Hari Mata Hari translations

Thread: Hari Mata Hari translations

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  1. MissEuropa88's Avatar

    MissEuropa88 said:

    Talking Hari Mata Hari translations

    Hi, I am absolutely in love with Hari Mata Hari since I saw them, Halid Beslic, and Haris Dzinovic in concert this May. I was wondering if you could translate a few of their songs for me. I get the general meaning of some of the songs but I'd love to know what exactly they are saying.

    Strah Me Da Te Volim

    Znam da negdje daleko od mene
    postojis u postelji nekoj
    budis se i krades od sna
    malo moga mirisa

    Bog nam je svjedok
    beskrajno smo se voljeli
    nek zivot nam sudi
    sto smo ljubav ubili
    jedno drugog kaznili

    Strah me da te volim
    kao nekada
    jos ova dusa
    tebi pripada

    Strah me da te volim
    kao nekada
    hiljadu tuga
    sreca nikada

    Bog nam je svjedok
    beskrajno smo se voljeli
    nek zivot nam sudi
    sto smo ljubav ubili
    jedno drugog kaznili

    REFREN 4x


    Da te s nekom drugom vidjaju
    potajno, potajno
    pored nje izgledas potpuno
    zaljubljeno, zaljubljeno

    Da me vise ne volis
    beskrajno, beskrajno
    da me vise ne volis
    navodno, navodno

    Za me srce si zatvorila
    odavno, odavno
    prve ljubavi mi davala
    premalo, za me premalo

    Da me vise ne volis
    beskrajno, beskrajno
    da me vise ne volis
    navodno, navodno

    Zar me vise ne volis
    navodno, navodno

    Ljubavi si uvijek imao
    dovoljno, za me premalo
    uz mene drugu nisi nikada
    trebao, trazio

    Kad me vise ne volis
    beskrajno, beskrajno
    kad me vise ne volis
    navodno, navodno

    Kad Izgorim

    Reci dal' sam more što na obalu juriša,
    Il' još jedna glupa u pustinji kiša.
    Reci šta sam ja bez tebe, moja jedina?

    U ovoj zemlji bez početka i kraja,
    Dal' sam srebrn novcic lažljnog sjaja?
    Reci šta sam ja bez tebe, moja jedina?

    Al' kada izgorim, prospi pepeo,
    Na mjesto gdje sam tebe prvi put poljubio.
    Al' kada izgorim, otkrij tajne sve,
    Prvom ko pita za mene...

    Iza mene će ostat samo kamen kad stanem,
    I ništa drugo osim tebe, moja tugo.
    Reci šta sam ja bez tebe, moja jedina?

    Al' kada izgorim, prospi pepeo,
    Na mjesto gdje sam tebe prvi put poljubio.
    Al' kada izgorim, otkrij tajne sve,
    Prvom ko pita za mene...

    Napisi Mi Na Celo

    Napisi mi na celo
    svog telefona broj
    ili negdje na tijelo
    da ne izbrise ga znoj

    Lagano kao pero
    tvoja haljina je pala
    na poklon si mi nocas
    svoje tijelo dala

    Zaronih ti u dusu
    i nadjoh sve sto do sad nisam
    mozda je malo glupo
    al’ zaljubljen sam

    Napisi mi na celo
    svog telefona broj
    il’ negdje na tijelo
    da ne izbrise ga znoj

    Napisi mi mila sve
    sto si htijela reci
    jer sutra ces poreci
    da si moja bila

    A ja budala
    zaljubih se k’o kreten
    i sada lutam
    hocu opet da te sretnem

    Samo da ti kazem
    sve sto do sad’ nisam
    mozda je malo glupo
    al’ zaljubljen sam


    Vidio sam nasu djecu
    u ocima tvojim
    vidio sam ono
    cega se nocas bojim


    Sto Me Mamis

    Ziv sam, to me ludo srce podsjeti
    kad blizinu tvoju osjeti
    ziv sam kad sam s tobom
    kriv sam sto mi ljubav pamet pomuti
    pa se lako naljutim
    kriv sam pa neka sam

    Sto me mamis, sto se hranis
    mojom mukom, mala
    pa si jedno dugme vise
    na svojoj bluzi otkopcala

    Sto me mamis, sto se hranis
    da nas glava ne zaboli
    sto si, bona, na sva zvona
    rekla da te volim

    Ko zna na koji cu kamen zapeti
    gdje ce voda drvo odnijeti
    ko zna, ko to zna
    ja znam, na tvom pragu cu zivjeti
    zbog tebe bogat prositi
    nijednu drugu voljeti


