HELP! what song is this ?!

Thread: HELP! what song is this ?!

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  1. miss_music_29220's Avatar

    miss_music_29220 said:

    Question HELP! what song is this ?!

    Ok I heard this fabulous song on the tv a couple days ago, but forgot the words. I finally have a peice of the lyrics.

    It's a dentyne ice commercial (you know, the gum) and it's this frog who starts chewing the gum and then a princess kisses him and he's a prince (horray !) anyways the song goes something like this

    so kiss me again, cuz only you can stop this (the ?) stutt - stutt- stutterin'

    yea ... thats all i've got All help is greatly appreciated
  2. miss_music_29220's Avatar

    miss_music_29220 said:


    ... ok while I'm at it, there's another song. All I've got is the title "No woman never cry" but im not sure if that title is right or not ... please help
  3. chase77's Avatar

    chase77 said:


    first one would be 'Stuttering' by Ben's Brother
    .. all that shimmers in this world is sure to fade.....
  4. miss_music_29220's Avatar

    miss_music_29220 said:


    oo thanks
  5. logan01's Avatar

    logan01 said:


    Could the second song be "NO WOMAN NO CRY" by Bob Marley or by Sublime?
  6. miss_music_29220's Avatar

    miss_music_29220 said:


    could be .. thank you, i'll check