Could anyone translate this song ?
Could anyone translate this song ?
يرحم الله ذيك الايامي *** والسنين اللي قضيناها
May God rest the souls of those days in peace.. and all the years that we have lived through
انقضت شروات الاحلامي *** والاماني ما وصلناها
All the dreams have been diminished.. all the hopes we did not reach
جف دمعي وجفت اقلامي *** عالسعادة اللي فقدناها
My tears have dried up, and so did my pens… upon the happiness that we lost
كاتم همي وآآآآلامي *** وطيحتي ما حد يقواها
I suppress my woes and my pains… for no one can stand my fall (no one has the strength to pick me up after all fall)
وين يا بوغصون هضامي *** وين يا بو عين محلاها
Where are you, oh who with the warm embraces ... where are you, oh you with the beautiful eyes
(the first part is literally translated to “where are you, Oh you who has digestive branches” referring to the ribs, meaning embrace)
اشتياقي كسر عظامي *** يا جروح الروح ودواها
My yearning has broken my ribs… oh pains of the soul and its cure (he is pleading)
حن قلبي حنة الظامي *** عطويهم اللي نشف ماها
My heart yearns, like a person who is thirsty…. who was given dried up water (meaning who was given an empty glass)
كانت الايام قدامي *** ما تخالف سير مجراها
My days were ahead of me… going on the right path with no struggle
يا غرامي هايم هيامي *** وليلتي يا طول مسراها
Oh what love, my passion is wondering about… and oh how long my nights are
اللي شراتي كيف ينلامي *** وذكرياتك كيف ينساها
He who is in my position, how is he to be blamed!?.. How is he to forget your memories!?
Thank you so much for the translation! Can you, please do the transliteration ?
يرحم الله ذيك الايامي *** والسنين اللي قضيناها
yer7am allah theik elayami… wil seneen elli ge’6ainaha
انقضت شروات الاحلامي *** والاماني ما وصلناها
enge’6at sharwat el2a7lami… wil 2amani mawe9alnaha
جف دمعي وجفت اقلامي *** عالسعادة اللي فقدناها
Jaf dam3i o jafat aglami… 3alsa3ada elli fegadnaha
كاتم همي وآآآآلامي *** وطيحتي ما حد يقواها
Katim hami o 2aalami… o 6ei7iti ma 7ad yegwaha
وين يا بوغصون هضامي *** وين يا بو عين محلاها
Wain ya bu ‘39oon h’6ami… wain ya bu 3ain ma7laha
اشتياقي كسر عظامي *** يا جروح الروح ودواها
eshteyagi kasar 3’6ami… ya jrou7 elrou7 o dwaha
حن قلبي حنة الظامي *** عطويهم اللي نشف ماها
7an galbi 7anat el’6ami… 3a6weihom elli nishaf maha
كانت الايام قدامي *** ما تخالف سير مجراها
Kanat elayam gidami… ma t5alif sair majraha
يا غرامي هايم هيامي *** وليلتي يا طول مسراها
Ya ‘3arami hayem hyami… o laility ya 6ool masraha
اللي شراتي كيف ينلامي *** وذكرياتك كيف ينساها
Elli sherati kaif yinlami… o thekrayaatik kaif yensaha