serbian to english

Thread: serbian to english

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  1. jordy-boy's Avatar

    jordy-boy said:

    Default serbian to english

    songs in serbian to english mainly by marija serifovic

    the main ones i want
    bez ljubavi
    bez tebe
    povredi me
    bilo bi bolje
    and bol do ludila

    thankyou to anyone who can help
  2. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Bez ljubavi - Without love

    Kad god te vidim ja,
    whenever I see you
    uvek vidim te sa njom.
    it's always with her
    al' nikako nju kraj tebe,
    but I can see her next to you
    tu jedino vidim sebe.
    I only see myself there

    Sve ono što mi radiš,
    Everything that you do to me
    sve isto da ti vratim.
    I will do to you
    Da budem kao ti,
    to be like you
    da budem kao ti.
    to be like you

    Bez ljubavi,
    without love
    shvati njegove su reči.
    are his words, understand it
    Bez ljubavi,
    without love
    on tebe ne može da spreči.
    he cant stop you
    Bez ljubavi, bez ljubavi,
    without love, without love
    bez ljubavi.
    without love

    To što vidiš stvarno jeste,
    What you see is real
    da ti priđe on sad ne sme.
    he cant even come close to you now
    Jednom shvati, jednom prati,
    Understand it for once, follow
    željno lice, laž, on pati.
    the wanted face, lie, he suffers

    Slušaj srce, slušaj sebe,
    listen to your heart, listen to yourself
    svaki tren ja želim tebe.
    I want you every moment
    Ako hoćeš samo mene,
    if you want only me
    i ako blizu je naše vreme.
    and if our time is close

    Bez ljubavi
    without love
    to neće biti moje reči.
    my words wont be
    bez ljubavi,
    without love
    on mene ne može da spreči.
    he cant stop me
    bez ljubavi, dođi mi,
    without love, come to me
    bez ljubavi, budi moja ti.
    without love, be mine
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  3. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Povredi me - Hurt me

    Reci, bio sam s njom, nesto mi uradi
    Tell me, you've been with her, do something to me
    malo razmrdaj me, zeljo najveca
    shake me little bit, my greatest desire
    znaj da najludje je srce sto u prazno kuca
    you should know that the heart that is beating in vain is the craziest
    niti boli niti voli i ne oseca
    nor it hurts, nor it loves, nor it feels

    Povredi me, znam da reci su reci
    Hurt me, i know that words are words
    al’ otrov tvoj mene moze da leci
    but your poison can cure me
    povredi me pa da znam da sam ziva
    hurt me to know that I'm alive
    jer venem ti ni duzna ni kriva
    because I'm dying without being guilty

    Reci, bio sam s njom pa me iznenadi
    Tell me, I was with her, and surprise me
    dugo ubija me ova navika
    this habit is killing me for long time
    daj, uradi mi to, moram da te vidim s drugom
    come on, do that to me, I have to see you with another one
    da mi telom kao struja prodje panika
    so that the panic goes through my body like a stream
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  4. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Bilo bi bolje - It would be better

    Nocu sanjam nase dane
    I'm dreaming of our days at night
    a danju zivim secanje
    and at daytime I live the memory
    bila sam ti sudbina
    I was your destiny
    a sudbine nema dve
    and there are no two destinies

    Kao da sam u svom svetu
    Like I'm in my world
    svejedno mi je bas sve
    Everything is same to me
    ipak imam nadu
    still I keep the hope
    da i ti nadas se
    that you're hoping too

    Ref. 2x
    Bilo bi ti bolje, pozovi me
    It would be better for you, call me
    i bilo bi mi bolje, pozovi me
    and it would be better for me, call me
    otvori dusu zatvori oci
    open your soul, close the eyes
    to je najbolje
    it's for the best

    To je najbolje
    it's for the best

    Ne verujem ja u vecnost
    I dont believe in eternity
    verujem u dan po dan
    I bealieve in day by day
    bio si mi sudbina
    you were my destiny
    a ona je jedina
    and it is the only one

    * more translations to come tomorrow, as I'm very tired right now, I need some sleep
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  5. jordy-boy's Avatar

    jordy-boy said:


    cheers so much
    nd go get some sleep
    Last edited by jordy-boy; 12-23-2007 at 03:20 AM.
  6. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:



    more translations..

