can someone please translate this?

Thread: can someone please translate this?

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  1. Eimaikoukla16 said:

    Exclamation can someone please translate this?

    vreme je prolazilo i sa ruznim pacetom niko nije hteo da se igra, pa nesrecnik da se povuce i da provede zimu u samoci. sledeceg proleca ruzno pace podje do bare. Na mirnoj povrsini vode ono s nevericom ugleda svoj lik: postalo je prelepi beli labud!
  2. bandziol20's Avatar

    bandziol20 said:


    time went by and nobody wanted to play with the ugly duckling, so the poor fellow went away and spended the winter alone. On the next spring the ugly duckling went to the ponds. In a quiet surface of the water it saw its look with disbelief: it became a beautiful white swan!
  3. Eimaikoukla16 said:


    thanks very very much!!!