Tuğba Yurt - Ağır Yaralı (2013) (Severely Wounded) - Translated to English & Persian

Thread: Tuğba Yurt - Ağır Yaralı (2013) (Severely Wounded) - Translated to English & Persian

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  1. veryclever1980 said:

    Cool Tuğba Yurt - Ağır Yaralı (2013) (Severely Wounded) - Translated to English & Persian

    Tuğba Yurt
    Ağır Yaralı
    Severely Wounded
    دارای) زخم عمیق

    Söz: Aytaç Özgümüş & Levent Sevinç
    Lyrics by: Aytaç Özgümüş & Levent Sevinç
    ترانه از

    Müzik: Aytaç Özgümüş
    Music by: Aytaç Özgümüş
    موسیقی از


    Nasıl bir yangın ki bu alevlerin bile canı yanıyor
    What is this fire that even the soul of flames burns {gets hurt}
    این چه آتشی است که حتی روح شعله هایش (نیز) می سوزند {درد می کشند}؟
    Nasıl bir yalan ki bu kelimeler kaçacak yer arıyor
    What is this lie whose words are trying to find a place to run away?
    این چه دروغی است که (حتی) کلماتش بدنبال جایی برای فرار هستند؟
    Gel bunları olmamış sayalım desem de boş
    Even if I say come, let’s pretend nothing ever happened, no
    حتی اگر بگویم بیا تصور کنیم که هیچ اتفاقی نیفتاده است، نه
    Hiç inanma
    Don’t believe (me)
    نه، اصلا باور نکن
    Gel güneşi doğmamış sayalım desem de yok
    Even if I say come, let’s pretend (as if) the sun never came up, no
    حتی اگر بگویم که بیا تصور کنیم، مثل اینکه خورشید هنوز طلوع نکرده است، نه
    Artık sen bana kanma
    Don’t believe (whatever I said) either
    بازهم (هرچه می گویم) را باور نکن

    Yüreğim ağır yaralı derinden
    My heart is severely wounded from deep inside
    قلب من از درون زخم عمیقی دارد
    Yanmaz artık istesem de yeniden
    Even if I want, it can’t burn (from your love) once again
    حتی اگر بخواهم دوباره از عشق تو بسوزد، نمی تواند
    Çok yaralar sardı kalbim amma
    My heart had healed so many wounds, but
    قلب من زخم های بسیاری را التیام بخشیده است، اما
    Bu yara kapanır mı bilemem...
    I couldn’t know if this wound would ever be healed [be closed]
    نمی دانم {نمی توانم مطمئن باشم} که این زخم هرگز التیام می یابد


    The translations have been done by Bijan Kardouni AKA veyclever1980
    Last edited by veryclever1980; 06-11-2014 at 04:24 PM.
    ***The translations have been done by Bijan Kardouni AKA veryclever1980***
  2. selim said:

    Default a tiny comment

    dear Clever,

    nice to hear from you again.
    it seems you've progressed much in turkish,
    and furthermore thanks for the persian supplement.

    Nasıl bir yangın ki bu alevlerin bile canı yanıyor
    What is this fire that even its flames burn the soul
    این چه آتشی است که حتی شعله هایش جان را می سوزاند؟
    there is a misunderstanding in the translation of this line

    First let me translate
    "its flames burn the soul"
    back to turkish, as
    "alevleri can yakıyor"

    let's examine the phrase "alevlerin canı"
    which is said to be "tamlama"/"ezâfe"
    meaning "soul of flames"/ cân-e şo`le hâ

    at the same time we should consider the expressions
    can yakmak -> to hurt, to harm,
    canı yanmak -> to get hurt,

    alevlerin bile canı yanıyor
    even the flames get hurt

    in a literal translation one may say
    even the soul of flames burns

  3. veryclever1980 said:


    Thank you dear Selim for giving me this great explanation. Actually I had doubts but I couldn't find the appropriate solution. Now, you've showed me the real meaning of the sentence, which makes the lyrics even more beautiful.

    Thank you so much.
    ***The translations have been done by Bijan Kardouni AKA veryclever1980***