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  1. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:

    Default Marija Serifovic - Pamti me po suzama

    I know that I'm annoying (that's me ), but I love Marija's voice and her songs are beautiful. Could you please translate this one too? Thanks
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  2. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by maria_gr View Post
    I know that I'm annoying (that's me ), but I love Marija's voice and her songs are beautiful. Could you please translate this one too? Thanks
    Which one?Can't see???
  3. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Oh,Maria,I see now.Here's the translation:

    Marija Serifovic
    Pamti me po suzama
    Remember me for my tears

    Rekao si, odlazim bar da spasim sta je ostalo
    You said you're leaving at least to save what's left
    rekla sam, u redu je i u meni sve je cutalo
    I said it's OK and everything kept quiet in me
    bez osecanja, bez malo tuge pratim te
    without any feelings,without any sadness I follow you
    i tu na vratima jos jednom molim te
    and here,on the door,I beg you once again

    Ostani jos minut da me vidis kada krene
    Stay just a minut more to see me when it starts
    ta oluja hladnih suza poplavice mene
    that storm of cold tears will overflow me
    ne krivi me za kraj, pusti ruzna secanja
    don't blame me for the end,let go ugly memories
    pamti me po suzama
    remember me for my tears

    Rekao si, hladna si, zar ti nista nije znacilo
    You said that I'm cold,didn't it mean anything for you
    rekla sam, ja nisam ti, al' u trenu sve se srusilo
    I said,I'm not you,but it all broke down in a second
    bez osecanja, bez malo tuge pratim te
    without any feelings,without any sadness I follow you
    i tu na vratima jos jednom molim te
    and here on the door I beg you once again
    Ref. 2x
  4. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Thank you so much Angelikoula mou!

    Filia :*
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  5. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by maria_gr View Post
    Thank you so much Angelikoula mou!

    Filia :*
    Finally,I've done something for you...So glad I could help you,because you're always here for me.Filaki
  6. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by angeliki_sr View Post
    Finally,I've done something for you...So glad I could help you,because you're always here for me.Filaki
    Then you found a way to do something for me cause I like serbian! And Marija is wow...
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  7. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by maria_gr View Post
    Then you found a way to do something for me cause I like serbian! And Marija is wow...
    Great!Whenever you need me,call me!
  8. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    I think we should paste all marija's songs..and translate it one by one
  9. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Τhat would be a brilliant idea. Finally y! mou you're a genious!
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  10. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by y! View Post
    I think we should paste all marija's songs..and translate it one by one
    No probs!
    Here's the list,just tell me which ones are already translated:
    1.Znaj da znam
    2.Za srecu nam malo treba
    3.Ti i samo ti
    4.Sad idi nek te djavo nosi
    6.Bol do ludila
    8.Sto prvi
    9.Nije mi prvi ut
    10.Jos jedan korak
    11.Povredi me
    12.Jesen bez nas
    14.Gorka cokolada
  11. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    I think that Znaj da znam, Bol do ludila, Jos jedan korak, Povredi me have been translated. I don't want to tire you, when you have time.
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  12. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by maria_gr View Post
    I think that Znaj da znam, Bol do ludila, Jos jedan korak, Povredi me have been translated. I don't want to tire you, when you have time.
    Ok,right now I must go to school (),but when I return,I';ll translate it.
    And,PLEASE,y!,Adrienne,Spring and others,leave something for me!!;D
  13. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Ti i samo ti
    You and only you

    Imam jednu zelju, san i molitvu
    I have one wish,dream and prayer
    jednu, samo jednu, da si uvek tu
    one,only one,that you are always here
    zovem te u snove, one najsladje
    I call you in my dreams,the sweetest ones
    i ti mi uvek dodjes, zato volim te
    And you always come,that's why I love you

    Kad te vidim, zivim
    When I see you,I live
    i ti to dobro znas
    and you know that very well
    al' jos nesto vidim
    but I see something more
    da isto osecas
    you feel the same way

    Ref. 2x
    Ti i samo ti
    You and only you
    moja ljubavi iz sna
    my love from a dream
    sve su noci lake s tobom
    every night is easy with you
    a svaki dan je dobar dan
    and every day is a good day

    Bog je lepo rek'o ko ce s kim i sto
    God has said well who's with who and what
    dok je plavo nebo, bices i ti moj
    as far as the sky is blue,you'll be mine
    sudbine nam iste, horoskopski znak
    our destinies are the same,our zodiac sign
    frekvencija i bioritam, to je sve sto znam
    frequency and biorhythm,that's all that I know of

    Ref. 2x

    I bio je sneg, i ti i ja
    And it was snowing,and you and me
    i ovaj svet, svet oko nas
    and this world,world around us
    s tobom mi tren vredi za vek
    with you one moment lasts forever
    zivot je lep kao ti
    life is beautiful as you are
  14. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:

    Default Marija Serifovic

    Za sreću nam malo treba
    We need little for luck *

    Nocas je gusta tama
    Tonight,the heavy dark
    pokrila strast u nama
    has covered the passion in us
    i zadnje zrno nade
    and the last grain of luck
    sve je nestalo
    everything has disappeared

