
Thread: Serbian...

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  1. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:

    Default Marija Serifovic - Jesen bez nas

    I want the translation of this song, please! I cannot find lyrics
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  2. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    Jesen bez nas//Autumn without us

    Gledam u staklo//I am watching the pane
    tvoje ime na mom prozoru//you name on my window
    kapi kise padaju polako//drops of the rain are falling slowly
    moje suze na tvom ramenu//my tears on your shoulder

    Sreca da je hladno//Luckly,it's cold
    i da to ne osecas//and you don't feel that
    drhtim kao dete//I am shaking like a child
    a ti jos mislis da me znas//and you still think you know me

    Sve cu da podnesem//I will stand everything
    i laz i prevaru//and lie and fraud
    i tvoj hladan pogled//and your "cold" look
    sve ovaj put precutacu//I will elide everything this time

    Sve cu da podnesem//I will stand everything
    ne idi vikacu na glas//I will shout don't go
    jer ne mogu//because I can't (stand)
    jesen bez nas//autumn without us

    U maloj sobi svetla//In a small room lights are
    kao senke igraju//dancing like shadows
    mrak je al' u ocima ti vidim//it's dark,but I can see in your eyes
    svaku rec jos nedorecenu//everyword you still haven't said

    Sreca da je hladno//Luckly,it's cold
    jer se tresem zlo mi je//because I'm shaking,I am sick
    sve cu da podnesem//I will stand everything
    a ti bar pitaj sta mi je//and you,at least ask what is (wrong)with me

    Ref. 2x

    this was reaaaally fast..hope u got meaning
  3. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    Ceca - Znam//I know

    Dah na staklu kao magla//Breath on pane like fog
    vrhom prsta pesma draga//with the top of the fingers dear song
    i na kraju slova//and at the end, letters
    tvoga imena//of your name

    Srce kuca, tika taka //Heart is beating,tika taka
    ulica je puna mraka,the street is full of dark
    ja bih nocas
    samo tebe ljubila//I would only kiss you tonight

    Veruj suze necu kriti//Believe me,I won't hide tears
    to sto bude to ce biti//what happends,that will be
    nema nade//there is no hope
    kad se ladje potope//then ships sank

    Jer za mene samo ti si//Because you are the only one for me
    tebi plove moje misli//my thought are "sailing" to you
    kad na satu kazaljke
    se poklope////when needles on the watch cover each other(sorry but I don't know how to translate it better)

    Znam nema nade//I know,there is no hope
    znam idu zime//I know winters are "coming"
    samo nocas da sam tvoja//just to be yours tonight
    pa zauvek ostavi me//and leave me forever (after that)

    Znam sve ce proci//I know everything will pass
    znam nikad vise//I know,never again
    jer te tvoje crne oci//because that yours black eyes
    nose meni vecne kise//are bringing eternal rains to me


    Seka Aleksic - Sta je bilo, bilo je

    Da li si srecan, izgledas mi sjajno//Are you happy,you look great to me
    il' zivis jos u proslosti//or you still live in past
    distanca ucinila je svoje//distance did its own
    i bili smo suprotnosti//and we were opposites(contrast)

    Da li si zaljubljen//Are you in love
    il' sve je prevara//or everything is a fraud
    stara balada i dim//old ballad and smoke
    kao i uvek ja prva odlazim//like always,I am leaving first

    Sta je bilo, bilo je, srce se zaludjuje//What happend,it happend,heart is fooling itself
    sta je bilo, bilo je davno nekada//What happend,it happend long time ago
    nisi vise isti, a nisam ni ja//you are not the same anymore,and neither am I

    Sta je bilo, bilo je, srce se zaludjuje//What happend,it happend,heart is fooling itself
    sta je bilo, bilo je davno nekada//What happend,it happend long time ago
    u ovom zivotu s' tobom nikada//in this life,with you never (again)

    I can't believe it..I translated this already..but somehow I lost post..I realise it right now
    so..I am surprised too that anyone has interest in serbian music..where do u find these?do u have some serbian friends maybe(except us of course)
  4. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    Quote Originally Posted by sofie38 View Post

    and.. here's 2 songs, i've tried translating them myself, but not everything makes sense 2 me
    and sofie..please don't try to find out what is the meanings of this kind of songs...most of them don't have some deep meaning
  5. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Thank you fast y! mou! Filia
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  6. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    Parakalw maria mou!
    I am glad I could help you somehow,since you are helping my all the time

  7. sofie38 said:


    y!: haha well, the biggest reason why i got into your music is a good friend of mine, who's adopted from serbia. she listens to especially serbian and croatian music, so i kinda got influenced and my ex is serbian, but unfortunately he speaks 'too' good finnish so what he's taught me of serbian language is quite minimal. sometimes i ask him for some words though
    so not that many serbian people that i know...

    and hey, thanks for the translations again ^^
  8. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:

    Default Marija Serifovic - Gorka cokolada

    Could you please translate this song too?
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  9. turhanbg's Avatar

    turhanbg said:


    i found the lyrics....

