Chi LI - Strannaya Liubov

Thread: Chi LI - Strannaya Liubov

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  1. Aley68's Avatar

    Aley68 said:

    Default Chi LI - Strannaya Liubov

    Does anyone know this song to have lyric and translation ? I think Chi LI have a great voice and beautiful songs , but i cannot find in Italy

    Ciao e grazie

    If you don't know this singer try to look this videos !!!
    She's great
  2. mavis's Avatar

    mavis said:


    Чи-ли - Странная любовь (strange love)

    Станция "Привет", слов не удержать _(station "hello", unable to keep words
    Вот тебе ответ: я хочу летать -(here is the ansver to you : i wanna fly
    Это не игра, это просто миг _(this is not game , this is only blink
    Станция "Судьба", я к тебе привык _(station "destiny", i became accustomed to u )

    Вот такая странная любовь _(that is so strange love)
    Это не игра, если губы в кровь _(this is not game if the lips are in blood
    Вот такая странная игра _(that is so strange love)
    Это как полёт одного крыла _(this is like fly with one wing)

    Станция "Люблю", слов не говори _(the station "i love", dont tell the words
    Стаи огоньков у меня внутри _(band of littel fires are inside me
    Мимо пробежит и погаснет свет-( the light will pass me and will die )
    Станция "Прости" смотрит ей вослед _( the station "forgive" is looking after it

    Вот такая странная любовь _(that is so strange love)
    Это не игра, если губы в кровь _(this is not game if the lips are in blood
    Вот такая странная игра _(that is so strange love)
    Это как полёт одного крыла _(this is like fly with one wing)

    Станция "Прощай". Во и всё, пока _(the station "bye", so that's all, "ciao*")-*it is same as "bye" or "see u "*
    Это просто жизнь, это как река _(this is only life, it's as river l
    Не смотри назад, молча уходи _(dont look back, silent go away)
    Станция "Привет" ждёт нас впереди _(the station "hello" is waiting in front of us )

  3. Aley68's Avatar

    Aley68 said:


    Hello Mavis,
    Spasibo Kak delą ?
    You are new in this forum like me and i have rated to you , because it's satisfying when people work
    I like Chi LI and i found many songs that like me very much .
    Paką paką

    i'm without cyrillic, but i'm learning a little and i'm studying Russian
  4. mavis's Avatar

    mavis said:


    allways happy to help you
    Good luch in your studies
  5. lollipop's Avatar

    lollipop said:


    Вот такая странная игра _(that is so strange love)

    The right one is: that is so strange game

    Thank you mavis, for translation!
  6. mavis's Avatar

    mavis said:


    Quote Originally Posted by lollipop View Post
    Вот такая странная игра _(that is so strange love)

    The right one is: that is so strange game

    Thank you mavis, for translation!

    Yes , you are right )))), i did mistake because love ocupied my mind - hihi
  7. lollipop's Avatar

    lollipop said:


    It's always very very good, when it is LOVE, that occupies your mind