    Svako u svome svetu
    Eachone in his own world
    vesto smo se krili
    we have been hiding skillfully
    neka nam nebo sudi
    let the sky judge us
    sebicni smo bili ti i ja
    we were selfish,you and me

    Za srecu nam malo treba
    we need little for luck
    i uvek nam malo fali
    and we always need little
    to malo to sto treba
    that little that we need
    jedno drugom nismo dali
    we haven't give each other

    Za srecu nam malo treba
    We need little for luck
    al' samo to nismo znali
    but that's the only thing we didn't know
    i ovaj dar sa neba
    and this gift from the sky
    sve smo probali
    we've tried everything

    Nocas je samo nemir
    Tonight only the fuzz
    beskrajan kao svemir
    is boundless as the universe
    i vise niceg nema
    and there's nothing more
    sve je propalo
    everything broke down

    Svako u svome svetu
    Eachone in his world
    vesto smo se krili
    we have been hiding skillfully
    neka nam tako bude
    let that happen to us
    sebicni smo bili ti i ja
    we were selfish,you and me

    * Za sreću nam malo treba ----->means 'We need little to be happy',but we say 'We need little for luck' very often...
  15. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Thank you so much Angeliki mou. S' efxaristw para ma para poly!

    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  16. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    Jos jedan korak//One more step

    Jos jedan korak unazad, vise nemam kuda//One more step backward,I have nowhere else to go
    dosla sam do granice kad je previse//I came to the final limit('I came to the limit when it's too much')
    zbog tebe sve sam trpela i bila luda//because of you I tolerated everything and I was crazy
    a nista nisam dobila nikada, nikada//But I never got anything,never

    Jos jedan korak unazad//One more step backward
    i ako krenem dalje//and if I 'move on'(litteraly 'go forward')
    blize sam do ocaja//I am closer to misery
    odlazim, zasluzila sam bolje//I am leaving,I deserve more
    s tobom ne idem nikuda//with you I don't go anywhere

    Sad kad vidim da si ti moja nesreca//Now,when I see that you are my disaster
    sad kad vidim da si moja gorka istina//now,when I see that you are my bitter truth
    moracu da nadjem lek jaci od vremena//I'll have to find medicine stronger than time
    da te prebolim zauvek, da zaboravim//To get over you forever,to forget

    Jos jedan korak nizbrdo//One more step 'downhill'
    i svaki je sve dublje//and every (step) is deeper and deeper
    na ivici sam ponora//I am on the edge of depth
    pusti me da sacuvam//Let me keep
    bar ovo malo ponosa, pusti me//at least little part of this pride,let me
  17. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    Nije mi prvi put//It's not my first time

    Nije mi prvi put da se zaledim ko led//It's not my first time to freeze like ice
    nije ni poslednji da se ucim sta je red//it's not my first time to learn what is 'order'
    vrata na pola su, bas nisam pristojna//door are half-opened,I am not really decent
    zasto bih kucala, ne brini, to sam ja//Why should I knock,don't worry it's me

    A ko je to pored tebe nocas zaspao//And who fall asleep next to you tonight
    a koga si na moje mesto pustio//And whom you gave my place ('whom you let to take my place')
    nek ti ona telo greje//so she can warm your body now
    neka se u prazno smeje//and give you 'empty' laught
    pitacu te sutra ljubav gde je//I'll ask you tomorrow where is love

    Nije mi prvi put da sam ovo videla//It's not the first time to see this
    vec dugo, dugo sve gledam u ludim snovima//for a long time,long time I see everything in crazy dreams
    u snu se devojka bez lika smejala//In my dream,girl without a face was laughing
    druga je plakala, ne brini, to sam ja//other girl cried,don't worry,that's me

    I am really sorry..but I am so tired,I can't even see what and how I translated so far..
    and Jesen bez nas and Gorka Cokolada are already translated too..

    If I grab find some time,I will do that tomorrow at work..

    and maria..nice new avatar

  18. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    As I'm feeling much better last 2 days (I'm not so sick anymore),my dear mother has forced me to go to school.As you can imagine,I'm not thrilled at all.
    I have very little spare time,but I'll try to translate something more before I go to hell....(school)

    y!,какав смо тим!!(what a great team we are!)
    Last edited by angeliki_sr; 09-20-2007 at 05:25 AM.
  19. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by y! View Post
    I am really sorry..but I am so tired,I can't even see what and how I translated so far..
    and Jesen bez nas and Gorka Cokolada are already translated too..

    If I grab find some time,I will do that tomorrow at work.

    and maria..nice new avatar

    Take your time! I'm not some kind of oppressor! (between us, if i don't have them in two minutes I'll grab the whip!!! I'm joking of course).

    You have helped me a lot. You, angeliki and spring. Thank you all guys, you're great!

    You think? Yes Stojakovic is nice. Go Srbija!!!
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  20. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by angeliki_sr View Post
    As I'm feeling much better last 2 days (I'm not so sick anymore),my dear mother has forced me to go to school.As you can imagine,I'm not thrilled at all.
    I have very little spare time,but I'll try to translate something more before I go to hell....(school)

    y!,какав смо тим!!(what a great team we are!)
    Good luck with the hell... I mean school! Thanks again.

    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.
