serbian to english

Thread: serbian to english

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  1. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Opet Prica Ista - The same story again

    Opet prica ista ponavlja se sve
    The same story again, everything is repeating itself
    samo rana vise ostaje
    only the hurt remains

    Ref. 2x
    Opet bi sve bi opet zbog ljubavi nase
    I would do everything again, everything again for our love
    i opet k'o ti da sam lomila bi case
    And again if I were like you, i'd break glasses
    opet je srce moje tugom opijeno
    again my heart is filled with pain
    jer je opet napusteno
    because it has been abandoned again

    Isto je vreme, isto mesto
    It's the same time, the same place
    onaj isti sto
    that same table
    u tvojoj ruci isto je pice
    in your hand the same drink
    duplo otrovno
    twice as poisonous

    K'o da si proklet, k'o nekad opet
    It's like you're cursed, like before again
    dotak'o ti si dno
    you've reached the bottom
    opet bi nekog k'o sto si mene, ljubio, ranio
    You'd kiss and hurt someone again the way you did to me
    Last edited by NPazarka; 04-11-2008 at 06:35 AM.
  2. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Oci Plave Boje - Blue eyes

    Ne moras mi nista reci
    You don't have to say anything
    znam da kraj se blizi nama
    I know the end is near for us
    znam postoji neko treci
    I know there exists another
    u srcu ti nisam sama
    i'm not the only one in your heart

    Ref. 2x
    Pamticu dok zivim
    I'll remember as long as I live
    oci plave boje
    blue eyes
    te su oci nekad bile ogledalo moje
    those eyes were once my mirror

    Sto poslusa srce moja ludo glavo
    Why did this heart listen to my crazy head
    zbog njega mi ceo zivot obojen u plavo
    because of him my whole life is painted blue

    Sto da vise lazem sebe
    Why would I lie to myself
    kada istinu dobro znamo
    When we both know the truth
    nemam nista ja od tebe
    You haven't given me anything
    oziljak na srcu samo
    but a scar on my heart
    Last edited by NPazarka; 04-11-2008 at 06:33 AM.
  3. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    I'd like to recommend you a song :

    Seka Aleksic - Pocetak kraja - Beginning of the end

    Nije mi moglo da traje
    It couldn't last for me
    od prvog poljubca sam znala to
    I knew it from the first kiss
    a ja do kraja se dajem
    but I'm giving my all till the end
    kao da ostaricu sa tobom
    as if i'm going to grow old with you

    Nemas ti sto da se kajes
    You don't have anything to be sorry about
    nisi me nikada ni voleo
    you've never loved me
    jer ti od prvoga dana
    cause from the first day
    pocetak kraja si mi nudio
    you've offered me the beginning of the end

    Hajde bar malo sa mnom pricaj
    Come at least talk to me for a while
    da popijemo kafu zajedno
    we can drink coffee together
    pa onda spakuj svoje stvari
    and then pack your belongings
    poljubi me i kazi to je to
    kiss me and say: that's (the end of) that

    Ref. 2x
    Ako se ikad sretnemo ti prodji
    If we ever meet, pass me by
    prodji ko da se ne znamo
    Pass me by as if we don't know one and another
    jedino tako mozes mi pomoci
    that's the only way you'll be able to help me
    da te prebolim nekako
    so that I can get over you

    Kad samo stranci budemo u noci
    If we are nothing but strangers at night
    znacu da sve je nestalo
    I'll know that everything is lost
  4. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Dan od zivota / day of the life

    Ne pitaj me sta mi je, ja to znam / dont ask me what is to me, i know
    kada cujem ovu pesmu zaigram / when i hear this song i start to dance
    zapali se krv u meni, gori sve / the blood in me get burned, all is burning
    i bez pica srce mi se opije / and without drinks my heart get in intoxication

    Zaplakacu kad mi prodje / i will start crying when you sell
    mladost i lepota / my beauty and youth
    al' do tada bolu ne dam /but till then i dont give a ache
    ni dan od zivota / nor a day of the life

    Zaplakacu kad mi prodje / i will start crying when you sell
    mladost i lepota / my beauty and youth
    al' do tada bolu ne dam /but till then i dont give a ache
    ni dan od zivota / nor a day of the life

