Paploma, Se Thelo Me Thelis, Fila me!

Thread: Paploma, Se Thelo Me Thelis, Fila me!

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  1. jeanettecowell's Avatar

    jeanettecowell said:

    Thumbs up Paploma, Se Thelo Me Thelis, Fila me!

    Hi everybody! You guys were so AWESOME last time, I'm addicted now! I am trying to repay the good by translating on the Spanish board (not fluent, but I studied it a whole lot!)

    I also have a question..

    When I was on the boat to Greece I bought a dance CD with about 1 million tracks on it, LOL! And there is one slow song called Esiai To Lathos Tis Zois Mou and it says it's by Zafeiris Melas.. Does anyone know about it? It is BEAUTIFUL!


    Η καρδιά μου είναι μεγάλη
    η καλύβα μου μικρή
    από σένα κι από μένα
    άλλος δεν χωράει να μπεί

    Το δικό μου πάπλωμα
    είναι για δυό άτομα
    και δεν παίρνει μπάλωμα
    το δικό μου πάπλωμα Ρεφραίν

    Τ' άλογο του καβαλάρη
    ξέρει ένα αφεντικό
    στην καλύβα την δική μου
    νοικοκύρης είμ' εγώ

    - Ρεφραίν -

    Το τραπέζι είναι στρωμένο
    για τα μάτια π' αγαπώ
    και το πάπλωμα θα φτάσει
    να σκεπάσει και τους δυό

    - Ρεφραίν -


    Ego den eimai o Theos
    Eimai apla enas thnitos
    Kai upofero giati se thelo

    Ki ego pou imoun dinati
    Den exo alli epilogi
    Kai upofero giati se thelo

    Se thelo, me theleis
    Giati na to skeftomaste
    Se thelo polu, me theleis ki esu
    Giati den pantreuomaste

    To ksero den einai sosto
    Ma pes mou ki esu ti na kano
    Sou leo pos an de se do
    Aisthanomai pos tha pethano

    To idio niotho ki ego
    I skepsi sou m'eksousiazei
    To ksero pos den einai sosto
    Ma tipota pia de me noiazei

    Se thelo, me theleis
    Giati na to skeftomaste
    Se thelo polu, me theleis ki esu
    Giati den pantreuomaste

    Mes to tholo mou mualo
    Yparxei monaxa i morfi sou
    Kai sto diko mou palmo
    Xtypaei i kardia i diki sou

    To idio niotho ki ego
    I skepsi sou m'eksousiazei
    To ksero pos den einai sosto
    Ma tipota pia de me noiazei


    Sta hili sou foras to hroma tis fotias
    Filontas me petas ston ourano me pas
    Ti vazis sta filia kai mes stin agalia
    Ta hili mou zitoun sta hili sou na boun

    Pes ti vazis sta hili
    Sto kathe sou fili
    Ti vazis rotao
    Kai horis na pio goulia methao

    Fila me sto stoma mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho
    Kita me sta matia mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho

    San fidi to kormi tha xanatilihti
    Tha taxidepso gia gia tin Anatoli
    T' agistri sou glyko san psari to tsimbo
    S' Elliniko fili telioni i zoi

    Pes ti vazis sta hili
    Sto kathe sou fili
    Ti vazis rotao
    Kai horis na pio goulia methao

    Fila me sto stoma mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho
    Kita me sta matia mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho

    Pes ti vazis sta hili
    Sto kathe sou fili
    Ti vazis rotao
    Kai horis na pio goulia methao

    Fila me sto stoma mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho
    Kita me sta matia mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho

    Fila me sto stoma mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho
    Kita me sta matia mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho
  2. aksios said:



    Η καρδιά μου είναι μεγάλη-my heart is big
    η καλύβα μου μικρή-my cottage is small
    από σένα κι από μένα-from u and from me
    άλλος δεν χωράει να μπεί-the whole doesnt fit into it

    Το δικό μου πάπλωμα-i am quilt myself
    είναι για δυό άτομα-it is for double(for two people)
    και δεν παίρνει μπάλωμα-and it doesnt take botch
    το δικό μου πάπλωμα Ρεφραίν i am quilt myself

