Translation Croatian to Englisch or German please

Thread: Translation Croatian to Englisch or German please

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  1. Kazuma said:

    Default Translation Croatian to Englisch or German please

    This a nice song by Vesna Pisarović, called "Da znaš". I heared this song today on Radio Kobrivnica and got half a shock since I love its Italian original by Laura Pausini. In the German Wikipedia I found that the title means "If you'd know".

    Da znaš
    Danima već se nismo vidjeli
    a tvoje prijatelje ne pitam
    ne želim priznati da ne znam
    što se s nama to zbilo, za tren.

    Svake se noći tiho pomolim
    sa željom da te sutra ugledam
    i sve bih dala da si sa mnom
    da te dotaknem samo na tren.

    Da znaš, da znaš kako pogled me tvoj još boli
    da znaš kako srce te moje voli
    da znaš kako tužna sam bez tebe
    da znaš uvijek bio bi kraj mene.

    Da znaš, kol'ko suza sam isplakala
    da znaš i da nisam se pokajala
    da znaš kako tužna sam bez tebe
    da znaš uvijek bio bi tu u mome sjećanju.

    Počinje sve od ovog proljeća
    i ova tuga koju osjećam
    slomit će srce na pola za tren.

    Svake se noći...

    Da znaš...

    U mom životu barem kratko dušo bio si sve
    i kako vrijeme ide vidim da mi ne ide
    jer kud god krenem , kud god pođem samo za tebe znam
    priznajem od tog dana sebi ja ne pripadam.

    Kao u nekom filmu cijeli moj se srušio svijet
    i čekam da se nešto desi čekam preokret
    jer kud god krenem, kud god pođem samo za tebe znam
    ne želim biti sama želim samo tebi ja da pripadam
    k'o što se pripada po prvi put
    reci da nije bilo uzalud
    da tvoja ljubav još traje bar tren.

    Da znaš..

    Thank you very much already in advance!
  2. pink_girl_666's Avatar

    pink_girl_666 said:


    If you'd know
    It's been days since I last saw you
    and i don't ask your friends (about you)
    I don't want to confess that I don't know
    what had happened to us, in a moment

    Every night I say a quiet prayer
    and I wish I could see you again tomorrow
    I would give everything for you to be with me
    to be able to touch you just for a moment

    If you'd know, how much it still hurts when you look at me
    if you'd know how much I still love you
    if you'd know how sad I am without you
    if you'd know, you'd forever be by my side

    If you'd know how many tears I have cried
    if you'd know that I haven't regreted it
    if you'd know how sad I am without you
    if you'd know you'd forever be in my memory

    It starts again from this spring
    and this sorrow that I feel
    will tear my heart apart, in a moment

    Every night...

    If you'd know...

    In my life, at least for a while, you were my everything
    and as time goes by I can tell I'm not good
    because wherever I go I can see only you
    I confess, since that day I don't belong to myself

    My life crushed down like in a movie
    and I'm waiting for sth to happen, I'm waiting for a turn
    because wherever I go I can see only you
    I don't want be alone, I want to belong to you
    as you belong to someone for the first time
    tell me it wasn't useless
    and that you still love me

    if you'd know...

    there are some frases which sound very stupid and senseless in english, but in croatian they are very common and normal

    hope i helped
  3. Kazuma said:


    You helped much! Thanks a lot, really!
    Would you mind if I'd come again?
  4. pink_girl_666's Avatar

    pink_girl_666 said:


    if you have another song which you don't understand, post it here or e-mail it to me
  5. Kazuma said:


    Thank you! Here I am! It's "Kako da te prebolim" by Electro Team

    Ukrao si moju sreću, ti nemaš prava na to,
    Kao brod u boci, zarobljen moj je život postao.
    Ti se sada kaješ, a tvoje riječi bole me
    I što vrijede suze kad su rane ostale.

    Kako da te prebolim kad sebi priznam kraj,
    Teško je srcu, znam, ludo sam te voljela,
    Kako da ti oprostim kad snage nemam ja,
    Neka suze padaju, reći zbogom moram sad.
    Kako da te prebolim...

    Izdao si našu ljubav, za dobro dao mi zlo,
    Da ćeš biti bolji čovjek sutra, ja ne vjerujem to.
    Toliko sam p|_|ta* rekla sebi, - gotovo je,
    Srce uvijek vuče k tebi, jače je od mene.

