Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy. Ya Aqsa

Thread: Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy. Ya Aqsa

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  1. BintAbdullah said:

    Default Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy. Ya Aqsa


    Could someone please assist with the lyrics and translation into English of Br Mishary's Ya Aqsa


  2. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    يا اقصى يا حلو المنظر يا اقصى يا حلمي الاكبـر
    O Aqsa Mosque, pretty looking
    Oh Aqsa Mosque my greatest dream
    انت القدس انت الشمس وبك الانس ولك الحـــــب
    You're holy, you're the sun
    We find cordiality within you
    all love to you
    قلبي يهفو عيني تغفــــو روحي تصفو تدعو الرب
    my heart throb violently
    I dose there, my soul becomes clearer (whole) praying to The God

    يـــــا روضة صلى بها المختار في الرســـــــــــل
    oh the paradise that Prophet Mohammed led all messengers in prayer
    يـــــا مشعــــلا للحــــب والانـــوار والعــــــــــدل
    Oh you're the cresset for love, lights and justice
    يـــــا روحي والاقصـى كبر ضميني ضميني اكثر
    oh my soul, (in) The Aqsa Mosques prayer was read to (Athan was read)
    enbrace my tightly, even more
    قولي اهوى درب الاقصى قولي اهوى ذاك الدرب
    Say I adore the road to The Aqsa Mosque
    Say I adore that road

    بـــــان البعد طال العهد زاد الوجــــد ذاب القلــــب
    We're distant,
    time is not passing by
    pain has increased
    heart pined away

    يــــــــا هاجسي في خاطري يا شاغلا فكـــــــــري
    oh my obsession in my mind,
    You're occupying my thoughts
    يــــــــا هاجسي سبح معي في سجدة الوتــــــــــــر
    Oh my obsession glorify The God with me n the Single Raka' (Witr Prayer)
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  3. BintAbdullah said:


    Shukran so much Oriee. You've made my day.

    Much appreciated.
  4. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    Not at all.
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God