    Bez tebe ~ Without you

    Pogledam u tebe,
    I look at you
    sve mi miriše na kraj.
    everything looks like the end
    Led s tvojih hladnih ruku,
    the ice from your cold hands
    na koži osećam.
    i feel on my skin

    Nije mi žao, ja u sebi ponavljam,
    I'm not sorry, I'm repeating to myself
    zastava bela za bol što osećam.
    white flag for the pain I'm feeling
    Ne znam, ne mogu više ni da se pretvaram,
    I dont know, I cant even pretend anymore
    niz obraze kapi odlaze,
    The tears are falling down to my cheeks
    ne gledaj me, trag od soli još me boli.
    Dont look at me, salty trace is still hurting me

    Ne želim mir, ne želim nadu bez tebe,
    I dont want peace, I dont want hope without you
    ni srecan kraj, ni svet u zlatu bez tebe.
    nor happy ending, nor the world in gold without you
    Neću da dišem, da se budim bez tebe ja,
    I dont want to breathe, nor to wake up without you
    u moru pelina...
    in the sea of bitterness

    Ne želim lek, ne želim nadu bez tebe,
    I dont want a cure, I dont want a hope without you
    i miran san, ni svet u zlatu bez tebe.
    nor peaceful dream, nor the world in gold without you
    Neću da dišem, da se budim bez tebe ja,
    I dont want to breathe, and to wake up without you
    u moru pelina...
    in the sea of bitterness

    Nestaje tlo, tu pod mojim nogama,
    the ground is disappearing under my feet
    ali ipak stoji moja zadnja odbrana.
    but my last defence is still here
    Dok ceo svet s tobom nestaje,
    While the whole world is disappearing with you
    ne gledaj me, trag od soli jos me boli...
    dont look at me, salty trace is still hurting me

    Ne želim mir, ne želim nadu bez tebe,
    I dont want peace, I dont want hope without you
    ni srecan kraj, ni svet u zlatu bez tebe.
    nor happy ending, nor the world in gold without you
    Neću da dišem, da se budim bez tebe ja,
    I dont want to breathe, nor to wake up without you
    u moru pelina...
    in the sea of bitterness

    Ne želim lek, ne želim nadu bez tebe,
    I dont want a cure, I dont want a hope without you
    i miran san, ni svet u zlatu bez tebe.
    nor peaceful dream, nor the world in gold without you
    Neću da dišem, da se budim bez tebe ja,
    I dont want to breathe, and to wake up without you
    u moru pelina...
    in the sea of bitterness
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  7. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Bol do ludila ~ Pain until madness

    Gledam na sat, a gde si ti?
    I'm looking at the watch, where are you?
    Dal' za tugu možda je to?
    Is that sad?
    Vidim samo boju oka tvog
    I just see the color of your eye
    kad je more nemirno...
    when the sea isnt calm

    Nudim sreću, nemam je ja,
    I offer happiness, I dont have it
    da me želiš veruj da znam,
    i know that you want me
    ljubav nam je more nemirno,
    our love is restless sea
    tužno veče i loš dan
    sad evening and bad day

    REF: Gde da idem, kada nemam kud?
    Where to go, when I have no place to go?
    Oko mene tvoj trag vidim svud;
    I see your trace all around me
    I gde me moja zvezda vodila?
    Where my star led me to?
    U noć tuge, u bol do ludila... ludila...
    to the nght of sorrow, to the pain until madness..

    Ponoć je tu, tu sam i ja,
    Midnight is here, I'm here too
    kriva za sve, al' nisam zla,
    guilty for everything, and I'm not mean
    ti si simbol moga vremena,
    you're symbol of my time
    i noć kao godina
    and the night like a year
    Last edited by Adrienne; 12-23-2007 at 06:43 AM.
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  8. jordy-boy's Avatar

    jordy-boy said:


    im not serbian or anything but i was wondering
    because i thought bol do ludila
    meant pian until madness
    and thanks for the other ones
  9. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Yes it means pain until madness, but when i was translating it didnt sound very nice to me lol .. but you are right

    ** but thinking now, it sounds better than what i wrote haha.. so.. edited
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  10. jordy-boy's Avatar

    jordy-boy said:


    thats ok
  11. lifted's Avatar

    lifted said:


    Can someone please translate this song for me, I'd really appreciate it!!

    Bane i Tanja - Simpatija

    Ja znam da ne spavaš, jer znam da razmišljaš
    kako se provodim, s' kime spavam
    Ma ništa ne brini, samo opusti se
    jer ja te naprosto obožavam

    Od simpatije do simpatije
    shvati leto je, nisam bez mane
    Malo sangrije, telepatije
    ko da ne gleda nešto sa strane

    Od simpatije do simpatije
    leto prolazi k'o dim havane
    Malo sangrije, hajde šta ti je
    pogledaj i ti nešto sa strane

    Znam da očajavaš, da se preznojavaš
    da li te ne varam ili varam
    Ma hajde molim te, još ludo volim te
    al' ovog meseca ja odmaram

    Od simpatije do simpatije
    shvati leto je, nisam bez mane
    Malo sangrije, telepatije
    ko da ne gleda nešto sa strane