    *) It kept censoring me that word, maybe because of its spanish meaning.
    Last edited by Kazuma; 04-07-2007 at 08:58 AM. Reason: typo
  6. pink_girl_666's Avatar

    pink_girl_666 said:


    You have stolen my happiness, you had no right
    Like a ship in a bottle, my life is trapped
    Now you regret it, and your words are hurting me
    And even though I cry, I am still wounded

    How can I get over you when I realize it's over
    It's hard to me, I know, I have loved you so much
    How can I forgive you when I don't have enough strength
    Let me cry, I have to say goodbye
    How can I get over you...

    You betrayed our love, you gave me bad for good
    I don't believe you'll be a better man tomorrow
    So many times I told myself -it's over
    But my heart always pulls me towards you, it's stronger than me

    nice songs both this one and da znas

    I can -mail it to you if you want (da znas I have, kako da te prebolim I don't have)
    Last edited by pink_girl_666; 04-07-2007 at 09:29 AM.
  7. Kazuma said:


    You were quick! Thank you again! What would you think instead if I'd send you "Kako da te prebolim"?

    I have loads of great Croatian music, now I know at least the meaning of two songs for sure. Great work!
  8. pink_girl_666's Avatar

    pink_girl_666 said:


    hahaha, no tnx I know where I can download it
    you're welcome! it wasn't a problem to translate it
  9. Kazuma said:


    So you had fun? Do you want to do some more? :P
  10. pink_girl_666's Avatar

    pink_girl_666 said:


    hahaha... I mean, it wasn't hard because I adore english, and it's cool to translate from croatian... it'll be my future job, so it's worth practicing
  11. Kazuma said:


    Ah, you are also going to do a language job? What will you do?
    Don't take the following lyrics too seriously, I hope with us it's not yet over - "S nama je gotovo" by ET

    Čitaj mi s usana
    u glavi ludnica

    Ne pitaj me razloge
    ima ih barem sto
    što je bilo, bilo je

    S nama je gotovo

    Ja ti nisam od jučer
    moje srce je vruće
    mogla bi se ja dvaput sad zaljubiti
    tvoje greške se broje
    kako stvari sad štoje
    ovaj zrak oko mene ću ja promjeniti

    Čitaj mi s usana
    s nama je gotovo
    u glavi ludnica
    s tobom je naporno

    Ne pitaj me razloge
    ima ih barem sto
    što je bilo, bilo je
    s nama je gotovo

    S tobom gubim sad vrijeme
    na svadje, teoreme
    jer ti ne znaš u meni zenu buditi
    nisi vrijedio truda
    ne pitaj gdje ću, kuda
    a u lice ja kažem da ti odlazim
  12. pink_girl_666's Avatar

    pink_girl_666 said:

    Talking here you go

    Read my lips
    There's a mess in my head

    Don't ask me why
    There's too much to explain
    What we had, we had

    We're over

    (cannot translate it- it means I'm not stupid, but here we say a phrase "I'm not from yesterday")
    My heart is hot
    I could fall in love twice now
    Your mistakes are counting
    According to things which are happening now
    I'll change the air around me

    Read my lips
    We're over
    There's a mess in my head
    It's difficult to handle you

    Don't ask me why
    There's too much to explain
    What we had, we had
    We're over

    I'm losing my time with you
    By arguing and saying theorems
    Because you don't know how to wake up a woman in me
    You were not worth trying
    Don't ask me where I'll go
    I'm telling you I'm leaving

    god, such stupid lyrics I haven't heard since Moja stikla

    oh, yes.. I'm going to study english and spanish.....
  13. pink_girl_666's Avatar

    pink_girl_666 said:


    I wanted you to translate me Rock Me Amadeus, but I've already found lyrics in english... cool song, even though it's old
  14. Kazuma said:


    Oi, these lyrics didn't sound that strange in hrvatski Thank you anyway; and if you need help with German, Dutch or Italian just tell me. "Moja sticla" - wasn't that that high heel song?

    ET - Ako te volim još

    Više nije to to, malo nam je falilo
    ja povukla sam crtu već davno
    što smo bili bili smo
    sad za ljubav prekasno
    vrijeme ne radi za nas

    Ako te volim još i sad
    znam, neću priznati
    jer uzalud ponos kada ja
    sebe moram lagati....

