
Thread: Serbian...

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  1. DankoN said:

    Default Ceca - Rodjen sa greskom

    Probala sam jednom da te promenim/ I tried to change you once
    ja kad volim uvek lose procenim/ when I love I always misjudge
    ne krivim te za to, / I don't blame you for that
    za uvrede i kraj/ for insults and the end
    takvi ko ti nikad, nikad/ ones like you
    ne idu u raj/ don't go to heaven

    Sta ti vredi, / What's the use
    rodjen si sa greskom/ you are born with a mistake
    sve je to u tvojim genima/ it's all in your genes
    a ja samo emotivna luda/ and I'm just an emotional crazy woman
    ceo zivot sa kretenima/ all my life with jerks

    Ma sta ti mogu/ What can I do
    rodjen si sa greskom/ you are born with a mistake
    sve je to u tvojim genima/ it's all in your genes
    a ja samo emotivna luda/ and I'm just an emotional crazy woman
    ceo zivot sa kretenima/ all my life with jerks

    Probala sam jednom da ti verujem/ I tried to believe you once
    ja kad volim onda i preterujem/ when I love I exaggerate
    ne krivim te za to, / I don't blame you for that
    za uvrede i kraj/ for the insults an the end
    takvi ko ti nikad, nikad/ ones like you never, never
    ne idu u raj/ go to heaven
    Last edited by Spring; 12-04-2008 at 11:46 AM. Reason: added title
  2. DankoN said:


    Other songs are coming up...
  3. DankoN said:

    Default Ceca - Kuda idu ostavljene devojke

    Jos koliko kasnih vozova / How many more late trains
    da sacekam i da propustim / should I wait and miss
    pa da s' nekim svijem gnezdo ljubavi / to build a love nest with somebody
    da i meni dodje onaj pravi / to find Mr. Right
    pa da s' nekim svijem gnezdo ljubavi / and to build a love nest with somebody
    da i meni dodje onaj pravi / to find Mr. Right

    Kuda idu ostavljene devojke / Where do abandoned girls go
    da li se po nekad, dragi, pitas / do you wonder sometimes, darling
    kuda idu, cujes li im poruke / where do they go, do you hear their messages
    zaplaces li kada ih procitas / do you cry when you read them

    Jos koliko kisnih drumova / How many more rainy roads
    iza sebe ja da ostavim / should I leave behind me
    pa da proslost zauvek zaboravim / to forget the past
    srecnom jatu i ja da se javim / to join the happy flock
    pa da proslost zauvek zaboravim / and to forget the past forever
    srecnom jatu i ja da se javim / to join the happy flock
    Last edited by Spring; 12-04-2008 at 11:44 AM. Reason: added title
  4. DankoN said:

    Default Ceca - Ponudjen ko pocascen

    I kada imas me, i kada nemas me / When you have me, and when you don't
    i kada imam te kao da nemam te / and when I have you it's like I don't
    ovaj krevet je samo trpeza prazna / this bed is just an empty table
    ti uvek si sit, a ja uvek sam gladna / you are always fed, and I am always hungry

    I vise volim da, da mi kazes ne / And I like it more when you say no
    nego da ispadne kao da teram te / then to look like I'm forcing you
    jer tvoje je DA kao poslednje parce / because your YES is like the last piece
    sto ukusa nema i jedva se zvace / that doesn't have taste and can barely be chewed

    I nudim ti se ja / And I offer myself to you
    nudim, al' ti me odbijas / I offer myself, but you reject me
    ti nista ne trazis / you don't ask for anything
    i sve sto neces dobijas / and you get everything you don't want

    I nudim ti se ja / And I offer myself to you
    a ti vec negde posluzen / but you have already been served somewhere
    ma, samo sedi tu / just sit there
    ponudjen k'o pocascen / if you're offered it's like you're treated

    I kada pustas me, i kada branis mi / And when you allow me, and when you forbid me
    nekako preskoci taj zid ljubavi / somehow jump over that love wall
    kad me najmanje zelis, kad se najmanje nadas / when you least wish me, when you least expect
    zavedem te lako i najbrze padas / I seduce you easily and you fall quickly

