[SOLVED] Famous german rock

Thread: [SOLVED] Famous german rock

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  1. BOEING21 said:

    Default [SOLVED] Famous german rock

    Ok, it is a famous song (i keep listening it for years)

    - It's now new, it must be from 90s
    - It has german lyrics
    - There's too much and "strong" violin sound through out all the duration
    - The vocals go quite easy but the refrain is a "Lala la la... lalala laila"
    Last edited by BOEING21; 08-09-2014 at 05:57 PM.
  2. atmaestro's Avatar

    atmaestro said:


    Are you saying it was a popular song only in Germany or it had air-time worldwide?
    Are all the lyrics in German? Male or female vocals?

    The most popular 1990s song I know of (here in US) with German lyrics is Nina's "99 Red Balloons".
    Them that can, do; them that can't... memorize Artist and Title
  3. ivory65 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by atmaster View Post
    Are you saying it was a popular song only in Germany or it had air-time worldwide?
    Are all the lyrics in German? Male or female vocals?

    The most popular 1990s song I know of (here in US) with German lyrics is Nina's "99 Red Balloons".
    well, i think about City - Am Fenster, but it is not from the 90s.

  4. BOEING21 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by ivory65 View Post
    well, i think about City - Am Fenster, but it is not from the 90s.

    YESSSS!!! that's it. I can't believe i was not aware of this group's name all these years.
    Thank you a lot! really