    Thanks! Anything you can do will be great!
  2. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Napisi Mi Na Celo - Write (it) on my forehead

    Napisi mi na celo
    Write on my forehead
    svog telefona broj
    your phone number
    ili negdje na tijelo
    or perhaps somewhere on my body
    da ne izbrise ga znoj
    so that sweat can't erase it

    Lagano kao pero
    Slowly like a feather
    tvoja haljina je pala
    Your dress fell
    na poklon si mi nocas
    In the evening/tonight as a gift
    svoje tijelo dala
    You've given your body

    Zaronih ti u dusu
    I dived into your soul
    i nadjoh sve sto do sad nisam
    and found what i couldn't find before/till now
    mozda je malo glupo
    maybe it's a bit silly
    al’ zaljubljen sam
    but i'm inlove

    Napisi mi mila sve
    Write everything (down) my dear
    sto si htijela reci
    that you've wanted to say
    jer sutra ces poreci
    because tomorrow you'll deny
    da si moja bila
    that you were mine

    A ja budala
    And i'm a fool
    zaljubih se k’o kreten
    I fell inlove like a moron
    i sada lutam
    and now i'm going astray
    hocu opet da te sretnem
    i want to meet you again

    Samo da ti kazem
    Just to tell you
    sve sto do sad’ nisam
    what i haven't told yet
    mozda je malo glupo
    maybe it's a bit silly
    al’ zaljubljen sam
    but i'm inlove


    Vidio sam nasu djecu
    I have seen our children
    u ocima tvojim
    in your eyes
    vidio sam ono
    i have seen something/that
    cega se nocas bojim
    of which i'm scared of tonight/this evening
  3. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Strah Me Da Te Volim - I'm afraid to love you

    Znam da negdje daleko od mene
    I know that somewhere far away from me
    postojis u postelji nekoj
    you exist, in some bed
    budis se i krades od sna
    you're waking up and stealing from dream
    malo moga mirisa
    a little bit of my smell

    Bog nam je svjedok
    God is a witness
    beskrajno smo se voljeli
    we loved each other infinitely
    nek zivot nam sudi
    let the life judge us
    sto smo ljubav ubili
    for killing the love
    jedno drugog kaznili
    and punishing each other

    Strah me da te volim
    I'm afraid to love you
    kao nekada
    like before
    jos ova dusa
    this soul still
    tebi pripada
    belongs to you

    Strah me da te volim
    I'm afraid to love you
    kao nekada
    like before
    hiljadu tuga
    thousand sorrows
    sreca nikada
    and never happiness

    Bog nam je svjedok
    God is a witness
    beskrajno smo se voljeli
    we loved each other infinitely
    nek zivot nam sudi
    let the life judge us
    sto smo ljubav ubili
    for killing the love
    jedno drugog kaznili
    and punishing each other
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  4. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Navodno - Supposedly

    Da te s nekom drugom vidjaju
    That they see you with someone else
    potajno, potajno
    secretly secretly
    pored nje izgledas potpuno
    next to her you're looking totally
    zaljubljeno, zaljubljeno
    in love, in love

    Da me vise ne volis
    that you dont love me anymore
    beskrajno, beskrajno
    endlessly, endlessly
    da me vise ne volis
    that you dont love me anymore
    navodno, navodno
    supposedly, supposedly

    Za me srce si zatvorila
    You've closed your heart for me
    odavno, odavno
    long time ago, long time ago
    prve ljubavi mi davala
    you gave me first love
    premalo, za me premalo
    too little, to little for me

    Da me vise ne volis
    that you dont love me anymore
    beskrajno, beskrajno
    endlessly, endlessly
    da me vise ne volis
    that you dont love me anymore
    navodno, navodno
    supposedly, supposedly

    Zar me vise ne volis
    Don't you love me anymore
    navodno, navodno
    supposedly, supposedly?