    Od simpatije do simpatije
    leto prolazi k'o dim havane
    Malo sangrije, hajde šta ti je
    pogledaj i ti nešto sa strane

    Ko da ignoriše, da se kontroliše
    Svuda su crveni ukusi jagode
    kokteli slatki, opasni

    Od simpatije do simpatije
    leto prolazi k'o dim havane
    Malo sangrije, hajde šta ti je
    pogledaj i ti nešto sa strane

    Ko da ignoriše, da se kontroliše
    Svuda su crveni ukusi jagode
    kokteli slatki, opasni
  12. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default Simpatija

    A Crush

    I know that you're not sleeping, because I know that you're thinking
    if I'm having a great time, with whom am I sleeping with
    Well don't worry, just relax
    because I simply adore you

    From a crush to a crush
    you should understand it's summer, I'm not flawless
    A bit "sangria" a bit telepathy
    who can avoid looking around

    From a crush to a crush
    summer is passing like havana smoke
    a bit of sangria, come on what's wrong
    you should look around too

    I know you're in despair, that you're sweating
    thinking if I'm cheating on you or not
    Oh come on please, I still love you madly
    but this month I'm on a break

    From a crush to a crush
    you should understand it's summer, I'm not flawless
    A bit "sangria" a bit telepathy
    who can avoid looking around

    From a crush to a crush
    summer is passing like havana smoke
    a bit of sangria, come on what's wrong
    you should look around too

    Who can ignore, who can control,
    Red strawberry tastes are everywhere
    sweet, dangerous cocktails

    From a crush to a crush
    summer is passing like havana smoke
    a bit of sangria, come on what's wrong
    you should look around too

    Who can ignore, who can control,
    Red strawberry tastes are everywhere
    sweet, dangerous cocktails
  13. haria's Avatar

    haria said:

    Default Random words to songs

    There are a few words haunting me in certain songs that I dont understand..if someone could help. I hope its allowed just to aks for a few specific words (out of context fo the songs)

    simsire (boban rajovic..Usne noje vina)... what does it mean!!?




  14. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    simsiri - some kind of bush
    tugujem - I'm suffering
    zalkasnila is zakasnila I guess.. and it means to be late
    odrezana...hmmm - cut off??
    i dont know about doljnu.. where did you find it?
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  15. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    doljnu must be misspelling for donju
    meaning = lower
  16. haria's Avatar

    haria said:


    Thnaks guys.. i wish i knew why or which songs they are from.. uddenly a few things are making more sense!!
  17. EM2Nerd said:


    I need to find out the lyrics to Boban Rajovic- Usne Boje Vina if you could do that for me it would be a big help thanks
  18. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    you have it here..lyrics and translation Sashka did
  19. jordy-boy's Avatar

    jordy-boy said:


    can someone please translate ponuda

    and if anyone knows the song sun goes down by david jordan can you please
    translate that into serbian
  20. jordy-boy's Avatar

    jordy-boy said:


    can you translate this please thankyou
    Open your eyes 'cos another day is dawning,
    Children of the night, can you hear them all calling?
    Skies open up and an angel starts falling,
    Listen to the beasts, can you hear them hollering?

    Start in the morning, through till the evening
    Dance like you’re the only one around
    Move like you want it
    Groove like you need it,
    Dance - lose it all - till the sun goes down

    Free your mind 'cos tonight we're gonna break it down
    Shake, make it, funky down
    Get so high as the toxins in your body
    Are the bass and the drums and the ra,ra,ra
    We're right on time, and all is fine
    If you've lost your senses, here have mine and..

    Lose yourself from the time
    you will wake till the evening time
    until the sunshine breaks.

    Ahh... Come on!
    Open your eyes 'cos another day is dawning,
    Children of the night, can you hear them all calling?
    Skies open up and an angel starts falling,
    Listen to the beasts, can you hear them hollering?

    Start in the morning, through till the evening
    Dance like you’re the only one around
    Move like you want it
    Groove like you need it,
    Dance - lose it all - till the sun goes down

    Till the sun goes down…

    Go Come on for this makes for hysteria
    You feelin' what we bring to y’all..
    Peace and love find yourself getting low tonight (tonight, tonight, tonight...)

    Father's praying on our souls and
    Children in the forest play
    Angels come protect our souls because the beast is hunting for its prey
    Yeaaah… noo noooo ...yeaaaah eeyy..

    Till the sun goes down
    Till the sun goes
    Sun goes down
    Sun goes down
    Sun goes down, sun goes down

    Open your eyes 'cos another day is dawning,
    Children of the night, can you hear them all calling?
    Skies open up and an angel starts falling,
    Listen to the beasts, can you hear them hollering?

    Start in the morning, through till the evening
    Dance like you’re the only one around
    Move like you want it
    Groove like you need it,
    Dance - lose it all - till the sun goes down!