Does anybody know this French song?

Thread: Does anybody know this French song?

Tags: duet, french, slow, song
  1. 20-100 said:

    Default Does anybody know this French song?

    I am trying to find the title to a French duet (a man and a woman) slow song that had the following lyrics in the chorus:

    Mon amour, mon amour
    Jusqu'ŕ la fin des jours
    Je veux (or vais) t'aimer

    I also don't know the name of the artists. So, any help there would also be appreciated.
  2. Enoo's Avatar

    Enoo said:


    Hello, the name of the song is "Mon amour" by André Sylvain & Chantal Pary.
    Even after all this time
    The Sun never says to the Earth
    « You owe me »
    Look what happens with a love like that
    It lights the whole sky

  3. 20-100 said:

    Default Much Appreciated!

    Quote Originally Posted by Enoo View Post
    Hello, the name of the song is "Mon amour" by André Sylvain & Chantal Pary.
    Thanks a million, Enoo!!! Now, I have to go find that song somewhere
  4. Enoo's Avatar

    Enoo said:


    Quote Originally Posted by 20-100 View Post
    Thanks a million, Enoo!!! Now, I have to go find that song somewhere
    You're welcome! I looked for a link to listen to this song on the net but unfortunately I couldn't find one.
    Even after all this time
    The Sun never says to the Earth
    « You owe me »
    Look what happens with a love like that
    It lights the whole sky

  5. Music Lover 2010 said:


    It's now on You Tube. Btw, she's one of my faves, n I saw their marriage on TV in '70.
    Last edited by Music Lover 2010; 01-31-2018 at 03:25 PM.
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