    Τ' άλογο του καβαλάρη-the horseback rider
    ξέρει ένα αφεντικό-knows one boss
    στην καλύβα την δική μου-in the cottage of mine
    νοικοκύρης είμ' εγώ-i am homeowner

    - Ρεφραίν -

    Το τραπέζι είναι στρωμένο-the table is stated
    για τα μάτια π' αγαπώ-for the eyes which loves
    και το πάπλωμα θα φτάσει-and the wuilt will arrive
    να σκεπάσει και τους δυό-covers couple's
    - Ρεφραίν -

    this is what i can do,sorry i am not greek so some greek so some real knower can make mine clearer i just wait for my lesson now
  3. spongebob18 said:

    Default i have the translation tosethelo me thelis

    i'm not grek but someone had translated the same song for me

    Εγώ δεν είμαι ο Θεός - I am not God
    είμαι απλά ένας θνητός - I am just a mortal
    και υποφέρω, γιατί σε θέλω - and i suffer because i want you
    Κι εγώ που ήμουν δυνατή - and me , that used to be strong
    δεν έχω άλλη επιλογή - I have no other choise
    και υποφέρω, γιατί σε θέλω - and i suffer because i want you

    Σε θέλω, με θέλεις - I want you , you want me
    γιατί να το σκεφτόμαστε - why should we give a thought
    σε θέλω πολύ, με θέλεις κι εσύ - i want you a lot , you want me too
    γιατί δεν παντρευόμαστε - why don't we get married

    Το ξέρω δεν είναι σωστό - I know it is not right
    μα πες μου κι εσύ τι να κάνω- but tell me what to do
    σου λέω πως αν δε σε δω - i tell if i don't see you
    αισθάνομαι πως θα πεθάνω - i feel like dieing

    Το ίδιο νιώθω κι εγώ - i feel the same
    η σκέψη σου μ' εξουσιάζει - your though swaies me
    το ξέρω πως δεν είναι σωστό - i know it is not right
    μα τίποτα πια δε με νοιάζει - but i don't care about anything

    .........(i dont have it to paragraph below...)
    Mes to tholo mou mualo
    Yparxei monaxa i morfi sou
    Kai sto diko mou palmo
    Xtypaei i kardia i diki sou

    Σε θέλω, με θέλεις - i want you , you want me
  4. flugeler said:


    Quote Originally Posted by jeanettecowell View Post
    Hi everybody! You guys were so AWESOME last time, I'm addicted now! I am trying to repay the good by translating on the Spanish board (not fluent, but I studied it a whole lot!)

    I also have a question..

    When I was on the boat to Greece I bought a dance CD with about 1 million tracks on it, LOL! And there is one slow song called Esiai To Lathos Tis Zois Mou and it says it's by Zafeiris Melas.. Does anyone know about it? It is BEAUTIFUL!


    Η καρδιά μου είναι μεγάλη
    η καλύβα μου μικρή
    από σένα κι από μένα
    άλλος δεν χωράει να μπεί

    Το δικό μου πάπλωμα
    είναι για δυό άτομα
    και δεν παίρνει μπάλωμα
    το δικό μου πάπλωμα Ρεφραίν

    Τ' άλογο του καβαλάρη
    ξέρει ένα αφεντικό
    στην καλύβα την δική μου
    νοικοκύρης είμ' εγώ

    - Ρεφραίν -

    Το τραπέζι είναι στρωμένο
    για τα μάτια π' αγαπώ
    και το πάπλωμα θα φτάσει
    να σκεπάσει και τους δυό

    - Ρεφραίν -


    Ego den eimai o Theos
    Eimai apla enas thnitos
    Kai upofero giati se thelo

    Ki ego pou imoun dinati
    Den exo alli epilogi
    Kai upofero giati se thelo

    Se thelo, me theleis
    Giati na to skeftomaste
    Se thelo polu, me theleis ki esu
    Giati den pantreuomaste

    To ksero den einai sosto
    Ma pes mou ki esu ti na kano
    Sou leo pos an de se do
    Aisthanomai pos tha pethano

