I'm sorry, but Markos plays τα ματοκλαδα σου λαμπουν like karsilama, NOT zeibekiko

Thread: I'm sorry, but Markos plays τα ματοκλαδα σου λαμπουν like karsilama, NOT zeibekiko

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  1. Tahira's Avatar

    Tahira said:


    Quote Originally Posted by David Halitsky View Post
    Στίχοι: Φώτης Μιχαλάτος
    Μουσική: Γιώργος Μουζάκης
    (sorry - can't find a youtube clip)

    I was lucky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2QM2gFt_7E
  2. David Halitsky's Avatar

    David Halitsky said:


    Thanks for finding the youtube for Ο παραμυθάς , Tahira.

    Also, I hope you know I was only kidding about the "comments" - but thanks for explaining how you feel about them. The only reason I read them is because they can be good practice in translating Greek to English.
  3. David Halitsky's Avatar

    David Halitsky said:


    This is a very interesting one, Tahira. You can hear the "karsilama-like" accentuation in either youtube I linked to.

    Ο ψαράς - 1946
    Στίχοι: Γιώργος Μητσάκης
    Μουσική: Γιώργος Μητσάκης
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDvTbYcAOlk (try this one)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTbj8IhpX3g (or this one)

    And this is a pretty little one sung by Violaris:

    Να της πείτε κατεπάνιοι χαιρετίσματα - 1971
    Στίχοι: Σώτια Τσώτου
    Μουσική: Γιώργος Κριμιζάκης

    (Remember - he's the Cypriot singer, which may partly account for the "feel" of this song ...
    Last edited by David Halitsky; 01-15-2015 at 02:34 PM.
  4. David Halitsky's Avatar

    David Halitsky said:


    Tahira - this one is NOT another zeibekiko "accented like a karsilama".

    Οι αμαρτίες μου - 1973
    Στίχοι: Σέβη Τηλιακού
    Μουσική: Ζακ Ιακωβίδης

    The reason I'm bringing it to your attention is because I know you're a dancer, and I thought you'd appreciate this one because it has such an unusual "tango" feel to it - partly because of the accompaniment and partly because of the melody.

    What I mean is that this one "counts" exactly like a standard zeibekiko, but it winds up with a very "tango" feel to it.

    Do you hear what I mean? My sister is a semi-pro tango dancer and she says you could overlay tango steps on this, even though the actual beat is not tango.
    Last edited by David Halitsky; 01-19-2015 at 08:00 AM.
  5. Tahira's Avatar

    Tahira said:


    I know exactly what you mean, and you are right.
    Unfortunatelly I do not know how to Dance Tango. I once learned the Basic step of Standard Tango when I was a Teenager. But I forgot about it.

    I think its the drums and the tempo in this Songs which lets the Tango feel come up, as Tango rhythm is 2/4 or 4/4 rhythm.

    There are some Trends in belly dancing to combine oriental dance with Tango, but I never attended a class.
  6. David Halitsky's Avatar

    David Halitsky said:


    Here's another Greek 9/8 accented like karsilama -

    Στου Θωμά - 1983
    Στίχοι: Κώστας Φέρρης
    Μουσική: Σταύρος Ξαρχάκος
  7. David Halitsky's Avatar

    David Halitsky said:


    Ανεβαίνω σκαλοπάτια - 1985
    Στίχοι: Απόστολος Καλδάρας
    Μουσική: Απόστολος Καλδάρας

    In this one the "karsilama" accentuation is very subtle, but it is still there. I would say this is "half-way" between standard zeibekiko accentuation and "karsilama" accentuation.

    Bravo Kaldaras !!!!
  8. David Halitsky's Avatar

    David Halitsky said:


    Glenti 101.1 FM

    Κλάψε σήμερα καρδιά μου - 1962
    Β. Τσιτσάνης
  9. David Halitsky's Avatar

    David Halitsky said:


    Of course, Markos also played zeibekika with the accentuation we're familiar with today. If anyone doubts this, here's an example:

    Live365 Radio Rainbow Greece

    Χρόνια στον Περαία ( Χρόνια μες στην Τρούμπα ) - 1936
    Στίχοι: Μάρκος Βαμβακάρης
    Μουσική: Μάρκος Βαμβακάρης

    So ... to Markos, a zeibekiko with today's beat and a zeibekiko accentuated like a karsilama were clearly TWO DIFFERENT kinds of 9/8 rhythm.
  10. David Halitsky's Avatar

    David Halitsky said:


    Here is Markos playing an "inversion" of the karsilama-accented 9/8. Instead of DUM DUM DUM tak tak tak,he uses the tak tak tak to "run up to" the DUM DUM DUM in the melody:

    tak tak tak DUM DUM DUM

    Αντιλαλούν οι φυλακές - 1936
    Στίχοι: Μάρκος Βαμβακάρης
    Μουσική: Μάρκος Βαμβακάρης
  11. David Halitsky's Avatar

    David Halitsky said:


    Χίλιες να `χω - 1983
    Στίχοι: Λευτέρης Χαψιάδης
    Μουσική: Χρήστος Νικολόπουλος
  12. David Halitsky's Avatar

    David Halitsky said:


    Κάψτε κάψτε - 1975
    Στίχοι: Πυθαγόρας
    Μουσική: Χρήστος Νικολόπουλος