    Ljubavi si uvijek imao
    You always had enough love
    dovoljno, za me premalo
    for me to little
    uz mene drugu nisi nikada
    next to me, the other one you never
    trebao, trazio
    needed, looked for

    Kad me vise ne volis
    when you dont love me anymore
    beskrajno, beskrajno
    endlessly, endlessly
    kad me vise ne volis
    when you dont love me anymore
    navodno, navodno
    supposedly, supposedly
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  5. MissEuropa88's Avatar

    MissEuropa88 said:

    Red face

    Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! Knowing exactly what they are saying is nice. All of Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian musik is soo beautiful and deep and emotional, no other musik can beat it in my opinion
  6. Croat's Avatar

    Croat said:

    Default Kad Izgorim

    Kad Izgorim
    When i burn

    Reci dal' sam more što na obalu juriša,
    Tell, am i sea that on coast rushes
    Il' još jedna glupa u pustinji kiša.
    or yet another stupid rain in desert
    Reci šta sam ja bez tebe, moja jedina?
    Tell, what am i without you, my only?

    U ovoj zemlji bez početka i kraja,
    In this land without beginning and end,
    Dal' sam srebrn novcic lažljnog sjaja?
    Am i silver coin with fake shine
    Reci šta sam ja bez tebe, moja jedina?
    Tell, what am i without you, my only?

    Al' kada izgorim, prospi pepeo,
    But when i burn, spill ash
    Na mjesto gdje sam tebe prvi put poljubio.
    on place where i kissed you first time.
    Al' kada izgorim, otkrij tajne sve,
    But when i burn, discover all secrets
    Prvom ko pita za mene...
    to first one who asks for me

    Iza mene će ostat samo kamen kad stanem,
    Behind me only rock will stay when i stop,
    I ništa drugo osim tebe, moja tugo.
    and nothing else but you, my sadness.
    Reci šta sam ja bez tebe, moja jedina?
    Tell, what am i without you, my only?

    Al' kada izgorim, prospi pepeo,
    But when i burn, spill ash
    Na mjesto gdje sam tebe prvi put poljubio.
    on place where i kissed you first time.
    Al' kada izgorim, otkrij tajne sve,
    But when i burn, discover all secrets
    Prvom ko pita za mene...
    to first one who asks for me
  7. negative said:

    Default help

    hey,site is rly cool,can any1 translate me this songs,I know they are many but...
    hari mata hari-bas ti lijepo stoje suze
    hari mata hari-ruzmarin
    halid muslimovic-opsesija
    branka sovrlic-a tebe nema
    halid beslic-u meni jesen je
    sms-da li znas
    osman hadzic-ti mene ne volis
    tomislav ivcic-gdje si sad moj andjele

    lyrics for last song,I can put for others if i have to just say

    Gdje si sad, moj andjele
    sto te nema kraj mene
    sto te nema da te opet ljubim
    moj andjele

    Gdje si sad, moj andjele
    tko se budi kraj tebe
    reci, tko ti ljubi usne i grudi
    moj andjele

    Gdje si sad dok spava grad
    gdje si sad dok jos sam mlad
    gdje si da mi vratis uspomene sve
    gdje si sad dok svicu iste zore
    dok nam sumi isto more
    gdje si, gdje si sad, moj andjele
  8. Croat's Avatar

    Croat said:


    tomislav ivcic - gdje si sad moj andjele (Tomislav Ivčić - where are you now my angel)

    Gdje si sad, moj andjele (where are you now, my angel)
    sto te nema kraj mene (why aren't you here by me)
    sto te nema da te opet ljubim (why aren't you here so that i can kiss you again)
    moj andjele (my angel)

    Gdje si sad, moj andjele (where are you now, my angel)
    tko se budi kraj tebe (who wokes up by you)
    reci, tko ti ljubi usne i grudi (tell, who kiss your lips and chest)
    moj andjele (my angel)

    Gdje si sad dok spava grad (where are you now while town sleeps)
    gdje si sad dok jos sam mlad (where are you now while i'm still young)
    gdje si da mi vratis uspomene sve (where are you now to bring back all memories)
    gdje si sad dok svicu iste zore (where are you now while same dawns rises)
    dok nam sumi isto more (while same sea whispers to us)
    gdje si, gdje si sad, moj andjele (where are you, where are you now, my angel)
  9. Croat's Avatar

    Croat said:


    Da li znas (Do you know)

    Pisem ti rijeci koje (i write words to you which)
    nikad necu reci pred tobom (i'll never say in front of you)
    i priznati da sve sto vrijedi (and admit that all that is worth)
    odnijela si sa sobom (you took with yourself)
    ovo je tvoja pjesma znaj (know that this is your song)
    sjedi i uzivaj (sit and enjoy)

    Znam, ima drugih (i know, there are others)
    ali ne ide mi moram priznati (but it's not going well i must admit)
    teska se paucina na dnu ovog srca uhvati (hard web has caught on the bottom of this heart)
    i strasan bezdan vrijeba (and terrible chasm is prowling)
    tamo gdje si nekad bila ti (there where you used to be)