    Moram mijenjati zrak
    na oči padne mi mrak
    kad te vidim kako glumiš mi sad
    nije mjesto ni tren
    baš me briga sto si njen
    kaže ona dobra pjesma stara...
  15. pink_girl_666's Avatar

    pink_girl_666 said:


    What we have is not "it" anymore, we almost made it
    I drew the line long time ago
    What we were, we were
    Now it's too late for love
    The time works against us

    If I still love you now
    I know, I won't admit it
    What's the point in being so proud, when I
    Have to lie to myself...

    I have to change the air (did you notice they always have this phrase..?)
    The dark falls in front of my eyes (***..? )
    When I see how you're pretending
    It's not the right place nor time
    I don't care if you belong to her
    like the old good song says...

    omg, I have actually never noticed that they have extremely stupid lyrics... but who cares, it's not lyrics that sell the song. why do you always choose e.t.? they're not so "in" in croatia.. they're ok, but they're like Karma- in Croatia sh*t, in Europe hit...

    I don't need help with italian, tnx, speak it too... but german.. I've never learnt it in school, I always prefered other languages. I even studied hungarian to avoid german...
    (don't take it personal )
  16. Kazuma said:


    Okay, I accept it. Yes, it's also like German and Dutch, in an everyday conversation you would actually understand each other. I would wish people of this groups would grow closer together but... just a stupid wish, back to topic.

    Karma - Mirne Duše

    I mirne duše nazdravljam s tobom
    Za sve avanture što pred nama stoje.
    I mirne duše před tobom i Bogom
    Mogu bez srama u novi dan.

    Gdje si bio prije?
    S tobom lijepo mi je.
    Nježno te obožavam.
    Zar sam bila tužna jako sad se smijem?
    Ti si ta emocija.

    Ja prespavat ću tu,
    Tu u tvojoj blizini kad zamiriše noć.
    Ja prespavat ću tu,
    Tu gdje tijela se pozivaju na sna još.

    U ovom životu ja ljubim lijepotu,
    U očima tvojim tražim svoj svijet.
    U ovom životu doživjet ću stotu
    Ako još noćas s tobom ne umrem.

    Svijetlo je u mraku dok me nježno ljubiš,
    S tobom lijepo mi je.
    Zar sam bila tužna ako sad se smijem?
    Gdje si bio prije?

    By the way, would you tell me what's the correct (positive) answer on "volim te"?
    Last edited by Kazuma; 04-08-2007 at 03:34 PM.
  17. pink_girl_666's Avatar

    pink_girl_666 said:


    hm... you've posted me this song already, remember? scroll up a bit and you'll see

    if someone tells you "volim te" (I love you), you can tell "i ja tebe (volim)" (I love you too), or "ja tebe ne (volim)"...

    do you understand croatian? a bit? anything? it's a difficult language, it has almost twice more cases than german (you have them 4, we have 7), then the genders, tenses, special letters etc... but I just can't stop loving it *sigh*
  18. Kazuma said:


    Sorry, a bit confused by the language discussion. I replaced it with another song.

    Croatian... just a few words, a little grammar, the numbers, etc. But nothing serious yet. I decided long time ago that I will to learn it one day. But I want to finish my training etc. first and do it seriously.
  19. pink_girl_666's Avatar

    pink_girl_666 said:


    Mirne duše actually means "with a peaceful soul" - or just peacefully

    Peacefully I toast to you
    For all the adventures which are waiting for us
    And peacefully in front of you and God
    I can start a new day shamelessly

    Where were you before?
    I'm having a nice time with you
    I adore you
    Was I sad if I'm laughing now?
    You're that emotion

    I'll sleep here
    here, close to you when the night smells beautifuly
    I'll sleep here
    here, where our bodies want to sleep more

    I this life I love beauty,
    In your eyes, I'm looking for my world
    In this life i'll be 100,
    Only if I don't die with you tonight

    There's light in the dark while you're kissing me softly
    I'm having a nice time with you
    Was I sad if I'm laughing now?
    Where were you before?
  20. Kazuma said:


    Hvala lijepi i sretan Uskrs Happy Easter and more to come