Emir Kusturica Lyrics

Thread: Emir Kusturica Lyrics

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  1. hoverjade said:

    Default Emir Kusturica Lyrics

    Quote Originally Posted by apr1corn View Post
    If you need help with the translation of anything in Serbo-Croatian to English, feel free to ask it here
    My name is Natalia and I'm from Mexico. I would like a lot of help with the lyrics of a band called EMIR KUSTURICA &THE NO SMOKING ORCHESTRA. Please help me.
  2. lollipop's Avatar

    lollipop said:


    Quote Originally Posted by hoverjade View Post
    My name is Natalia and I'm from Mexico. I would like a lot of help with the lyrics of a band called EMIR KUSTURICA &THE NO SMOKING ORCHESTRA. Please help me.
    Can you tell us also the song name? And do you have maybe original lyrics to this song, from what to translate?
  3. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra - Nema Nigdje Nikoga ~ English Lyrics

    here's one...

    Nema Nigdje Nikoga

    Ako sneg bude ikada padao kao one
    noci po nama
    Ti mu nemoj kriti lice već ga hvataj usnama
    a ako tvoje usne vrele, do mene doći
    budu htele
    ti znaš da ja znam da ti znaš da nemogu sam

    I zato stojim na istom onom mestu i
    gledam snove kako prolaze
    stojim dugo i čekam čudo
    tajna vrata da se otvore

    Ali nema, nema, nema, nema nigde
    iza nas nema sjena
    iza nas nema tragova
    Zato nema, nema, nema, nema nigde
    samo mrak i gusti zrak u mojoj sobi od

    Ako vjetar bude ikada duvao kao onog jutra po nama
    ti pusti kosu da viori to je naša zastava
    Ako sunce bude ikada pržilo kao onog ljeta po nama
    ti mu podaj svoje telo da te ono miluje

    Ali nema...

    A kada grad bude okupan zorom koja
    uzalud sviće ja sam tu i nigdje se ne

    Ali nema, nema, nema, nema više razloga..

    There's Nobody Around

    If snow ever falls like it did that night on us
    Don't hide your face from it but catch it with lips
    and if your hot lips, want to come to me
    you know that I know that you know that I can't make it on my own

    And that's why I'm standing on the same place and
    watching dreams go by
    I'm standing for a long time and waiting for a miracle
    secret doors to open

    But there is no no no nobody around
    For us, there are no shadows
    there are no traces
    That's why there's no no no nothing around
    only darkness and thick air in my room of

    If wind ever blows like that morning on us
    you let your hair fly it's our flag
    If sun ever burns like that morning on us
    you give your body to it so that it caresses you

    But there's no...

    And when the city gets bathed in dawn that
    it dawns in vain I am here and not going

    But there are no no no no more reasons...

    I think this defo asks for a separate topic!
  4. hoverjade said:


    hola! Spring, thanks a lot for the translation, I have a special request, it's the translation of the song called EVERGREEN. OK I hope you can, thanks again, see you around
  5. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Kada je covek samo mlad I lud
    when a man is only young and crazy
    I menja cud
    and he changes his mood
    Pre skoka kaze hop
    before he jumps he says 'hop'
    Kada je covek samo mlad I lud
    when a man is only young and crazy
    Tad slusa rok I pop
    then he listens to rock and pop

    Kada si samo malo stariji
    When you are just a little older
    more serious
    Kad zivot pravi rez
    When the life makes a cut
    Kada si samo malo stariji
    When you are just a little older
    tad slusas samo dzez
    then you listen only to jazz

    Al moj tim
    But my team
    Svira evergrin
    plays evergreen
    Voli ga I tata i sin
    Both dad and son love it
    Al moj tim
    But my team
    Svira evergrin
    plays evergreen

    I think I made some mistakes,but my head is in clouds these days,and I can't resemble them...Someone will correct it if there's any need to.
    Enjoy it and I hope you like it!
    ...το κορίτσι της ντίσκο...
  6. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Well actually I think the translation is perfect!
  7. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Spring
    Well actually I think the translation is perfect!
    Possible!tnx tnx
    ...το κορίτσι της ντίσκο...
  8. hoverjade said:


    Quote Originally Posted by angeliki_sr View Post
    Kada je covek samo mlad I lud
    when a man is only young and crazy
    I menja cud
    and he changes his mood
    Pre skoka kaze hop
    before he jumps he says 'hop'
    Kada je covek samo mlad I lud
    when a man is only young and crazy
    Tad slusa rok I pop
    then he listens to rock and pop

    Kada si samo malo stariji
    When you are just a little older
    more serious
    Kad zivot pravi rez
    When the life makes a cut
    Kada si samo malo stariji
    When you are just a little older
    tad slusas samo dzez
    then you listen only to jazz

    Al moj tim
    But my team
    Svira evergrin
    plays evergreen
    Voli ga I tata i sin
    Both dad and son love it
    Al moj tim
    But my team
    Svira evergrin
    plays evergreen

    I think I made some mistakes,but my head is in clouds these days,and I can't resemble them...Someone will correct it if there's any need to.
    Enjoy it and I hope you like it!
    OH! OH! thanks a lot!!! That's one of my favourite songs in the world, you know the one called "KARAKAJ"??? (i think that's the name) It's also from THE NO SMOKING ORCHESTRA
  9. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by hoverjade
    you know the one called "KARAKAJ"???
    I don't know that one. Maybe it's "Karabaja"?That's a little bit similar...I don't know...
    ...το κορίτσι της ντίσκο...
  10. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra - Karakaj ~ English Lyrics


    Ja u vojsku moram ici hitno
    Zbogom oce, zbogom majko zbogom dobri kume Rajko
    Spremaj spremaj ispracaj

    Nek dodju svi Svi haveri
    Na zakletvu U oktobru
    Zapjevajmo I popijmo
    Neka se zna Odakle smo

    Gornja Tuzla selo Karakaj
    To je moj uzi zavicaj
    Ako grijesim molim oprostaj
    Al strance znaj ne dam za raj
    Svoj rodni kraj

    Njezin osmjeh to je meni bitno
    Tjesi te me oce majko tjesi I tikume Rajko
    Tjesi ako pogrijesi

    Kum Rajkane ti pusti pse
    Da pripaze oko kuce

    Da nebi vuk uzo za struk
    Crvenkapu dok nisam tu

    Gornja Tuzla selo Karakaj
    To je meni uzi zavicaj
    Ljubiti se to je obicaj
    Jer strance znaj ne dam za raj
    Svoj rodni kraj

    Ja u vojsku moram ici hitno
    Zbogom oce zbogom majko zbogom dobri kume Rajko
    Spremaj spremaj ispracaj

    U armiji me znace me svi
    Starjesine I gusteri
    Sad brojim ja 302
    Ali ce doc doc nula nula noc

    Gornja Tuzla selo Karakaj
    Vraticu se u svoj zavicaj
    Pjevacemo to je obicaj
    Jer strance znaj ne dam za raj
    Svoj rodni kraj


    Low count!!! *
    I have to go to the army urgently
    Goodbye father, goodbye mother, goodbye good godfather Rajko
    Prepare prepare farewell party

    All all friends should come
    for attestation in October
    Let's sing let's drink
    Let everyone know where we come from

    Upper Tuzla village Karakaj
    That's my home town
    If I'm mistaking I'm asking for forgiveness
    But stranger, you should know, for heaven
    I'm not replacing my home town

    Low count!!!
    Her smile, that's what's important to me
    Console me father mother console me trajko Rajko
    Console if makes mistake**

    you godfather Rajkan release dogs
    to watch around the house

    So that a wolf wouldn't reach Little Red Riding Hood's
    waist while I'm not around

    Upper Tuzla village Karakaj
    that's my home town
    It's a custom to kiss
    Because stranger, you should know, for heaven
    I'm not replacing my home town

    Low count!!! *
    I have to go to the army urgently
    Goodbye father, goodbye mother, goodbye good godfather Rajko
    Prepare prepare farewell party

    In the army everyone will know me
    officers and newbies
    now my count is 302
    but zero night will come come