    Ref. 2x
    Znas li da te oci traze (do you know that eyes are still looking for you)
    da jos uvijek sebe lazem (that i still lie to myself)
    da ce biti kao nekada (that it will be like it used to be)
    da li znas (do you know)

    Znas li da mi srce stane (do you know that my heart stops)
    kad mislim na one dane (when i think about those days)
    kad smo bili jedno ti i ja (when you and me were one)
    da li znas (do you know)

    Necu da trazim nekoga (i dont want to look for someone)
    da mi bude kao ti (to be like u)
    jer ljubav nije pahulja (cause love is not snowflake)
    da se na dlanu istopi (to melt down in your hand)
    ti samo novu sacekas (you just wait for new one)
    a ja necu bas (and i dont)

    Svi sto me tjese zvuce (everyone who comforts me sound)
    ko da me u laz utjeruju (like they are pushing me into lie)
    al ja ih pustim da i sami (but i let them to see for themself)
    vide da pretjeruju (that they are overacting)
    da vrijeme lijeci rane (that time is healing all wounds)
    samo jos budale vjeruju (only fools still believe)

    Ref. 2x
  10. Croat's Avatar

    Croat said:


    Osman Hadzic
    Ti mene ne volis (you dont love me)

    Ja tebe volim, volim k'o Boga (i love you, love you like God)
    al' srece nemam, nemam zbog toga (but i dont have luck, dont have because)
    jer ti mene, ti mene ne volis ('cause you, you dont love me)

    Od ove tuge lijeka mi nema (for this sadness there is no cure)
    puklo bi srce i da je stijena (heart would break even it's stone)
    jer ti mene, ti mene ne volis ('cause you, you dont love me)

    Ref. 2x
    Odem li uvenucu (if i go i'll fade)
    ostanem li poludjecu (if i stay i'll become insane)
    al' sve mi je jedno (but it's all same)
    zbog tebe svejedno umrijecu (because of you i'll die anyway)

    Zbog tebe letim, zbog tebe padam (because of you i fly, because of you i fall)
    i ne znam cemu jos da se nadam (and i dont know what to except more)
    jer ti mene, ti mene ne volis ('cause you, you dont love me)

    Srece mi nema pod nebom sivim (there is no luck for me under gray sky)
    u svijetu bola strah me da zivim (in world of pain i'm afraid to live)
    jer ti mene, ti mene ne volis ('cause you, you dont love me)

    Ref. 2x
    Last edited by Croat; 02-28-2008 at 09:20 AM.
  11. negative said:

    Default thx

    ty so much,its quite enough for now
  12. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default Hari Mata Hari - Bas ti lijepo stoje suze

    Tears look really nice on you

    Zauvjek da odem to ne mogu
    To leave forever, I can not
    Tebi se vracam ko starom razlogu.
    I'm returning to you like to an old reason
    Zatvorim oci jer poznam taj put
    I close my eyes because I know the road
    Ne bojim se ali drhtim ko prut.
    I'm not scared but I'm shivering like a leaf *
    Valovi nocas mjesec slomice
    Waves will break the moon tonight
    Dolazim jer volim te i previse
    I am coming because I love you too much

    Bas ti lijepo stoje suze ali nemoj plakati
    Tears look really nice on you but do not cry
    Zasto bisere u blato nocas bacas ti
    Why are you tossing pearls in mud tonight
    Kad bi kisa bila tisa ti bi cula korak moj
    If the rain was quieter you'd hear my steps
    Kao nekad kad sam bio tvoj
    Like some time ago when I was yours

    Zauvjek da odem to ne mogu
    To leave forever, I can not
    Tebi se vracam ko starom razlogu
    I'm returning to you like to an old reason
    Zivot je vjetar a covjek je list
    Life is a wind and man is a leaf
    Niko na kraju ne ostane cist
    Nobody, in the end, stays clean
    Valovi nocas mesec slomice dolazim
    Waves will break the moon tonight I'm coming
    Jer volim te i previse
    Because I love you too much

    Bas ti lepo stoje suze ali nemoj plakati
    Tears look really nice on you but do not cry
    Zasto bisere u blato nocas bacas ti
    Why are you tossing pearls in mud tonight
    Kad bi kisa bila tisa ti bi cula korak moj
    If the rain was quieter you'd hear my steps
    Kao nekad kad sam bio tvoj
    Like some time ago when I was yours