    Ne navaljujem, al' tako izgleda / I am not pushing it, but it looks like I am
    uzalud krijem to od tvojih pogleda / I hopelessly hide that from your looks
    sto ko umorni mravi po meni klize / which walk over me like tired ants
    svaki me jede, a nijedan ne grize / everyone eats me, and none bites
    Last edited by Spring; 12-04-2008 at 11:47 AM. Reason: added title
  5. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    DankoN, i have gone through ur translations and now i see where you could have found mistakes in mine.... so i wanna say that sometimes i dont do a word for word translation and i dont stick that closely to the exact words in the text cuz i feel that the way it comes out in english doesnt convey the essence of it... would you say thats it or do i have complete misunderstandings in the translations?
  6. DankoN said:


    It is exactly the way you should translate. The literal translation often makes the sense of lyrics wrong. There are words in Serbian which sound same or similar but mean something else... For example, you translated word "dublje" - double, and it means deeper. "Double" in Serbian is "duplo"... There are only few mistakes in your translations and I can only say that I would like to understand a language that isn't mine so good like you...
  7. Dijamante said:


    DankoN, thank you sooooooooo much !!!!!
  8. DankoN said:


    You're welcome
  9. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    Quote Originally Posted by DankoN View Post
    It is exactly the way you should translate. The literal translation often makes the sense of lyrics wrong. There are words in Serbian which sound same or similar but mean something else... For example, you translated word "dublje" - double, and it means deeper. "Double" in Serbian is "duplo"... There are only few mistakes in your translations and I can only say that I would like to understand a language that isn't mine so good like you...
    ooops... sometimes im in a hurry and do that yes :S feel free to get back at me for it and thank you for the compliment, i am flattered indeed
  10. Somegirl said:


    Thanks for all the translations, i've searched everywhere for them... So thanks to everybody!
  11. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    not sure if i translated for you but welcome anyway
  12. pacifist596 said:


    Please help me with the song Deca Beograda!

    I need the lyrics and preferably a translation. If the lyrics are unavailable, could someone type at least the first verse and refrain from this mp3: - MP3 muzika - Deca Beograda - Deca Beograda
  13. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Unhappy Deca Beograda ~ Children Of Belgrade

    Quote Originally Posted by pacifist596 View Post
    Please help me with the song Deca Beograda!

    I need the lyrics and preferably a translation. If the lyrics are unavailable, could someone type at least the first verse and refrain from this mp3: - MP3 muzika - Deca Beograda - Deca Beograda
    oh well... i don't know why you made me listen to that song... (more than once cause I had to pick up the lyrics... ;(

    Deca Beograda ~ Children Of Belgrade

    Ja se zovem Sunčica, Sunce mi je ime – My name is Sunčica, Sunshine is my name
    Ne viđam ga danima iz podrumske tmine – I haven’t seen it for days from basement’s darkness
    Ja sam Rastko i mnogo sam snažan – I am Rastko and I’m very strong
    al kad čujem onaj zvuk, obraz mi je vlažan – but when I hear the sound, my cheek gets wet
    al kad čujem onaj zvuk, obraz mi je vlažan - but when I hear the sound, my cheek gets wet
    Molimo za naša srca – We are praying for our hearts
    Jer im rat – Because war
    Na vrata kuca – is knocking on the door
    Molimo da mir sada – We are praying for peace
    I u našoj zemlji vlada – to reign in our country now too
    Ja se zovem Tanja, sestra mi je Anja – My name is Tanja, my sister is Anja
    Pitam se šta mala Anja u podrumu sanja – I wonder what Anja dreams in the basement
    Ja se zovem Igor i stvarno sam snažan – My name is Igor and I am really strong
    al kad čujem onaj zvuk, obraz mi je vlažan - but when I hear the sound, my cheek gets wet
    al kad čujem onaj zvuk, obraz mi je vlažan - but when I hear the sound, my cheek gets wet
    3x Molimo za naša srca - We are praying for our hearts
    Jer im rat - Because war
    Na vrata kuca - is knocking on the door
    Molimo da mir sada - We are praying for peace
    I u našoj zemlji vlada - – to reign in our country now too
  14. pacifist596 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Spring View Post
    oh well... i don't know why you made me listen to that song... (more than once cause I had to pick up the lyrics... ;(

    Deca Beograda ~ Children Of Belgrade

    Ja se zovem Sunčica, Sunce mi je ime – My name is Sunčica, Sunshine is my name
    Ne viđam ga danima iz podrumske tmine – I haven’t seen it for days from basement’s darkness
    Ja sam Rastko i mnogo sam snažan – I am Rastko and I’m very strong
    al kad čujem onaj zvuk, obraz mi je vlažan – but when I hear the sound, my cheek gets wet
    al kad čujem onaj zvuk, obraz mi je vlažan - but when I hear the sound, my cheek gets wet
    Molimo za naša srca – We are praying for our hearts
    Jer im rat – Because war
    Na vrata kuca – is knocking on the door
    Molimo da mir sada – We are praying for peace
    I u našoj zemlji vlada – to reign in our country now too
    Ja se zovem Tanja, sestra mi je Anja – My name is Tanja, my sister is Anja
    Pitam se šta mala Anja u podrumu sanja – I wonder what Anja dreams in the basement
    Ja se zovem Igor i stvarno sam snažan – My name is Igor and I am really strong
    al kad čujem onaj zvuk, obraz mi je vlažan - but when I hear the sound, my cheek gets wet
    al kad čujem onaj zvuk, obraz mi je vlažan - but when I hear the sound, my cheek gets wet
    3x Molimo za naša srca - We are praying for our hearts
    Jer im rat - Because war
    Na vrata kuca - is knocking on the door
    Molimo da mir sada - We are praying for peace
    I u našoj zemlji vlada - – to reign in our country now too

    Thank you very much for transcribing and translating the complete song!

    Why did I request it? Well, that's quite difficult to explain without ruining the fun and happy atmosphere of this forum. I will only say that the ordeal all those kids went through in 1999 touched me so deeply that I felt I just had to understand the words of their message and learn them by heart.

    Thanks again for your help!
  15. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    any time! and... I asked why... because I wasn't a child at the time but I still can't stand the sound so... and I am nicely surprised to hear someone actually being touched by our experience as I presume that you are not from this area
  16. Dijamante said:


    cao ljudi,
    could someone please translate this sentence into serbian for me ??

    'I love you with all my heart and soul'


    (and i know this hasn't anything to do with song lyrics....)
  17. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Volim te svim srcem u dusom!
    or, you can say: Volim te najvise na svetu! (literal translation would be - i love you the most in the world.. something like that)

    i love this forum
  18. Dijamante said:


    thanx a lot
  19. naradu said:

    Smile pls pls pls

    Hi everybody!
    could someone please translate these lyrichs - thanks a lot in advance!!!
  20. naradu said:

    Post Ceca- Pile

    Ceca - Pile

    Ovo je svet za pametnije,
    ovo je put za neke hrabrije
    A moje srce je pile
    drhti od straha kada grmi
    košto svila na kadrmi
    A moje srce je pile
    pokislo žuto i malo
    što je kraj orla jednog zaspalo

    Nije da nije bio ti blizu niti će ko
    a ja sam sa svakim otišla predaleko
    al nestigneš nigdje kada te slome i sruše ti sve
    leti dalje sam dole ne gledaj me
    Moje suze prema tebi padaju
    moje suze prema tebi padaju
    moje suze padaju na gore

    Ovo je svet za neke važnije,
    ovo je put za neke snažnije
    A moje srce je pile
    drhti od straha kada grmi
    košto svila na kadrmi
    A moje srce je pile
    pokislo žuto i malo
    što je kraj orla jednog zaspalo

    Nije da nije bio ti blizu niti če ko
    a ja sam sa svakim ostišla predaleko
    al nestigneš nigdje kada te slome i sruše ti sve
    leti dalje sam dole negledaj me
    Moje suze prema tebi padaju
    moje suze prema tebi padaju
    moje suze padaju na gore