    Upper Tuzla village Karakaj
    I will go back to my home town
    we will sing, that's a custom
    Because stranger you should know, for heaven
    I'm not replacing my home town

    word used by soldiers when they have not many days left till beginning or end of army service
    ** if she cheats on him

    ohhh somebody help with trajko? mate?
    and.. all other suggestions are welcome cause this one is Difficult!
  11. hoverjade said:

    Wink Karakaj

    Quote Originally Posted by angeliki_sr View Post
    I don't know that one. Maybe it's "Karabaja"?That's a little bit similar...I don't know...
    That's the name, but dont worry,thanks anyway I will think in another song I dont understand
  12. hoverjade said:


    Hey!! Thanks for Karakaj translation, really nice from you, I will know now what I'm trying to sing
  13. kingkonut said:


    Molim vas, mogu li do biti ove pjesme na engleskom:

    Ovo je muški svet

    Ko to vodi sve
    Ko to svakog jutra
    Nosi porodici hleb

    Moze biti papa
    Sultan ili kralj
    Odredjuje put
    Za pakao il raj

    To je muskarac
    Kamen temeljac napretka

    Gospodin covek
    Bogata biografija

    On pravi bato
    Od blata zlato
    On kamen pretvara u cvet

    Sto ne postoji
    On ce da stvori
    Ovo je duso muski svet

    Mozes pravit brod
    Da spasis ljudski rod
    Mozes malim prstom delit
    More duboko

    Mozes pravit mit
    Il kineski zid
    Mozes citat tudje snove
    Knjige I misli

    Mozes vodit rat
    Ili NATO pakt
    Mozes pisat istoriju
    Pesme ustave

    Al cinis sve sve
    Samo zbog mene
    Osvojiti zensko srce to je najteze

    Ko to vodi sve
    Ko to svakog jutra
    Nosi porodici hleb

    To je muskarac
    Za svaku bolest nadje lek

    On gradi pruge
    Puteve duge
    Ovo je duso muski svet

    Bez mene si ti
    Usamljeni stih
    Bez mene si tuzna lipa
    Usred pustinje

    Mozes dici sve
    Kule gradove
    Mozes cepat ti atome
    Al; moje srce ne

    Mozes vodit rat…

    Prazni su ti svi
    Tvoji gradovi
    Bez mene su dvori tvoji
    Pusti dosadni

    Putuj bilo gde
    Dizi mostove
    Ali samo jedna pruga
    Vodi do mene

    Mozes vodit rat…
  14. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:



    Ovo je muški svet
    that is a man world

    Ko to vodi sve
    Who leads all
    Ko to svakog jutra
    who every morning
    Nosi porodici hleb
    brings to the family bread

    Moze biti papa
    it could be a pope
    Sultan ili kralj
    sultan or king
    Odredjuje put
    defines the way
    Za pakao il raj
    for the hell or paradise

    To je muskarac
    it's the man
    Kamen temeljac napretka
    base-stone of progress

    Gospodin covek
    Mr. man
    a profesional
    Bogata biografija
    a opulent biography

    On pravi bato
    he makes
    Od blata zlato
    from a marsh gold
    On kamen pretvara u cvet
    he converts the stone into the flower

    Sto ne postoji
    that doesn't exist
    On ce da stvori
    he will make it
    Ovo je duso muski svet
    that my dear is a man world

    Mozes pravit brod
    you can make ship
    Da spasis ljudski rod
    to save the human rase
    Mozes malim prstom delit
    you can with little finger divide
    More duboko
    the deep sea

    Mozes pravit mit
    you can make a myth
    Il kineski zid
    or a chineese wall
    Mozes citat tudje snove
    you can read foreign (other people's) dreams
    Knjige I misli
    books and thoughts

    Mozes vodit rat
    you can lead a war
    Ili NATO pakt
    or a NATO pact
    Mozes pisat istoriju
    you can write history
    Pesme ustave
    songs, constitutions

    Al cinis sve sve
    but doing everything, everything
    Samo zbog mene
    only beacause of me
    Osvojiti zensko srce to je najteze
    the hardest thing is to attract the woman's heart
    Ko to vodi sve
    Who leads all
    Ko to svakog jutra
    who every morning
    Nosi porodici hleb
    brings to the family bread

