Si tan solo - Frida Kahlo

Thread: Si tan solo - Frida Kahlo

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  1. viu said:

    Default Si tan solo - Frida Kahlo

    could someone help me to translate and/or to find that song from Frida Kahlo.

    Here sings Angelique Ionatos from Greece
  2. xiurell's Avatar

    xiurell said:


    Quote Originally Posted by viu View Post
    could someone help me to translate and/or to find that song from Frida Kahlo.

    Here sings Angelique Ionatos from Greece
    Si tan sólo tuviera cerca de mí su caricia
    Como a la tierra el aire se la da
    la realidad de su persona, me haría más alegre,
    me alejaría del sentido que me llena de gris
    Nada ya sería en mi tan hondo, tan hondo, tan final.

    Pero cómo le explico mi necesidad enorme de tenura
    Mi soledad de años
    Mi estructura inconforme
    por inarmónica
    por inadaptada

    Yo creo que es mejor irme y no escaparme.
    Que todo pase en un instante

    If I had just near me his caress
    like the air give it to the land
    the reality of his person would make me happier
    it take me away from the sence that fill me gray
    Nothing will be so deep, so deep, so endly

    But explain to him my great need of tenderness
    My lonliness in years
    my structure unsatisfied
    for being disharmonious
    for being maladjusted

    I think is better go than escape
    that everything happen in an instant
    let's hope so!

  3. viu said:


    Quote Originally Posted by xiurell View Post
    hey I really thank you
    you made my day
  4. xiurell's Avatar

    xiurell said:

