Ceca - Kad bi bio ranjen

Thread: Ceca - Kad bi bio ranjen

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  1. Zvezda's Avatar

    Zvezda said:

    Default Ceca - Kad bi bio ranjen

    Could somebody please help me identify which Ceca song features the lyrics "If you were injured I'd give you my blood"? I am sorry I do not know the original Serbian version of that line or any more of the lyrics . If it helps at all, I think that the song was released either shortly before or during the war that followed the dissolution of Yugoslavia. Any suggestions?
    Last edited by Zvezda; 07-03-2008 at 05:02 PM.
    Bio je Novembar 2009 godine, zamišljao sam kako hodaš ulicom Bana Jelačića cipelama od zmijske kože..
  2. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    Kad bi bio ranjen
    A live performance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOWgyQc-abU
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  3. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    no problem, enjoy

    Kad bi bio ranjen
    If you were injured

    Ja, pre bih ove svoje ruke
    Me, I would rather these hands
    zeljne svega vezala u cvor
    wistful of everything tie in node
    pre nego da ih grli, ljubi
    than to be hugged, kissed
    neki drugi drazi muski stvor
    by some other graces male 'creature'
    pred vratima spavala ko pas
    like dog, sleep in front of the door
    kroz vekove gorela zbog nas
    burn throughout centuries because of us

    Kad bi bio ranjen krvi bih ti dala
    If you were injured, I would give you my blood
    oba svoja oka, kad bi bio slep
    both my eyes, if you were blind
    al' uzalud, bez duse si lep
    but no purpose, you are beautiful without soul

    Sve, bila sam ti ljubavnica
    Everything, I was your mistress
    ljubavnica i sestra i drug
    mistress and sister and friend
    sve, dala sam ti svoja krila
    everything, I gave you my wings
    da preletis i sever i jug
    to flight over north and south
    pred vratima spavala ko pas
    like dog, sleep in front of the door
    kroz vekove gorela zbog nas
    burn throughout centuries because of us
    Last edited by y!; 07-03-2008 at 05:58 PM.
  4. Zvezda's Avatar

    Zvezda said:


    Thank you so much, both of you! I really appreciate your help Hvala!

    Can I hope for a translation if you feel bored at some point and cannot think of something better to do?
    Bio je Novembar 2009 godine, zamišljao sam kako hodaš ulicom Bana Jelačića cipelama od zmijske kože..
  5. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    ok, anyway, by mistake, I edited my previous post
  6. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    I'll move the thread to the translation section so the translation will not be lost and can be added to the translation list in question
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  7. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    great! I was thinking about that too, but I can't move thread!
  8. Zvezda's Avatar

    Zvezda said:


    Thanks for the translation y!, greatly appreciated
    Bio je Novembar 2009 godine, zamišljao sam kako hodaš ulicom Bana Jelačića cipelama od zmijske kože..
  9. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    no problem, I am glad I could help u, since you helped us so many times with greek translations
  10. meany's Avatar

    meany said:


    I have a question - what is the exact meaning of the adverb `pre` in this part:

    Ja, pre bih ove svoje ruke
    Me, I would rather these hands
    zeljne svega vezala u cvor
    wistful of everything tie in node
    pre nego da ih grli, ljubi
    than to be hugged, kissed
    neki drugi drazi muski stvor
    by some other graces male 'creature'
  11. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    Quote Originally Posted by meany View Post
    I have a question - what is the exact meaning of the adverb `pre` in this part:

    Ja, pre bih ove svoje ruke
    Me, I would rather these hands
    zeljne svega vezala u cvor
    wistful of everything tie in node
    pre nego da ih grli, ljubi
    than to be hugged, kissed
    neki drugi drazi muski stvor
    by some other graces male 'creature'
    Here's what the dictionary says:
    pre I (E) prije (W)
    1. prep. with gen. before; ~ čka(rata) before dinner (the war); ~ vremena too early; ~ svega first of all; ~ njega before him
    2. adv. before, earlier; on je ~ došao he came earlier; što ~ as soon as possible; što ~, to bolje! the sooner, the better! *ko ~ devojci, onog i devojka the early bird gets the worm; ~ ili kasnije sooner or later; u toliko ~ all the more so; ~ nego before; ~ što kupim kuću, hoću da je i vi vidite before I buy the house, I'd like you to see it too; on je završio zadatak, ~ nego ja he finished the problem before I did
    3. prep. ago (with the acc. of such nouns as godina , mesec ); ~ godinu (mesec) dana a year (month) ago; ~ nekoliko dana a few days ago; ~ mnogo godina many years ago
    pre II (a. and adv. prefix) very, too, excessively - prejak , prebogat , prekasno
    pre- III (verbal prefix which can denote)
    1. across, over, through - prebaciti 1, preći 1, prespavati 3, prestajati II
    2. (division into parts) - preseći 1
    3. (repetition) - prepisati
    4. (change of place) - preseliti
    5. (action of covering) - prekriliti
    6. (excess) - prepuniti
    7. (surpassing) - prebaciti 2

    rather ['rae(th)ë(r)]; [a] adv
    2. pre (prije); it looks blue ~ than green izgleda pre plav no zelen

    Here is how I would translate that part:
    Ja, pre bih ove svoje ruke zeljne svega vezala u cvor
    I'd rather tie these hands of mine that are desirous of everything in a knot
    pre nego da ih grli, ljubi neki drugi drazi muski stvor
    Before I'd let some other more precious male creature (being) embrace or kiss them

    I hope this is enough info for you
  12. meany's Avatar

    meany said:


    Very comprehensively, thank you!
  13. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    You're welcome