    To idio niotho ki ego
    I skepsi sou m'eksousiazei
    To ksero pos den einai sosto
    Ma tipota pia de me noiazei

    Se thelo, me theleis
    Giati na to skeftomaste
    Se thelo polu, me theleis ki esu
    Giati den pantreuomaste

    Mes to tholo mou mualo
    Yparxei monaxa i morfi sou
    Kai sto diko mou palmo
    Xtypaei i kardia i diki sou

    To idio niotho ki ego
    I skepsi sou m'eksousiazei
    To ksero pos den einai sosto
    Ma tipota pia de me noiazei


    Sta hili sou foras to hroma tis fotias
    Filontas me petas ston ourano me pas
    Ti vazis sta filia kai mes stin agalia
    Ta hili mou zitoun sta hili sou na boun

    Pes ti vazis sta hili
    Sto kathe sou fili
    Ti vazis rotao
    Kai horis na pio goulia methao

    Fila me sto stoma mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho
    Kita me sta matia mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho

    San fidi to kormi tha xanatilihti
    Tha taxidepso gia gia tin Anatoli
    T' agistri sou glyko san psari to tsimbo
    S' Elliniko fili telioni i zoi

    Pes ti vazis sta hili
    Sto kathe sou fili
    Ti vazis rotao
    Kai horis na pio goulia methao

    Fila me sto stoma mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho
    Kita me sta matia mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho

    Pes ti vazis sta hili
    Sto kathe sou fili
    Ti vazis rotao
    Kai horis na pio goulia methao

    Fila me sto stoma mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho
    Kita me sta matia mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho

    Fila me sto stoma mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho
    Kita me sta matia mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho

    Can you give me the song "Paploma" in English lettering" Thanks so much.

  5. jeanettecowell's Avatar

    jeanettecowell said:

    Default Here you go!

    i kardia mou enai megali
    i kaliba mou mikri
    apo sena ki apo mena
    allos den choraei na mbei

    to diko mou paploma
    enai yia dio atoma
    kai den pareni paploma
    to diko mou paploma

    t'alogo tou kabalari
    xeri ena afentiko
    stin kaliba tin diki mou
    nikokiris eim ego

    to diko mou paploma
    enai yia dio atoma
    kai den pareni paploma
    to diko mou paploma

    to trapezi enai stromeno
    yia ta matia p'agapo
    kai to paploma tha ftasi
    na skepasi kai tous dio

    to diko mou paploma
    enai yia dio atoma
    kai den pareni paploma
    to diko mou paploma
  6. flugeler said:

    Smile Paploma

    Quote Originally Posted by jeanettecowell View Post
    i kardia mou enai megali
    i kaliba mou mikri
    apo sena ki apo mena
    allos den choraei na mbei

    to diko mou paploma
    enai yia dio atoma
    kai den pareni paploma
    to diko mou paploma

    t'alogo tou kabalari
    xeri ena afentiko
    stin kaliba tin diki mou
    nikokiris eim ego

    to diko mou paploma
    enai yia dio atoma
    kai den pareni paploma
    to diko mou paploma

    to trapezi enai stromeno
    yia ta matia p'agapo
    kai to paploma tha ftasi
    na skepasi kai tous dio

    to diko mou paploma
    enai yia dio atoma
    kai den pareni paploma
    to diko mou paploma

    Awesome! Thanks!
  7. aksios said:


    who sings this 'paploma' i couldnt find this song! i want it
  8. aksios said:

    Default Είσαι το λάθος της ζωής μου το μεγάλο

    Quote Originally Posted by jeanettecowell View Post
    Hi everybody! You guys were so AWESOME last time, I'm addicted now! I am trying to repay the good by translating on the Spanish board (not fluent, but I studied it a whole lot!)

    I also have a question..

