sattar - gole pooneh english translation

Thread: sattar - gole pooneh english translation

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  1. lidor578 said:

    Default sattar - gole pooneh english translation

    hello there
    can someone please translate to english the song
    sattar gole pooneh
    thanks a lot
  2. lidor578 said:


    Someone please!!!
  3. lidor578 said:


    گل پونه گل پونه
    دلم از زندگی خونه
    تو این دنیای وارونه
    برام هرگوشه زدونه
    برای مستی (هستی) و ساقی
    نمونده حرمتی باقی
    تو هر کوچه برای عشق
    مهیا مونده شلاقی
    افسوس افسوس افسووس

    گل پونه گل پونه
    دلم از زندگی خونه
    کسی جز تو نمی دونه
    چقدر خوابم پریشونه
    صفوف عاشقان
    پیوسته پیوسته
    ز مسلخ میروند
    آهسته آهسته
    همش اعدام گلها
    پای گلدسته
    کبوترها همه از
    گمبدا خسته
    تو این دنیای ویرونه
    نه گل مونده نه گلخونه
    سر دیوار هرخونه
    فقط جغد ( جقد) که می خونه
    افسوس افسوس افسوس
    گل پونه گل پونه
    دلم از زندگی خونه
    کسی جز تو نمی دونه
    چقدر خوابم پریشونه

    گل پونه مگه دنیای ما خوابه؟
    نمی بینی مگه چشم خدا خوابه؟
    که با اسمش یکی از گرد راه امد
    خدا رو یاد کردو عشق رو(عشقو) گردن زد
    گل پونه گل پونه
    اگه امروز دلم خونه
    امیدم زنده می مونه
    امیدم زنده می مونه
    که دینا رو بلرزونه
    فردا فردا فردا

    گل پونه گل پونه
    دلم از زندگی خونه
    تو این دنیای وارونه
    برام هرگوشه زندونه
    گل پونه گل پونه
    دلم از زندگی خونه
    کسی جز تو نمی دونه
    چقدر خوابم پریشونه

    to english please..
  4. lidor578 said:


  5. afsaneh's Avatar

    afsaneh said:

    Default sattar - gole pooneh

    Gole pooneh, gole pooneh ---------------------------- oh pennyroyal flower
    Delam az zendegi khooneh --------------------------- I’m suffering from life
    Tu in donyaaye vaaruneh ----------------------------- in this topsy-turvy world
    Baraam har goosheh zenduneh ---------------------- every corner for me is a prison

    Baraaye masti o saaghi ------------------------------- for drunkenness and the cupbearer
    Namunde hormati baaghi ----------------------------- no respect has remained
    Tu har kooche baraaye eshgh ------------------------ in every alley for love
    Mohayyaa munde shallaaghi ------------------------- a whip is ready
    Afsoos --------------------------------------------------- alas

    Gole pooneh, gole pooneh --------------------------- oh pennyroyal flower
    Delam az zendegi khooneh --------------------------- I’ve suffered from life
    Kasi joz to nemidune ---------------------------------- nobody knows except you
    Cheghadr khaabam parishuneh ---------------------- how turbulent my dreams are

    Sofufe aasheghaan ------------------------------------- the lovers queue (line)
    Peyvaste peyvaste ------------------------------------- continually and continually
    Be maslakh miravand ---------------------------------- go to the slaughterhouse
    Aaheste aaheste ---------------------------------------- slowly and slowly

    Hamash edaame golhaa ------------------------------ constantly the the hanging of flowers
    Paaye goldaste ----------------------------------------- near the minarets
    Kabutarhaa hame az ----------------------------------- the pigeons
    Gonbadaa khaste -------------------------------------- tired of the domes

    Tu in donyaaye viruneh ------------------------------- in this devastated world
    Na gol munde na golkhuneh -------------------------- neither flower nor garden has remained
    Sare divaare har khuneh ----------------------------- at the wall of each house
    Faghat joghde ke mikhuneh -------------------------- merely an owl is singing
    Afsoos --------------------------------------------------- alas

    gole pooneh mage donyaaye maa khaabe? ---------- oh pennyroyal flower, is our world sleeping?
    Nemibini mage cheshme khodaa khaabe? ------------- don’t you see God’s eye is asleep?
    Ke baa esmesh yeki az garde raah oomad ------------ that in his name someone arrived
    Khodaa ro yaad kard o eshgho garden zad ----------- praised the God and decapitated love

    Gole pooneh ------------------------------------------------ oh pennyroyal flower
    Age emruz delam khooneh -------------------------------- if today I’m suffering
    Omidam zende mimune ------------------------------------ my hope will be alive
    Ke donyaa ro belarzune ------------------------------------ to shake the world
    Fardaa fardaa ------------------------------------------------ tomorrow
    Last edited by afsaneh; 12-19-2015 at 07:59 AM. Reason: correcting some parts
    "If music be the food of love; play on."
  6. lidor578 said:


    Gole pooneh, gole pooneh --------------------------- oh pennyroyal flower
    Delam az zendegi khooneh --------------------------- I’ve suffered from life
    Kasi joz to nemidune ----------------------------------- nobody knows except you
    Cheghadr khaabam parishuneh -------------------- how turbulent my dreams are
    Sofufe aasheghaan ------------------------------------- the lovers cues
    Peyvaste peyvaste -------------------------------------- always
    Ze maslakh miravand ---------------------------------- pass the slaughterhouse
    Aaheste aaheste ---------------------------------------- slowly
    Hamash edaame golhaa ------------------------------ the hanging of flowers
    Paaye goldaste ----------------------------------------- near the minarets
    Kabutarhaa hame az ----------------------------------- the pigeons
    Gombadaa khaste -------------------------------------- tired of the domes
    Tu in donyaaye vaaruneh ----------------------------- in this topsy-turvy world
    Na gol munde na golkhuneh ------------------------- neither flower nor garden remain
    Sare divaare har khuneh ------------------------------ at the wall of each house
    Faghad joghde ke mikhuneh ---------------------------- merely an owl is singing
    Afsoos ------------------------------------------------------ alas

  7. khal said:


    Quote Originally Posted by lidor578 View Post
    That's very thankful...
  8. khal said:


    Hello Afsaneh,

    thank you for this very nice translation. Can you help me understand a couple of things about it?

    Ze maslakh miravand ---------------------------------- pass the slaughterhouse
    Why ist that "ze masklakh"? No matter how many times I listen to it, I always hear "be maslakh". But all lyrics that I could find say "ze". Is that dialect?

    Gombadaa khaste -------------------------------------- tired of the domes
    Same thing here: The word is "Gonbad" (گنبد), isn't it? Yet all texts say "Gombad". Why is that?

    Tu in donyaaye vaaruneh ----------------------------- in this topsy-turvy world
    (The second time, right after "Gombadaa".) Isn't it "veeruneh" (ویران) --> "in this devastated world"?

    Thank you for your help. And again, for the nice translation. Best, Ali
    Last edited by khal; 12-14-2015 at 10:09 AM.
  9. afsaneh's Avatar

    afsaneh said:


    Hi khal,
    Thank you for reminding me the mistakes, I usually translate from the lyrics that are provided here and don't check it with the song. Therefore I don't know if there are some mistakes.

    As you said, "Be Maslakh" is correct, in the second part he says "Viruneh", and about "Gombad" literally "gonbad" is correct but in speaking the "n" usually changes to "m"

    I corrected the mistakes, hope it's a better translation now
    "If music be the food of love; play on."