maybe more actually but let's start with two ^^):
    Combien triste je suis ici, sans toi ! / Que suis-je triste ici, sans toi !

    وقتی هر خاطره از تو شده دردم
    Quand chaque souvenir de toi est devenu ma douleur

    یادمه رفتی که سمتت برنگردم
    Je me souviens que tu es allé pour que je ne reviens pas vers toi
    ---> Je me souviens que tu es partie pour que je ne revienne pas vers toi (pour que + subjunctive )
    "aller" is transitive verb, so you have to add something (a place) after. If you need an intransitive verb (if no place is mentioned), you'll rather use "partir"
    She went to the cinema. Elle est allée au cinéma. (There's a place: the cinema)
    They're gone. Ils sont partis. (but we don't know where --> partir)

    من مغرورو ببین که طعنه خوردم
    Regarde-moi , moi qui suis arrogant mais???(=look at arrogant me that got teased!)
    ---> moi qui suis arrogant mais dont tu t'es moquée (if he got teased by the girl)
    ---> ........................... mais dont on s'est moqué (if we don't know who teased him)
    to tease can also mean "taquiner" which has a meaning more friendly and less mean than "se moquer" ("je te taquine" would be about like "just kidding"). Given the song's context I think "se moquer" fits better.

    من مغرورو ببین که گریه کردم
    Regarde-moi, moi qui suis arrogant mais qui ai pleuré !(=look at arrogant me that cried!)

    من به شیشه ی اتاقت خیره میشم سنگ میشم
    Je regard ta fenêtre fixement et je suis devenu comme une pierre
    I understand everything in the sentence but it's a bit odd/unnatural to say:
    regarder fixement = fixer des yeux (I love playing with words ^^) ---> je fixe des yeux ta fenêtre
    devenir comme une pierre = se changer en statue de pierre (to turn to stone)/rester de marbre (~= to remain impassive; this one's an idiom that can also mean "to remain suddenly silent")
    ---> et je me suis changé en statue de pierre

    هر شب این موقع که میشه بدجوری دلتنگ میشم
    Chaque nuit, à ce moment, tu me manques fortement
    rather "tu me manques beaucoup/ tu me manques très fort" Sorry I don't have any explanation in my magic pocket for this one

    هنوزم یه رودم اما برنمیگردم به دریا
    Je suis encore une rivière mais je ne reviens pas à la mer

    با خیالت خوب میشم تو رو حس میکنی اینجا
    Je me sens bien avec ton illusion, je te sens ici
    Even after all this time
    The Sun never says to the Earth
    « You owe me »
    Look what happens with a love like that
    It lights the whole sky

  2. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    Wow, each translation is like a new lesson for me and I learn so many things from it....Thank you so so so so much dear Enoo, I'm gonna study your correction over and over again until I learn them by heartThe only part that bugged me was to choose "ne pas dit" and " ne dit pas"I chose "ne dis pas" and then I used google translate and it said "ne pas dit", and because I have no confidence in my French I chose what google translate said!And another thing that I had problem to understand was the difference between "aller" et "partir"!!now it's totally clear thanks to you!
    And your other corrections were amazing as usual
    Bazam mamnooooooooooooon
  3. Enoo's Avatar

    Enoo said:


    Karet ali bood !! Awwww harfesham nazan, khoshhal shodam! C'est une belle chanson, est-ce qu'elle est nouvelle ?
    Haha yes that's a bit tricky between each possibilities but it's alright, confidence will come with time and anyway I'm always glad to help you when you're not sure about something. Usually "ne" and "pas" are not following each other, except inside infinitive clauses of sentences like this one: "Je lui ai dit de ne pas s'inquiéter" = I told her/him not to worry.
    Ooooowww you're so nice, thank you!! It's really a pleasure when I can help you and have in exchange this beautiful translation in my own language, that's amazing

    Bazam afarin Pinky jan!!
    Even after all this time
    The Sun never says to the Earth
    « You owe me »
    Look what happens with a love like that
    It lights the whole sky

  4. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    Oh you made me blushNon. ce n'est pas nouvelle, mais cette chanson appartient à son dernier albume "Shelik" et en fait c'est ma chanson préférée
    et moi, je suis trop contente aussi que j'aie une professeur privée comme toi et je ne suis pas seule dans le chemin d'apprendre le français
    Merci dooste golam
  5. Enoo's Avatar

    Enoo said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pinky_girl View Post
    Oh you made me blush Non. elle n'est pas nouvelle, mais cette chanson appartient à son dernier album "Shelik" et en fait c'est ma chanson préférée
    et moi, je suis trop contente aussi que j'aie une professeur privée comme toi et je ne suis pas seule dans le chemin pour apprendre le français
    Merci dooste golam
    Well done Pinky jan, tout en français ! Oh c'est ta chanson préférée de son dernier album ? C'est trop mignon ! Awwww si tu as besoin d'aide, tu ne seras jamais seule dooste azizam
    Even after all this time
    The Sun never says to the Earth
    « You owe me »
    Look what happens with a love like that
    It lights the whole sky

  6. WannaBFluent's Avatar

    WannaBFluent said:


    i would like to speak farsi/parsi as good as your french!!!
    العربية (arabic) // বাংলা (bengali) // हिन्दी (hindi) // kurmancî (kurdish) // فارسی (farsi)
    ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (punjabi) // soomaali (somali) // தமிழ் (tamil) // türkçe (turkish) // اُردو (urdu)
  7. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    Quote Originally Posted by WannaBFluent View Post
    i would like to speak farsi/parsi as good as your french!!!
    Awwwwwwww merci beaucoup,I'm sure you will...If you need any help with Farsi just let me know
  8. WannaBFluent's Avatar