    Ne pitaj me molim te, sta mi bi / dont ask me please, what would be
    u meni se neki djavo probudi / in me when the devil in me awake
    samo ova pesma moju zicu zna / olny this song knows my ( hmm zicu is wires , right )
    lomim case kao da sam pijana / i am flawing glasses like i am drunk


    Ne pitaj me nikada, nemoj to / never dont ask me, you cant
    sto sviraju ovu pesmu ponovo / when i am playing this song again
    ova pesma iz mog' srca tera bol / this song from the pain of my heart
    opija me jace nego alkohol / get me drunk more than alcohol


    P.S. I am open for corrections
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  5. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Zaplakacu kad mi prodje / i will start crying when you sell
    I will cry when ... passes by (ends), in this case beauty and youth

    And yes 'zica' is wire .

    sto sviraju ovu pesmu ponovo / when i am playing this song again
    When they are playing..
    ova pesma iz mog' srca tera bol / this song from the pain of my heart
    This song is chasing the pain away from my heart
  6. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Moje Prvo Neverstvo – My first betrayal

    Hvala ti, sto si tajnu cuvao sve ove godine
    Thank you, that you’ve kept a secret for all these years
    i sto mi zivot nisi srusio ko domine
    And why you didn’t bring down my life like dominos

    Hvala ti, sto me nisi nikada zvao na kucni broj
    Thank you, that you haven’t called at home
    i sto si shvatio da volim ga ko zivot svoj
    And that you’ve understood that I love him like (I love) my own life

    A tako bih te nocas pozvala
    But I’d want to call you this night
    da oteram od sebe jutra siva
    So that I can chase away these grey mornings
    bicu sama ovog vikenda
    I’ll be alone for this weekend
    podseti me da sam ziva
    Remember me that I’m alive

    Moje prvo bio si neverstvo
    You were my first betrayal
    ovih dana setim te se cesto
    These days I frequently think about you
    kad me vredja, kad okrene mi ledja
    When he hurts me, when he turns his back on me
    na tebe pomislim
    I think about you

    Moje prvo bio si neverstvo
    You were my first betrayal
    niti ljubav, niti prijateljstvo
    No love, nor friendship
    jedino sa tobom mogu opet da ga prevarim
    I could only cheat on him with you again
  7. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Quote Originally Posted by NPazarka View Post
    Zaplakacu kad mi prodje / i will start crying when you sell
    I will cry when ... passes by (ends), in this case beauty and youth

    And yes 'zica' is wire .

    sto sviraju ovu pesmu ponovo / when i am playing this song again
    When they are playing..
    ova pesma iz mog' srca tera bol / this song from the pain of my heart
    This song is chasing the pain away from my heart
    thanks for the corrections
    btw tera mean away
    and " I will cry when ... passes by (ends), in this case beauty and youth" here i think i didnt get u
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  8. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    You're thanking me for the corrections but you don't get them .. ?

    You wrote 'sell' for 'prodje' but it's actually 'prolaziti' you need instead of prodati which means 'to sell'.

    So the correct translation (or more correct) would be : I'll cry as my beauty and youth pass by.
  9. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Quote Originally Posted by NPazarka View Post
    You're thanking me for the corrections but you don't get them .. ?

    You wrote 'sell' for 'prodje' but it's actually 'prolaziti' you need instead of prodati which means 'to sell'.

    So the correct translation (or more correct) would be : I'll cry as my beauty and youth pass by.
    ok now i got it ... thanks
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  10. jordy-boy's Avatar

    jordy-boy said:


    can some one please translate this
    by jelena tomasevic


    Ko li miluje
    milo moje
    Ko li usne te snene budi
    Ne zaboravi ime moje
    Kada krene da
    da te ljubi

    moje ne spavaj
    Njega ljubi
    mene uspavaj

    Ne lomi mi led
    vodu nema
    Ne soli mi ranu
    suza nema
    Ko li zaigra
    oro moje
    Neka ne igra za nas dvoje
    Klasje, mene uspavaj

    Nuna nej, nuna nuna nuna nunu nunu nej
    Nuna nej, nuna nuna nuna nunu nunu nej
    Na Vidovdan
    probudi me
    Da ga opet pogledam

    Nuna nej, nuna nuna nuna nunu nunu nej
    Nuna nej, nuna nuna nuna nunu nunu nej

