Hello my fellow lyricists My name is John I'm 19 and I love to write poems and songs. I've written somewhere around 200 plus songs and poems (148 of which are posted on this website) some of which are about me and my struggles and triumphs in life and many about other people and humanity as a whole. I'm on a journey in life I'm searching for things that many say are impossible to find, but I am a very determined individual. I want to be a successful business man, famous writer, poet, lyricist and most of all I want my lyrics to be heard from my voice and others.I also enjoy writing short stories and am trying to write a novel but that hasn't really gone any where. I decided to post on this site sometime ago I think its been 1 and a half years but who knows anyway I just wanted an outlet for my lyrics a way to get them out to people instead of just hiding them under my bed. I encourage everyone on this site to keep posting and to keep this amazing website alive tell everyone you know to write and post lyrics, we are the people who can change the world one word at a time.