Some songs

Thread: Some songs

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  1. ohcysp said:

    Default Some songs

    I need the translation of these songs:
    Neda Ukraden - jorgovan
    Neda Ukraden - sumi sumi javore
    Keba - Nemam drage, nemam druga

    Thanks in advance.
  2. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Well for me is one song, and there the last verse is not translated so somebody else would do it

    Nemam drage, nemam druga
    i don't have dear, I don't have a friend
    zivot mi je samo tuga
    my life is only sadness
    na mom polju nema cveca
    on my field there is no flowers
    jedina si moja sreca
    you are my only joy( or you are the only one, my joy )

    Secanje mi snagu daje
    the memories gives to me strenght
    sve mi tvoje nedostaje
    everything yours miss me
    na mom polju nema cveca
    on my field there is no flowers
    jedina si moja sreca
    you are only my joy ( or you are the only one, my joy )

    Naima rakli, naima ana /and here I don't know how to translate this
    krajosima i bit cerko
    demortu naj luiludja
    samo tu sa morida
  3. ohcysp said:


    Thanks you.
  4. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Well I don't have a clue what the last part means of Keba's song .. It's most likely sung in Gipsy...

    Anyway .. here's the translation of Jorgovan - Lilac

    Noc ova prokleta
    This night is cursed
    puna vina, puna dima
    with a lot of wine, a lot of smoke
    a ja k'o skitnica
    and I'm like a wanderer
    od zivota ostavljena
    left alone by life

    A tebe nema
    But you're not here

    Jorgovan, procvao
    The lilac has bloomed
    moju dusu opio
    intoxicated my soul
    Jorgovan, al' bez tebe
    A lilac but without you
    hej, nit' je cvet, nit' je lek
    It's not even a flower nor a cure
    to je bol zauvek
    this pain will last forever

    Meni sad kako je
    How it's for me now
    to na svetu nikom nije
    on this world it's not the same for anyone

    So this part is literally translated and I have to admit that it doesn't make any sence so what she's actually saying is something like : No one on this world is enduring the same pain as I am feeling...

    umornih ociju slusam
    with tired eyes i'm listening
    druge dok se smeju
    others while they're laughing

    A tebe nema
    But you're not here
    Last edited by NPazarka; 06-20-2008 at 01:54 AM.
  5. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    and here is and the last one... and of course I am open for corrections

    Sumi, sumi, javore
    be noisy, be noisy maple
    kad se oci otvore
    when the eyes opens
    sve sto krije ova noc
    everything that this night is hiding
    grane tvoje govore
    your branches are telling me

    Sumi, sumi, javore
    be noisy, be noisy maple
    ja te slusam do zore
    I'll listen you till the dawn
    svjecu sam upalila
    I light a candle
    da mi nadje prozore
    to find the window for me

    Nema vise onih dana
    there isn't anymore those days
    vjetar bije sa svih strana
    the wind is beating in every way
    zuto lisce, tvoje lisce
    yellow foliage, your foliage
    k'o da kaze nikad, nikad vise
    like to say never, never again

    Sumi, sumi, javore
    be noisy, be noisy maple
    noci su mi najgore
    the nights are worst to me
    tuge moje skrivene
    my hidden sandess

    btw nice song, I'm listening to it now
    Last edited by velvet_sky; 06-20-2008 at 03:41 AM.
  6. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    grane tvoje govore
    your branches are telling me

    svjecu sam upalila
    I light a candle
    da mi nadje prozore
    to find the window for me
  7. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


  8. ohcysp said:


    Thanks a lot.Great Forum !
  9. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    I agree . You're welcome .
  10. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    You're Welcome ohcysp ...
  11. Roxinica said:

    Default Keba - Bre Gidi Dzanum

    Can anyone please help me with "Keba - Bre Gidi Dzanum" lyrics and their transaltion?

    Thank you very much
  12. RebekaB's Avatar

    RebekaB said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Roxinica View Post
    Can anyone please help me with "Keba - Bre Gidi Dzanum" lyrics and their transaltion?

    Thank you very much
    Ne slusaj lazi o meni
    Don't listen lies about me
    jedno smo drugom sudjeni
    We're meant to each other

    Bre gidi dzanum, bre gidi dzanum
    za dusmani
    for enemies (foes)
    uvek si bila u srcu mom
    You was allways in my heart
    tu i ostani
    and stay there (there you should stay)

    Ti si mi prva i jedina
    You're my first and only
    ti si za mene rodjena
    You're born for me

    *Bre gidi dzanum are gipsy phrase and I don't know it meaning.