    Kad bi kisa bila tisa ti bi cula korak moj
    If the rain was quieter you'd hear my steps
    Kao nekad kad sam bio tvoj
    Like some time ago when I was yours

    * literal translation would be "shivering like a branch"
  13. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default Hari Mata Hari - Ruzmarin


    Ljubav, ima vojsku nesretnih
    Love, has an army of miserable
    ja jedan sam od njih, odkad postojim
    I am one of them, since I exist

    Ti si, moja zadnja pobjeda
    You are, my last victory
    sto za srce ujeda kad se prisjetim
    that's bruising my heart when I think of it

    Istina je gruba, k'o oziljak se skriva
    The truth is harsh, it hides like a scar
    a laz je pola mene, drugo pola tebe sniva
    and a lie is half of me, the other half dreams of you

    Ruzmarin, nema kome da mirise
    Rosemary, has nobody to smell nice for
    uzalud je da procvijeta
    it would bloom in vain
    ruzmarin, za nas dvoje nikad vise
    rosemary, never again for the two of us
    ti si negdje na kraju svijeta
    you are somewhere at the end of the world

    Ljubav, pored mene prolazi
    Love, is passing by me
    ni da nogu nagazi, ja ne postojim
    even if it stepped on my foot, I don't exist
    Ti si, moja zadnja pobjeda
    You are, my last victory
    sto za srce ujeda kad se prisjetim
    that's bruising my heart when I think of it

    Istina je gruba, k'o oziljak se skriva
    The truth is harsh, it hides like a scar
    a laz je pola mene, drugo pola tebe sniva
    and a lie is half of me, the other half dreams of you
  14. lejla's Avatar

    lejla said:

    Talking hari mata hari again....

    so...who is available to translate this for me...
    it would be great for me to know what this lyrics mean...

    "kao domine
    zbog nje su me zvali papak
    ja to nisam znao
    i dan danas sve pamtim
    to mi je Bog dao

    ljepo lice seljancice
    na koljena me baci
    pa sad hodam ko bez glave
    to su losi znaci

    ne pijem al se cesto
    pijan probudim
    hladnu sobu
    mjesto nje zagrlim.

    kao domine srusile se godine
    polahko jedna za drugom
    otkad nisam s njom
    kao domine crne su nam sudbine
    nije meni zbog mene
    al nek je dobro
    nek je dobro samo njoj

    da je bio dan svi bi redom vidjeli
    te smo noci sakriveni skupa plakati
    otisla je ali nije iz srca nikada
    ja jos uvijek zatreperim
    kad neko pokuca"
  15. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default Kao domine

    Like Dominos

    They used to say I was henpecked because of her
    I didn't know that
    and even today I remember everything
    it was God's intention for me

    beautiful face of a peasant girl
    got me down on my knees
    So I'm now walking around like headless
    those are bad signs

    I don't drink but I often
    wake up drunk
    hug a cold room
    instead of her

    Like dominos, years fell down
    slowly one after another
    since I'm not with her
    Like dominos, black are our destinies
    not that I mind because of me
    but may things be ok
    be ok just for her

    If it was daytime everyone would see
    that night, hidden, we cried together
    she left but never out of my heart
    I still tremble
    when someone knocks
  16. lejla's Avatar

    lejla said:

    Default again....

    a new homework for today for blessed serbian people...I am gonna learn your language and I m not gonna bother you anymore...until then pls....

    so I tried something here pls tell me if I m wrong or wright

    " kada moja dusa izdahne
    when my heart will die
    neka tvoje ime spomene
    and I woun t remember your name
    jedno ime, ime istine
    first name, true name
    jedne zene, zene najljepse
    first woman the most beautiful in the world.

    sve sam mog o da ti oprostim
    i zbog tebe glavu izgubim
    al jos sam blesav da ti vjerujem
    pa ti san po san ostvarujem.

    a nije cudo sto te volim ludo
    it s not strange that I m madly inlove with you
    sto ne mogu da ti odolim
    I cannot resist anymore
    a nije cudo moje srce ludo
    it s not strange that my crazy heart
    nisam smio da te zavolim..."
    pls don t laugh I tried ....
  17. Croat's Avatar