    Marija Serifovic - Gorka cokolada

    Sad sve znam, al’ te putam da se uzdas
    posle nas da sam tuzna ostala
    probaj sad da me probas kao nekad
    gorka cokolada, znaj, za tebe sad sam ja



    Bolece, preboleces kad prodje sve
    sve po redu bas, k’o nekad ja
    bolece, preboleces kad prodje sve
    ako neces bas, bas me briga k’o tebe nekada

    Sad sve znam, kad se mucis brzo ucis
    ne pitam, samo pogledam i znam
    probaj sad, da me probas kao nekad
    gorka cokolada, znaj, za tebe sad sam ja

    Refren 2x

    I tek tad, rame uz rame ti i ja
    i tek tad da pricamo mozemo
    i tek tad, rame uz rame ti i ja
    a do tad, a do tada, a do tad

    Refren 2x
    Last edited by turhanbg; 09-17-2007 at 08:39 AM.
  10. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Thanks at least I can sing it till I get the translation!
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  11. solsolis's Avatar

    solsolis said:

    Default Bijelo Dugme - Tako ti je mala moja kad ljubi Bosanac

    One Bosnian guy told me this song is exactly about me...
    And I would like to understand what does it mean.
    Thank you in advance for the translation!

    Bijelo Dugme - Tako ti je mala moja kad ljubi Bosanac

    Jesi l' mala ljubila do sada?
    Jesi, jesi, al' Bosanca nisi

    Lijepo cu se ocesljati, dotjerati, opeglati,
    mirisacu kao ruza,
    voljet ces me ti, to znam.

    Kupicu ti nanulice, od bisera ogrlice,
    i kolace i bombone,
    za poljubac sve cu da ti dam.

    I na kraju, kad ti kazem volim te,
    ne vjeruj mi, lazem te,
    tako ti je, mala moja, kad ljubi Bosanac.

    Obecacu, prevaricu, poleticu, poludicu,
    ljubicu te, necu stati,
    dok ne kazes glasno - ti si moj.

    Opicu se, nek' cu se, s jaranima potucu se,
    zbog tebe cu glavu gubit,
    al' cu biti tvoj, bicu tvoj.

    I na kraju, kad ti kazem volim te,
    ne vjeruj mi, lazem te,
    tako ti je mala moja, kad ljubi Bosanac.

    Hej stani,
    hej stani lane moje,
    hej stani
  12. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    Here's the translation

    Have you ever loved, my little one?
    You have, you have, but not a Bosnian man

    I will comb well, dress up, hammer out
    I will smell like a rose
    you will love me, I know that.

    I will buy you necklace of pearls
    sweets and candies
    for a kiss, I will give you everything

    And at the end when I tell you I love you
    don't trust me, I'm lying to you
    that is how a Bosnian man loves, my little one

    I will promise, I will trick, I will fly, I will go crazy
    I will kiss you, I won't stop
    until you say out loud- you are mine

    I will get drunk, I will fight with my friends
    for you I will loose my head
    but I'll be yours, I'll be yours

    And at the end when I tell you I love you
    don't trust me, I'm lying to you
    that is how loves a Bosnian man, my little one

    Hey, stop for a while
    Hey stop my fawn
    hey, stop for a while
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  13. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Very good Lydia!
    I'm a bit lost in this topic but as far as I can see this hasn't been translated yet so... I tried
    Quote Originally Posted by turhanbg View Post
    i found the lyrics....

    Marija Serifovic - Gorka cokolada

    Sad sve znam, al’ te putam da se uzdas
    posle nas da sam tuzna ostala
    probaj sad da me probas kao nekad
    gorka cokolada, znaj, za tebe sad sam ja



    Bolece, preboleces kad prodje sve
    sve po redu bas, k’o nekad ja
    bolece, preboleces kad prodje sve
    ako neces bas, bas me briga k’o tebe nekada

    Sad sve znam, kad se mucis brzo ucis
    ne pitam, samo pogledam i znam
    probaj sad, da me probas kao nekad
    gorka cokolada, znaj, za tebe sad sam ja

    Refren 2x

    I tek tad, rame uz rame ti i ja
    i tek tad da pricamo mozemo
    i tek tad, rame uz rame ti i ja
    a do tad, a do tada, a do tad

    Refren 2x
    Marija Serifovic - Gorka cokolada
    ~ Bitter Chocolate

    Now I know everything, but let me assure you
    after us, I remained sad
    try now to try me like in the old times
    bitter chocolate, you should know, for you I am now



    It will hurt, you will get over it once it's all over
    everything bit by bit just like I did
    It will hurt, you will get over it once it's all over
    If you really wont, I really don't care like you didn't care

    Now I know everything, when you try hard you learn fast
    I don't ask, I just take a look and I know
    Try now, to try me like in the old times
    bitter chocolate, you should know, for you I am now

    Chorus 2x

    And only then, shoulder to shoulder you and me
    and only then we can talk
    and only then, shoulder to shoulder you and me
    and until then, and until then, and until then

    Chorus 2x
  14. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  15. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Any time
  16. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    Thank you very much Spring I'm glad I did it well
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  17. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Great translation Lydia!
  18. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    Thank you Adrienne I'm fan of the Serbian music, so it is always pleasure for me to translate something, even though maybe not always perfect
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  19. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    I dont know for your other translations but this one is perfect Keep up with the good work
  20. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:

    Red face

    Thanks again! I'll take your advice By the way, I haven't done many translations to Serbian songs so far, when I get in, I see them usually translated
    I have done some translations to Macedonian songs which is my native language and most I guess to Greek ones...
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left