    Na Vidovdan
    Probudi me
    Da ga opet pogledam

    Na Vidovdan
    Probudi me
    Jos jednom, da ga pogledam

    thank you
  11. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    We already have two translations of Oro =>>> here
  12. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Quote Originally Posted by velvet_sky View Post

    Puno srce prazan sto
    nema dalje to je to
    svega ima bice jos
    ovaj zivot nije los

    Daj da casi vidim dno
    nema dalje to je to
    drugi mogu ko i pre
    samo da nam zavide

    Ref. 2x
    Bas svi, nek cuju svi
    ovu pesmu sto pali kafanu
    bas svi, nek cuju svi
    kako se veseli na Balkanu

    Razbi jednu sto da ne
    gde je jedna tu i dve
    ja za dinar dajem sto
    nema dalje to je to

    Nek noc ova vredi pet
    nek se cudi ceo svet
    nek se vidi ko je ko
    nema dalje to je to

    Ref. 2x

    Ma ovo pesma nije
    to je cudo
    neka nam ove noci
    bude ludo

    Sta mogu kad mi srce
    nije stena
    ovo je ono pravo
    dalje nema

    Ref. 2x

    Full heart, empty table
    there's nothing beyond this, that's it
    We have everything and will have more
    this life is not that bad

    Let me see the bottom of the glass
    there's nothing beyond this, that's it
    The others can, just like before,
    only envy us

    Chorus 2x
    Just everyone, let them all hear
    this song that burns the bar
    just everyone, let them all hear
    how we party on the Balkans

    Break one why not
    where there's one, there's two as well
    I give a hundred for one dinar
    there's nothing beyond this, that's it

    Let this night be worth of five
    let the entire world wonder
    let them see who is who
    there's nothing beyond this, that's it

    Chorus 2x

    Well this is not a song
    this is a miracle
    let this night
    be crazy for us

    What can I do when my heart
    is not a rock
    this is the right thing
    there's nothing beyond this
    Quote Originally Posted by velvet_sky View Post


    A sta imam ja od toga
    sta ja imam od lepote tvoje
    samo jednu brigu manje
    sve bi htele ono sto je moje

    Pa i moje drugarice
    postale bi izdajice
    i ne bi se dvoumile mnogo
    da provedu jednu noc sa tobom

    Ref. 2x
    Hajde idi lepi moj
    i obidji jedan krug
    imaj svaku koju mozes
    bar da znam ko mi je drug

    Hajde idi lepi moj
    a za mene ne brini
    ja cu uvek biti tu
    gde su moji nemiri

    Sta mi znaci da mi kazes
    da za tebe druge ne postoje
    postala sam ljubomorna
    i na tvoju senku, milo moje

    Ref. 2x
    Go My Beautiful One

    And what good does it bring me
    what's in it for me
    what good does your beauty bring me
    just a worry less
    they all want what's mine

    Even my friends
    they'd become traitors
    and wouldn't think twice
    to spend a night with you

    Go (ahead) my beautiful one
    and make a circle
    have everyone you can
    at least I'll know who are my friends

    Go (ahead) my beautiful one
    and don't worry about me
    I will always be here
    where my unrests are (or - with my unrests)

    What does it mean for me if you tell me
    that others don't exist for you
    I became jealous
    even of your shadow, my dear
  13. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Quote Originally Posted by velvet_sky View Post
    Ko Da Sutra Ne Postoji

    Sedeo je s njom
    metar dva od moga stola
    pa me preko nje
    gledao k'o da sam gola

    Pomislih na mah
    o Boze kakav muski gad
    pa ipak, pogledom oduzima
    mi dah

    Ode negde s' njom
    al' eto ga za pola sata
    je li slobodno
    pita a vec zalet hvata

    A ja kao da lepo musko
    nisam videla do tad
    sta god me pita kazem da

    Ref. 2x
    Ko da sutra ne postoji
    zurim da me zagrlis
    nisam laka al' se bojim
    da ces to da pomislis

    Dok mi u trenutku zara
    tvoja burma kozu para
    znam da sam pogresila
    (sto ti se predajem
    al' se ne kajem)

    Ode negde s' njom
    al' eto ga za pola sata
    je li slobodno
    pita a vec zalet hvata

