What is this song?

Thread: What is this song?

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  1. mzcrveno said:

    Default What is this song?

    Okay- so i didn't know where to place this thread.. since its french i put it here. but if it needs to be moved, go for it =)

    While spending time in france, i heard a song on the radio.. very old. possibly 80's.... bon jovi sound alike. and it seemed to be very popular (everyone sang with it... )

    Now i know its a long shot- but ANYTHING you can throw out there would be amazing=)
  2. nicoloco said:


    And you think we can help you with so little information, God, you must be very optimistic? Sarcasm apart, realy, don't u have more clue, it's impossible to figure out and in the 80' lots of French artists sounded like Bon Jovi, if it's that popular I think that could be jean-jacques Goldmann, or Johnny Hallyday. Check that, maybe you will recognize the voice.

  3. mzcrveno said:


    Yes. I said I knew it was a long shot. Im very optimistic.
    I was just hoping some people would throw some artists out there.. and I'd check them out. I'm sure I would recognize the song If I heard it.

    So... really, if anyone has french 80's music they like, post the name here!!
    AND maybe (hopefully) It will be the song I'm looking for =)

    If not, then there will be an archive of some rather good 80's french music!
  4. mzcrveno said:


    and no- it doesnt seem to be either of those.
    Its moreso towards Jean-Jacques Goldmann... but its a faster song.
    Much like Bon Jovi's "You Give Love a Bad Name"

  5. nena said:

    Default mhm

    well, i know one french song dated 80's. it's name is "embrasse-moi idiot" de Bill Baxter
  6. nicoloco said:

    Default French song

    It's definitely not Bill Baxter song which is too jazzy. OK, I was just thinking of two rock bands very popular in the eighties in France. one is called Téléphone (hell, yeah, when they were played on the radio everyone sang along... and still today), their most popular songs were "un autre monde", "New York"avec toi", "Cendrilon" or" la bombe humaine"(very nice lyrics, in addition) the voice of the singer is very peculiar so will recognize if it's the band your're seeking for.
    An other idea is that pop-rock band called Gold, their songs, although, very soft and with a hint of electronic, became kind of anthems in France, check "un peu plus près des étoiles".

    It's all I can think about, if you got more clues (type of voice, type of instruments, some words even phoneticaly) maybe I can help more efficiently.

    Last edited by nicoloco; 11-11-2007 at 03:56 AM.
  7. mzcrveno said:


    I remember a bit about it now that ive been thinking about the song constantly!!!

    I believe the end of the chorus goes .." c'est jolie -e -e -e"
    its a very upbeat sounding song

    thanks for trying to help=) I really appreciate it
  8. nicoloco said:

    Default that mysterious French song

    Unfortunately it doesn't ring me any bell, maybe you can sing it along, record it and send it to my e-mail I'll give you through a personal message, maybe it'll be the best way to recognize the song.

  9. mzcrveno said:


    Haha, unfortunately my french skills at the time were lacking ( that and i'm a horrible singer!!) I was on an exchange and immersed in this culture that I was trying to become a part of... It was hard to take it all in.

    Truly, all I can remember is the end of the chorus going "C'est jolie - ee - ee"

    =) Im sure I'll figure it out sooner or later.. as soon as I do, I'll post it on here.