Plavi Orkestar

Thread: Plavi Orkestar

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  1. mihic3 said:

    Default Plavi Orkestar

    Kad pomislim nate, stara ljubavi,
    žao mi je što smo bili, samo dobri drugovi.
    Žao mi je što smo bili, samo dobri drugovi.

    Al život leti, leti, mladost krača je,
    sve če jednom da se vrati, samo ona ostaje.

    Bolje biti pijan nego star,
    bolje biti pijan nego star,
    vino ne zna, da smo jednom bili sretni par,
    bolje biti pijan nego star.

    Kada dođe zima i prve oluje,
    čekat ču te moja buco, kraj prve gimnazije.

    A znam da, nečeš doči,
    znam, to dobro znam,
    možda je i tako bolje,
    navikao sam biti sam.
  2. mihic3 said:


    When i think of you, old love
    I am sorry that we were only, only the best of friends
    I am sorry that we were only, only the best of friends

    But life flies on, flies on, youth is getting shorter
    everything will one time go back, only she will stay

    Better to be drunk than old
    Better to be drunk than old
    Wine doesn't know that we were once a happy pair
    better to be drunk than old

    when winter comes, and the first storm
    I will wait for you my darling, by the first gymnasium

    But i know that you will not come
    i know, i know you well
    maybe it's better that way
    i got used to being alone

    My first translation, hope it was OK
    Last edited by mihic3; 04-26-2008 at 12:41 AM.
  3. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Super .