    Croat said:


    well first u should know this is not homework just for serbian ppl ppl in croatia-bosnia and herzegovina-serbia use "almost" same language, there are very few differences in language (i say "almost" cause you'll maybe offend croat if u tell him/her that he/she is speaking serbian, or if u tell serb that he/she is spaking croatian)...if youre learning look on internet or on wikipedia you'll see about language in ex yugoslavia...so your first lesson is you are not learning just serbian language second lesson should be that Hari Mata Hari is from Bosnia...not serbia ...bosnia so it's bosnian language

    " kada moja dusa izdahne (when my soul dies) ("izdahnuti" - it means like release last breath)
    when my heart will die
    neka tvoje ime spomene (let it mention your name) ("he means on soul")
    and I woun t remember your name
    jedno ime, ime istine (one name, of one truth)
    first name, true name
    jedne zene, zene najljepse (one woman, woman most beautiful)
    first woman the most beautiful in the world.

    sve sam mog o da ti oprostim (i could everything forgive u)
    i zbog tebe glavu izgubim (and lose my head for you)
    al jos sam blesav da ti vjerujem (but i'm still foolish to believe you)
    pa ti san po san ostvarujem. (so i'm making your dream one by one become truth)

    a nije cudo sto te volim ludo (it's not strange that i love u crazy)
    it s not strange that I m madly inlove with you
    sto ne mogu da ti odolim (that i can't resist you)
    I cannot resist anymore
    a nije cudo moje srce ludo (it's not strange my crazy heart)
    it s not strange that my crazy heart
    nisam smio da te zavolim..."(i shouldn't fall in love with you)
  18. lejla's Avatar

    lejla said:

    Default hy!

    I m appologiseing if I did offend someone but here in romania we don t make a diference between bosnian or croatian people, for us you ppl are serbs or serbians,...I knew before(because I made some reasearch) that the languages are "almost "the same and that are only few diferences but I wanna learn the languages and the diferences too, believe me.
    what I know too is that Hari Mata Hari band is from Sarajevo and that s Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    for me it s homework for now because in a few months it will be "fieldwork" because i m gonna go and work in Croatia for a while.
    so...."evo me , pa mi sudi, al' ne prestrogo"....
    thanks for telling me all that I keep it in my mind .
  19. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Croat is right... there are some people who might be offended but fact is - the languages are the same with slight differences so, once you learn one of them you will understand all of us...
    More precisely, the basics are the same and we all understand most of the words used in the "other" languages, like Croatian "zrak" = Serbian "vazduh"
    There are some words though that I totally don't understand..
    Here's an example CLICK and my post is somewhere bellow..
    BUT I also do not understand people from southern Serbia
    In short - I hope there is still a great number of people who wouldn't get offended by any language comment.. I for one speak Yugoslavian language only and don't know of any other!

    Anyways.. this is off topic.. and people, PLEASE do not post lyrics of other artists in Hari Mata Hari thread! (nor in other threads dedicated to specific artists
    (this is related to These posts which I moved into a separate topic)

    Back to topic.. here is my interpretation..

    No Wonder I Love You Madly

    Kada moja dusa izdahne
    When my soul passes away
    Neka tvoje ime spomene,
    May it mention your name
    Jedno ime, ime istine,
    One name, the name of the truth
    Jedne zene, zene najljepse
    Of one woman, the most beautiful woman

    Sve sam mogo da ti oprostim
    I was able to forgive you everything
    I zbog tebe glavu izgubim
    And lose my head for you
    Al jos sam blesav da ti vjerujem
    But I'm still silly enough to believe you
    Pa ti san,po san ostvarujem
    So I make your dreams come true, one by one

    A nije cudo sto te volim ludo,
    And it's no wonder I love you madly,
    Sto ne mogu da ti odolim,
    that I can't resist you
    A nije cudo sto moje srce ludo,
    And it's no wonder my heart is crazy
    Nisam smio da te zavolim
    I shouldn't have fallen in love with you

    Kada moja dusa izdahne
    When my soul passes away
    Neka tvoje ime spomene,
    May it mention your name
    Jedno ime, ime istine,
    One name, the name of the truth
    Jedne zene, zene najljepse
    Of one woman, the most beautiful woman
    But I'm still silly enough to believe you
    Pa ti san,po san ostvarujem
    So I make your dreams come true, one by one

    A nije cudo sto te volim ludo,
    And it's no wonder I love you madly,
    Sto ne mogu da ti odolim,
    that I can't resist you
    A nije cudo sto moje srce ludo,
    And it's no wonder my heart is crazy
    Nisam smio da te zavolim
    I shouldn't have fallen in love with you
  20. lejla's Avatar

    lejla said:

    Smile thaks!

    hvala puno Spring!