    A ja kao da lepo musko
    nisam videla do tad
    sta god me pita kazem da

    Ref. 2x
    As If There Is No Tomorrow

    You were sitting with her
    a meter or two from my table
    and over her shoulder
    looked at me as if I was naked

    For a moment I thought
    oh God what a male scum
    but still, with the look takes
    my breath away

    He left somewhere with her
    but there he was half an hour later
    is this seat taken
    he asks and already pounces

    And I, like I haven't seen
    a beautiful male
    till then
    whatever he asks me, I say yes

    As if there is no tomorrow
    I'm in a hurry to be hugged by you
    I'm not easy but I'm scared
    you might think that

    While in a moment of passion
    your wedding ring rips my skin
    I know that I made a mistake
    (for giving myself to you
    but I have no regrets)

    He left somewhere with her
    but there he was half an hour later
    is this seat taken
    he asks and already pounces

    And I, like I haven't seen
    a beautiful male
    till then
    whatever he asks me, I say yes

    Quote Originally Posted by velvet_sky View Post

    Svidja mi se tvoja devojka

    Dugo si me vrebao
    cele noci gledao
    preko njenog ramena
    kada te provalila
    samar ti opalila
    nije mala naivna

    Ref. 2x
    I mada gorim dok me
    skidas vrelim pogledom
    i mada znam da bi se nje
    zbog mene odrek'o
    i mada slutim da zbog
    toga nisam normalna
    bas mi se svidja tvoja devojka

    Gleda ona, gledam ja
    ti u cudu stojis sam
    u trenutku nebitan
    krene ona, krenem ja
    pa laganim korakom
    odlazimo zajedno

    Ref. 4x
    I Like Your Girlfriend

    You were stalking me for a long time
    watched me entire night
    over her shoulder
    when she figured you out
    she slapped you
    the little one is not naive

    And although I burn while you
    undress me with your hot look
    and although I know that you'd
    give her up for me
    and although I have a feeling
    that I'm not normal because of it
    I really like your girlfriend

    She's watching, I'm watching
    you, surprised, stand alone
    she gets off, I get off
    in a second unimportant
    she gets off, I get off
    and then, with slow steps
    we leave together
  14. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Quote Originally Posted by velvet_sky View Post

    Gde sam ti ja

    Cujem da su uvrede pale
    ili vise od toga
    ne mozes s njom
    kao sa mnom
    ona je suvise stroga

    Pogledas li u drugu
    prstom ti pokaze vrata
    kuci moras do deset
    duze ni pola sata

    Pametna je
    da te zadrzi je znala
    nije ko ja, glupa ispala

    Gde sam ti ja
    da pokrijem glavu
    jastukom tvojim
    i celu noc
    grejem krevet
    dok si sa drugom

    Gde sam ti ja
    da ne vidi
    sta je istina
    i ljubim te
    dugo preko
    njenog karmina

    Cujem da su letele stvari
    ili vise od toga
    sve u zivotu ti kvari
    a kazu da nema Boga

    Pametna je
    da te zadrzi je znala
    nije ko ja, glupa ispala

    Ref. 2x

    Where Am I To You

    I hear some offenses were made
    or more than that
    you can't be with her
    like with me
    she is too rigid

    If you look at someone else
    she shows you the door
    you must be back home by ten
    not even half an hour longer

    She is smart
    she knows how to keep you
    she didn't made a fool out of herself like me

    Where am I to you
    to cover my head
    with your pillow
    and entire night
    warm up the bed
    while you're with someone else

    Where am I to you
    so that she doesn't see
    what is the truth
    and I kiss you
    for a long time
    over her lipstick

    I hear things were flying around
    or more than that
    everything in your life has gone bad
    and they say there is no God

    She is smart
    she knows how to keep you
    she didn't made a fool out of herself like me

    Quote Originally Posted by velvet_sky View Post

    Krila sam se iza case
    gde se tuzni srece plase
    ti si me i tamo nasao

    Imao si spremne reci
    osmeh koji tugu leci
    kad si mi kroz srce prosao

    Iza mene, uspomene
    jos ka tebi idu
    jos putuju

    Ispred tebe, neke nove
    usamljene zene
    red cekaju

    Jedna vise, sad je jedna manje
    jedna blize, sad je jedna dalje
    bila sam ti jedna ko nijedna
    posle tebe nikom nisam vredna
    od tad me vole svi manje nego ti