    When I was on the boat to Greece I bought a dance CD with about 1 million tracks on it, LOL! And there is one slow song called Esiai To Lathos Tis Zois Mou and it says it's by Zafeiris Melas.. Does anyone know about it? It is BEAUTIFUL!
    Δεν μετανιώνω, κι ούτε θυμώνω,
    που τώρα πια εμείς, δεν είμαστε μαζί,
    κι αν νιώθω πόνο, για σένα μόνο,
    έζησα κάτι που θα μείνει μιά ζωή,
    έζησα κάτι που θα μείνει μιά ζωή

    Είσαι το λάθος της ζωής μου το μεγάλο,
    όμως δεν θέλω απ'το μυαλό μου να σε βγάλω,
    είσαι το λάθος της ζωής μου το μοιραίο,
    στα τόσα λάθη μου εσύ το πιό ωραίο.

    Όπου και να' μαι, θα σε θυμάμαι,
    δεν είσαι όνειρο, που σβήνει το πρωί,
    όπου κι αν πάω, θα σ' αγαπάω,
    θα' σαι για μένα, μια αγιάτρευτη πληγή,
    θα' σαι για μένα, μια αγιάτρευτη πληγή

    Είσαι το λάθος της ζωής μου το μεγάλο,
    όμως δεν θέλω απ' το μυαλό μου να σε βγάλω,
    είσαι το λάθος της ζωής μου το μοιραίο,
    στα τόσα λάθη μου εσύ το πιο ωραίο

    i could find the lyrics
    i dont know if it is what u wanna learn but here you go
  9. flugeler said:

    Default Paploma

    Quote Originally Posted by aksios View Post
    who sings this 'paploma' i couldnt find this song! i want it

    I found this song on an old Greek album (from the 1970's). I will try to find that song and information for you.
  10. aksios said:


    i wanna download it or can u or can anyone send me it by mail?i am wondering about it,which genre is it?
  11. jeanettecowell's Avatar

    jeanettecowell said:


    Quote Originally Posted by aksios View Post
    i wanna download it or can u or can anyone send me it by mail?i am wondering about it,which genre is it?
    Hi! if you send me an e-mail at I'll send it to whoever wants it!

    It is like upbeat folk music.
  12. flugeler said:

    Smile Paploma

    Quote Originally Posted by jeanettecowell View Post
    Hi! if you send me an e-mail at I'll send it to whoever wants it!

    It is like upbeat folk music.

    Hi Jeanette:

    If you can, please email me this song - I haven't been able to locate my copy. Thank you again.
  13. flugeler said:

    Smile Paploma

    Quote Originally Posted by aksios View Post
    i wanna download it or can u or can anyone send me it by mail?i am wondering about it,which genre is it?

    If you are referring to the rhythm of the song, it is in a 5/8 or 7/8 meter (5 or 7 beats to a measure). It would sound like 1-2-3, 1-2-3. This is a typical Middle Eastern rhythm.
  14. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    Quote Originally Posted by aksios View Post
    who sings this 'paploma' i couldnt find this song! i want it
    Stelios Kazantzidis, Efi Thodi, Glykeria, Eleftheria Arvanitaki...
    It's written by Giorgos Mitsakis.

    P.S. Here's a translation made by Coby Lubliner:

    Though my heart is big, my cabin
    Is a very tiny place
    Where, except for you and me
    Nobody else fits in the space

    And that cotton quilt of mine
    Is for two, and that's just fine
    There's no patch that you can find
    On that cotton quilt of mine

    Now a master is what's needed
    By the rider's saddle horse
    And here in my little cabin
    I'm the landlord and the boss

    - Refrain -

    Now the table's all laid out for
    Those two eyes I love so much
    And the cotton quilt will cover
    Us together as we touch
    Last edited by panselinos; 02-05-2007 at 06:54 PM.
  15. azimut said:


    ... ...

    AHHH !!! RE PANSELINE MOU, RE !!! ... ... ...

    ... once again ... your "glorious artistry" within the "moonshine" of the "night" ... !!! ... !!! ... !!! ...

    ... ...

    To be is to do - Plato
    To do is to be - Socrates
    Do be do be do - Frank Sinatra
  16. Balkaneuro said:

    Smile paploma song

    hey about the paploma song,, giorgos tsalikis has a new cd out i think and its live songs and he performs paploma on the cd.. i listened to it on his website so maybe it will be easier to find that version
  17. jeanettecowell's Avatar

    jeanettecowell said:


    Hi! For everyyong that e-mailed me, I've just sent out your copy! If you sent me an e-mail and didn't get an e-mail back from me, please resend your e-mail with "Paploma" in the subject line!



