Diana Karazon - Mazzika Hadiya

Thread: Diana Karazon - Mazzika Hadiya

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  1. Gole Yas said:

    Default Diana Karazon - Mazzika Hadiya

    Upon the request of dropitlikeitshot

    link to the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3qgO7174o0


    انا كل يوم بقيت عادتي اقفل عليا انا باب اوضتى
    ana kol youm b2eet 3adti, a2fil 3alaya ana bab u’6ti
    it has been my daily routine to lock the door to my room
    وبص من شباكى واشوف الدنيا فاضية
    wabu9 min shubaki washoof eldenya fa’6ya
    and from my window I look at the world, all empty

    والهوى يهز الستاير ونجوم فوق العماير
    wil hawa yhiz elsatayer wilnjoum fou2 el3amayer
    and the wind moves the curtains, and the starts shine above the buildings
    والشجر يرقص على مزيكا هادية
    wilshajar yir2ou9 3ala mazzika hadya
    and the trees dance upon a calm song

    واشوف ملامحه في وشوش كل البشر والناس
    washouf malam7a fi wshoush kol elbashar wilnas
    and I see his looks in the faces of all the people
    وكانهم بقوا كلهم هوه .. هوا هوا
    wka2anahom ba2ou koohom huwa.. huwa huwa
    as if they are turned into him… him him

    واحس مية مليون شعور قلبي يدوب إحساس
    wa7is miya milyoun shu3oor albi ydoub i7sas
    and I feel a hundred million different feelings.. my heart melting from the emotions
    مش هو ده الحب ده هوه .. هوا هوا
    mush howa da el7ub da huwa.. huwa huwa
    isn’t this it.. this is love.. it is it is


    أهدي نور الأباجوره واسرح شويه أشوف صورة
    ahadi nour elabajoura o asra7 shwaya washouf 9oora
    I dim the light of my night light, and I day dream a little, looking at a picture
    فيها أنا و هوه معايا وعيونه لامعه
    feeha ana o huwa ma3aya wi3youno lam3a
    of us together, and his eyes are shining bright

    وانسجم واكتب خواطر واتخطف واحلم واسافر
    wansigim waktib 5awa6er wat5e6ef wa7lam wasafir
    And I become hooked, writing down my feelings, as if I have been stolen away, I dream, and I travel
    كل همسه ما بيناديني ببقى سامعه
    kol hamso ma binadeeni bib2a sam3a
    I hear him whispering my name, calling me

    واشوف ملامحه في وشوش كل البشر والناس
    washouf malam7a fi wshoush kol elbashar wilnas
    and I see his looks in the faces of all the people
    وكانهم بقوا كلهم هوه .. هوا هوا
    wka2anahom ba2ou koohom huwa.. huwa huwa
    as if they are turned into him… him him

    واحس مية مليون شعور قلبي يدوب إحساس
    wa7is miya milyoun shu3oor albi ydoub i7sas
    and I feel a hundred million different feelings.. my heart melting from the emotions
    مش هو ده الحب ده هوه .. هوا هوا
    mush howa da el7ub da huwa.. huwa huwa
    isn’t this it.. this is love.. it is it is
    Last edited by Gole Yas; 06-30-2014 at 12:32 PM.
  2. dropitlikeitshot said:


    Thanks so much!!!!!!! (:
  3. Gole Yas said:


    u r welcome dear