    Jednu noc sam s tobom bila
    da bih ljubav osetila
    u postelji tvojoj blistala

    Dala sam ti telo svoje
    kao da i nije moje
    i na sve sa tobom pristala

    Iza mene, uspomene
    jos ka tebi idu
    jos putuju

    Ispred tebe, neke nove
    usamljene zene
    red cekaju

    Ref. 2x

    One More

    I was hiding behind the glass
    where the sad ones are afraid of happiness
    you've found me even there

    You had a line ready
    smile that cures sorrow
    when you passed through my heart

    Behind me, memories
    they are still going to you
    still traveling

    Ahead of you, some new
    lonely women
    waiting for their turn

    One more, now is one less
    one closer, now is one further
    I was one like no one to you
    after you I have no value to anyone
    since then, everybody loves me less than you

    I spent one night with you
    to feel love
    glowed in your bed

    I gave you my body
    as if it wasn't mine
    and consented to everything with you

    Behind me, memories
    they are still going to you
    still traveling

    Ahead of you, some new
    lonely women
    waiting for their turn
  15. jordy-boy's Avatar

    jordy-boy said:


  16. jasna said:


    hello there =]
    can anyone translate bijelo dugme ako mozes zaboravi, sanjao sam nocas, voli me from Branislav bane mojicevic and slavica cukteras and brate moj from zeljko joksimovic and marish li from vicki

    if anyone can help that would be great thanxxx
  17. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:

    Default Viki Miljkovic - Maris li

    Maris li maris li sto zivot kvaris mi
    Do you care, do you care that you're ruining my life
    Uzalud cekam te, a znas da volim te
    I'm waiting for you in vain, but you know that I love you
    Maris li, maris li sto sad to radis mi
    Do you care, do you care that you're doing this to me

    Kad me varas s njom(maris li)
    When you cheat on me with her
    Kad me plasi grom (maris li)
    When thunder scares me
    Kad me boli sve (maris li)
    When everything hurts
    Sve ponestane
    Everything dissapeares
    Kad sam bolesna (maris li)
    When I'm ill
    I bez dinara (maris li)
    And without any money
    Hleba imam li (maris li)
    Do I have bread?
    Umirem li
    Am I dying

    Maris li, maris li sto srce hladis mi
    Do you care, do you care that you're turning my heart cold
    Negde se zabavljas mene zaboravljas
    You're having fun somewhere, forgetting me
    Maris li, maris li sto sve to radis mi
    Do you care, do you care that you're doing this to me
  18. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Viki Miljkovic - Obelezena - Marked

    U ovom gradu nema ljubavi za mene
    In this city there's no love for me
    ovde svi znaju da sam nekad bila tvoja
    They all know here that I once was yours
    i svaka stopa jos me podseca na tebe
    and every footstep still remembers me of you
    ma kuda posla ja
    no matter where I go

    U ovom gradu kao nikoga da nemam
    In this city it's like I don't have anyone
    svi nasi prijatelji sad su samo tvoji
    all of our friends now are only yours
    i kad pozelim nekom drugom da se predam
    And when I wish to surrender to someone else
    za tren to znaju svi
    They all know immediatly
    kad iza ledja cujem evo to je ta
    When I hear around my back: 'that's her'
    pola je nema od kad nije njegova
    Half of her is missing since she's not his anymore

    Obelezena tvojim usnama
    Marked by your lips
    na kilometar vidi se moj bol
    My pain is seenable from a kilometer away
    da niko posle tebe nikada vise ne pozeli dodir moj
    that after you no one else wishes my touch

    Obelezena kao da mi je na celu tvoje ime ostalo
    Marked as if you're name has remained on my forehead
    prebolecu te pre il' kasnije
    I'll get over you, sooner or later
    i slobodna cu biti ponovo
    And I'll be free again
  19. Fefe8 said:


    Can someone please translate in serbian to english this songs by Marija Serifovic for me...

    Nisam anđeo
    Jedan dobar razlog
    Sve po starom
    Ne voliš je znam
    Zabranjena priča
    Kasno da te menjam
    Vreme je da krenem
    Bolji život

    thank you to anyone who can help
  20. Fefe8 said:


    velvet_sky thank you so much... you're great...:*