    Δεν μετανιώνω, κι ούτε θυμώνω,
    που τώρα πια εμείς, δεν είμαστε μαζί,
    κι αν νιώθω πόνο, για σένα μόνο,
    έζησα κάτι που θα μείνει μιά ζωή,
    έζησα κάτι που θα μείνει μιά ζωή

    Είσαι το λάθος της ζωής μου το μεγάλο,
    όμως δεν θέλω απ'το μυαλό μου να σε βγάλω,
    είσαι το λάθος της ζωής μου το μοιραίο,
    στα τόσα λάθη μου εσύ το πιό ωραίο.

    Όπου και να' μαι, θα σε θυμάμαι,
    δεν είσαι όνειρο, που σβήνει το πρωί,
    όπου κι αν πάω, θα σ' αγαπάω,
    θα' σαι για μένα, μια αγιάτρευτη πληγή,
    θα' σαι για μένα, μια αγιάτρευτη πληγή

    Είσαι το λάθος της ζωής μου το μεγάλο,
    όμως δεν θέλω απ' το μυαλό μου να σε βγάλω,
    είσαι το λάθος της ζωής μου το μοιραίο,
    στα τόσα λάθη μου εσύ το πιο ωραίο

    Oh by the way, has anyone been able to find the translation for this song?
  18. blue velvet's Avatar

    blue velvet said:


    Quote Originally Posted by jeanettecowell View Post


    Sta hili sou foras to hroma tis fotias
    Filontas me petas ston ourano me pas
    Ti vazis sta filia kai mes stin agalia
    Ta hili mou zitoun sta hili sou na boun

    Pes ti vazis sta hili
    Sto kathe sou fili
    Ti vazis rotao
    Kai horis na pio goulia methao

    Fila me sto stoma mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho
    Kita me sta matia mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho

    San fidi to kormi tha xanatilihti
    Tha taxidepso gia gia tin Anatoli
    T' agistri sou glyko san psari to tsimbo
    S' Elliniko fili telioni i zoi

    Pes ti vazis sta hili
    Sto kathe sou fili
    Ti vazis rotao
    Kai horis na pio goulia methao

    Fila me sto stoma mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho
    Kita me sta matia mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho

    Pes ti vazis sta hili
    Sto kathe sou fili
    Ti vazis rotao
    Kai horis na pio goulia methao

    Fila me sto stoma mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho
    Kita me sta matia mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho

    Fila me sto stoma mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho
    Kita me sta matia mehri pou na zalisto
    Krata me sta heria mehri pou na kimitho

    anybody out there who could translate this lyric to english pls?

  19. tzina772000's Avatar

    tzina772000 said:


    And you are right

    Η καρδιά μου είναι μεγάλη-my heart is big
    η καλύβα μου μικρή-my HUT/SHACK is small
    από σένα κι από μένα- (APART) from u and from me
    άλλος δεν χωράει να μπεί- ANOTHER ONE doesnt fit into it

    Το δικό μου πάπλωμα-MY quilt
    είναι για δυό άτομα-it is for two people
    και δεν παίρνει μπάλωμα-and it doesnt take PATCH
    το δικό μου πάπλωμα - MY quilt

    Τ' άλογο του καβαλάρη-the horse OF THE rider
    ξέρει ένα αφεντικό-knows one boss
    στην καλύβα την δική μου-in the HUT/SHACK of mine
    νοικοκύρης είμ' εγώ- i am homeowner/family-man

    - Ρεφραίν - /chorus

    Το τραπέζι είναι στρωμένο-the table is SETLED
    για τα μάτια π' αγαπώ-for the eyes THAT I love
    και το πάπλωμα θα φτάσει-and the quilt will BE ENOUGH
    να σκεπάσει και τους δυό- TO cover BOTH
    - Ρεφραίν -
  20. tzina772000's Avatar

    tzina772000 said:


    the above ment for aksios(again I didn't read all the posts )