    WannaBFluent said:


    for those who want to learn french, here is some live tv channels :

    france 2 - http://www.france2.fr/direct
    france 3 - http://www.france3.fr/direct
    france 4 - http://www.france4.fr/direct
    france 5 - http://www.france5.fr/direct
    france ô - http://www.franceo.fr/direct
    arte - http://www.arte.tv/guide/fr/direct

    tf1 - http://www.tf1.fr/live/
    (you need to register and log in to watch live, so it's very annoying)

    m6 - http://www.6play.fr/m6/direct#/m6/direct
    w9 - http://www.6play.fr/w9/direct#/w9/direct
    6ter - http://www.6play.fr/6ter/direct#/6ter/direct

    bfmtv - http://www.bfmtv.com/video/bfmtv/direct/
    (news 24/24)

    itele - http://www.itele.fr/direct
    (news 24/24 - better than bfmtv imo)

    d8 - http://www.d8.tv/pid5323-d8-live.html
    d17 - http://www.d17.tv/pid5322-d17-live.html

    tmc - http://www.tmc.tv/live/
    rmc découverte - http://www.rmcdecouverte.com/player-direct/
    (interesting documentaries)

    nt1 - http://www.nt1.tv/live/

    lequipe 21 - http://www.lequipe21.fr/direct/
    (sports channel)
    العربية (arabic) // বাংলা (bengali) // हिन्दी (hindi) // kurmancî (kurdish) // فارسی (farsi)
    ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (punjabi) // soomaali (somali) // தமிழ் (tamil) // türkçe (turkish) // اُردو (urdu)
  9. WannaBFluent's Avatar

    WannaBFluent said:


    العربية (arabic) // বাংলা (bengali) // हिन्दी (hindi) // kurmancî (kurdish) // فارسی (farsi)
    ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (punjabi) // soomaali (somali) // தமிழ் (tamil) // türkçe (turkish) // اُردو (urdu)
  10. WannaBFluent's Avatar

    WannaBFluent said:


    العربية (arabic) // বাংলা (bengali) // हिन्दी (hindi) // kurmancî (kurdish) // فارسی (farsi)
    ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (punjabi) // soomaali (somali) // தமிழ் (tamil) // türkçe (turkish) // اُردو (urdu)
  11. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    Very nice, WannaBFluent

    It can aslo help french people who live abroad

    I remember that i tried to watch many french channels when i was abroad and i wanted to follow some programs that i loved but some channels deny the access.

    Anyway i've found an other alternative which was the streaming made by people themselves.
    So the program will depends of the broadcaster !
    Anyway if you register you can ask him/her what you want to watch or he/she can ask you sometimes what you want (a film or a documentary ? and then it's the majority who win ^^)
    Some channels "work" 24/7 other few hours.

    The principle is that someone connect his tv to his computer and then you have a program.
    Also, you have to know that it's limited in number of viewers. For exemple no more that 300 viewers or the access will be denied to you. And then you have to wait to have a place or search for an other channel.

    Here the channel in french, it's the section "entertainment" : http://fr.justin.tv/directory/entertainment?lang=fr

    You can choose sport, games, entertainment etc ... (click on "categories")
    You can also choose an other language (spanish, italian etc) and then it will depends again about the brodcasters concerning the program and the hours "on air".
  12. WannaBFluent's Avatar

    WannaBFluent said:


    I didn't know this website, the concept is very good! i gonna check it sometimes, thank you! shukran ktiir!
    العربية (arabic) // বাংলা (bengali) // हिन्दी (hindi) // kurmancî (kurdish) // فارسی (farsi)
    ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (punjabi) // soomaali (somali) // தமிழ் (tamil) // türkçe (turkish) // اُردو (urdu)
  13. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    3afwan !

    Right now there is The Voice France for exemple here : http://fr.justin.tv/red43_tv_live

    WannaBFluent from were are you from ? Do you speak hindi ?
  14. WannaBFluent's Avatar

    WannaBFluent said:


    yes, you're right!

    i'm from france, and no, unfortunately, i do not speak hindi... maybe someday
    العربية (arabic) // বাংলা (bengali) // हिन्दी (hindi) // kurmancî (kurdish) // فارسی (farsi)
    ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (punjabi) // soomaali (somali) // தமிழ் (tamil) // türkçe (turkish) // اُردو (urdu)
  15. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    ok because i started learning it, i was searching for good advices and help ^^
  16. WannaBFluent's Avatar

    WannaBFluent said:


    oh ok, i planned to learn hindi as well. but i'm currently focused on arabic at the moment.
    check this : http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/in...ml#post1017401
    (you won't regret it!)
    العربية (arabic) // বাংলা (bengali) // हिन्दी (hindi) // kurmancî (kurdish) // فارسی (farsi)
    ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (punjabi) // soomaali (somali) // தமிழ் (tamil) // türkçe (turkish) // اُردو (urdu)
  17. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    Oh my God, that's perfect ! You rock
  18. WannaBFluent's Avatar

    WannaBFluent said:


    check it again, i added more than 5 books since 12:40 PM
    now you have no excuse not to learn and speak hindi properly!!!
    العربية (arabic) // বাংলা (bengali) // हिन्दी (hindi) // kurmancî (kurdish) // فارسی (farsi)
    ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (punjabi) // soomaali (somali) // தமிழ் (tamil) // türkçe (turkish) // اُردو (urdu)
  19. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    Excellent job, this is very helpful for everybody. Thanks again
  20. WannaBFluent's Avatar

    WannaBFluent said:


    no problem!
    العربية (arabic) // বাংলা (bengali) // हिन्दी (hindi) // kurmancî (kurdish) // فارسی (farsi)
    ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (punjabi) // soomaali (somali) // தமிழ் (tamil) // türkçe (turkish) // اُردو (urdu)