An anti-establishment song similar to the ones by 2Pac and Vinnie Paz

Thread: An anti-establishment song similar to the ones by 2Pac and Vinnie Paz

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  1. omero72 said:

    Default An anti-establishment song similar to the ones by 2Pac and Vinnie Paz


    Last year as I was watching on Youtube a documentary about how people are manipulated by the TV and mass media and at some point it contained a hiphop-like music in the background. In the comments a viewer asked which music it was and another youtuber gave a link to its original video. I clicked on that link and watched that original clip. Recently, I wanted to listen to that clip again and I browsed my Firefox history, thinking that I could get the link there under but unfortunately I couldn't find the link, so I'll try my chances here to identify that song or its singer.

    Here is my attempt to describe that song or its singer:

    1- First of all, song being similar to the ones by 2Pac and Vinnie Paz is only conditionally true. I mean that singer didn't sing too much like 2Pac or Vinnie Paz and as far as I remember the lyrics didn't contain direct social messages like the songs of them, instead it seemed to give its message indirectly. The message was a kind of anti-establishment or at least its listeners considered it that way (me too

    2- The singer was a black person and there were women dancing and it was dated 2002, or a year between 1998-2006 let me say.

    3- The song didn't contain much lyrics. It contained long lines of singing just a few words (How I wish I listened to it more attentively!) I can name one song which sounds similar: Massive Attack - Unfinished Symphony. But again that's a very rough comparison. Massive Attack 's a female singer and he is a male anyway. Because I listened to it only once and without much interest, I cannot come up with a song which sounds more like it.

    4- I cannot say which genre that song belongs to: hiphop, soul, black music (if there exits such a genre : ) cos I don't listen to those kinds of music much. If I said it was a hiphop music it might have been wrong or right, again not sure.

    5- Last year it was on Youtube and because it had hundreds of thousands of views it's extremely unlikely to be taken down by any copyright claims. It might have been published by its copyright owners channel or by someone else.

    Thank you for the help.
  2. That Total Era said:


    This may be the song you are looking for........Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy - Television
  3. omero72 said:


    Thank you, I very much appreciate your help but unfortunately it's not the one.

    Well in the song I'm talking about, the lyrics are not direct and explicit. Besides, it contains vocal harmonies (as far as I can remember now) female vocals probably similar to the femalish vocals at the first 10-15 seconds of Jedi Mind Tricks "Design in Malice" feat. Young Zee & Pacewon.

    Now I've taken a look at the Underground Rap section at Allmusic . com to see if I can come across that singer. Among the listed, those are black males :

    J Dilla,
    Mos Def
    Dan The Automator
    Kool Keith
    MF Doom
    Pharoahe Monch
    Cannibal Ox
    Handsome Boy Modeling
    Cadence Weapon
    Dizzy Wright

    But the problem is none of them looks like the singerI'm searching for nor do they sound like it. I've listened to some of the most similar looking ones: Common, Madlib, YG, but no all of these have VEVO's in Youtube and seem to be supported by big companies, i.e. they sound artifical and commercial.

    The song I listened to sounded authentic. It was opposite of Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, NWA, Jay Z and the likes I can tell you.