    To je muskarac
    it's the man
    Za svaku bolest nadje lek
    for every disease he have a cure

    On gradi pruge
    he builds rails
    Puteve duge
    a long ways
    Ovo je duso muski svet
    that my dear is a man world

    Bez mene si ti
    without me you are
    Usamljeni stih
    a lonely verse
    Bez mene si tuzna lipa
    without me you are a sad lime - tree
    Usred pustinje
    in the middle of a desert

    Mozes dici sve
    you can rise everything
    Kule gradove
    towers, towns
    Mozes cepat ti atome
    you can 'divide' atoms
    Al moje srce ne
    but my heart not

    Mozes vodit rat…
    you can lead war

    Prazni su ti svi
    all are empty
    Tvoji gradovi
    your towns
    Bez mene su dvori tvoji
    wihtout me your courts
    Pusti dosadni
    are deserted,tedious

    Putuj bilo gde
    Travel(go) anywhere
    Dizi mostove
    build bridges
    Ali samo jedna pruga
    but only one rail
    Vodi do mene
    leads to me

    Mozes vodit rat…
    you can lead a war
    Last edited by velvet_sky; 05-08-2008 at 11:30 AM.
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKRrADJ7j3E
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  15. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    I just have some corrections

    Ko to vodi sve
    Who leads all
    Odredjuje put
    defines the way

    Kamen temeljac napretka
    base-stone of progress
    On kamen pretvara u cvet
    he converts the stone into the flower
    Da spasis ljudski rod
    to save the human rase

    Mozes citat tudje snove
    you can read foreign (other people's) dreams

    Pesme ustave
    songs, constitutions
    On gradi pruge
    he builds rails
    Kule gradove
    towers, towns
    Mozes cepat ti atome
    you can 'divide' atoms
    Putuj bilo gde
    Travel(go) anywhere
    Dizi mostove
    build bridges
    Ali samo jedna pruga
    but only one rail

    your translation is great really, if you are trying to learn language, I can tell you that you are a great student! BRAVO!
  16. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Hey y! thaanks for the corrections and for the compliment
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKRrADJ7j3E
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  17. kingkonut said:


    Hvala vam lijepa tvoja oba za vas brze i kompletno rad.
  18. Bi said:

    Default THANKS... and ''imao sam bjelog konja'' request.. =D

    Guys! Thanks so much for uploading these translations.. I've been listenting to kusturica for already some years.., and I really like what he does...
    And now, that i'm trying to learn the language.. this lyrics will help me a lot..
    Thanks, really!
    actually, I'd be so nice if you could translate a few more songs...
    like this one... Imao sam bjelog konja
    i just found the original lyrics.. (though.. i think they have some little mistakes..)

    Imao sam Bože, belog konja,
    Sedlo od kože
    Imao je pegu medju oćima

    Imao je krila
    Krila i motore
    Grabio je reke, grabio je gore

    Umorio se jadan
    Manje sit više gladan
    Stigle su ga godine
    Ne čuje se Bože kopita zvon
    Nije više aeroplan
    sad je samo konj

    Sjećam ga se Bože
    Letili smo skupa ++
    On je imo krila ++
    Ja sam imo druga

    Sjećam ga se Bože
    Letili smo skupa
    Od žene do žene
    Od skuta do skuta
    Volim Bože konja
    A volim i franke
    Moj ti konjo star
    Ne vredi žute banke
    Prićao mi deda
    Daš mu malo vina
    I konj nije truba
    Već je violina

    Postane oluja
    Kao ždrebac mladi
    Al moraš ga prodat
    Dok još vino radi
    Dao sam ga Bože
    Gospodinu s repom
    Za tri iljade franki il
    Iljadu marki

    Sjećam, ga se Bože
    letili smo skupa
    On je imo krila
    A ja imo druga

    Sjećam ga se Bože
    Letili smo skupa
    Sada imam pare
    Ali nemam druga

    I hope you could.. !!!
    (and if by any chance you were interested in translating somthing from spanish to english, just let me know..)