Boris Novkovic request

Thread: Boris Novkovic request

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  1. djdarwin said:

    Default Boris Novkovic request

    hey i'm new here and i don't know if there is a boris novkovic thread,but maybe anyone want to translate this lyric for me in english.
    My Croatian language is not good enough to translate this lyric on my own

    thanks djdarwin

    Boris Novkovic - Gdje si ti

    Jesen je, vjetar nosi lisce i miris toplog kestena
    ulice k'o iz neke price, sve u zlatnim bojama
    sunce prati djecu napolju
    ptice lete prema proljecu

    A gdje si ti da kazes mi
    sto je prava odluka
    koju stranu raskrizja odabrati

    A gdje si ti da prospes mi
    dva-tri dobra razloga
    da zivot nije prevara, iluzija

    A gdje si ti da priznas mi
    da je sve postojalo, da sam te upoznao
    s tobom mladost proveo
    reci mi gdje si ti

    Jesen je, vjetar nosi lisce i miris toplog kestena
    ulice k'o iz neke price, sve u zlatnim bojama
    sunce prati djecu napolju
    ptice lete prema proljecu
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    We have a sticky thread where you can find a list of all translated lyrics (including those by Boris Novkovic) - click

    This song however hasn't been translated.. yet!

    Gdje si ti ~ Where Are You

    It's Autumn, wind blowing leaves and smell of warm chestnut
    streets like from a story, everything in gold colours
    the sun is following children outside
    birds are flying towards the Spring

    And where are you to tell lme
    what is the right decision
    which direction to pick at the crossroads

    And where are you to present me with
    two-three good reasons
    why life is not a scam, illusion

    And where are you to admit to me
    that everything did exist, that I have met you
    spent my youth with you
    tell me where are you

    It's autumn, wind blowing leaves and smell of warm chestnut
    streets like from a story, everything in gold colours
    the sun is following children outside
    birds are flying towards the Spring
  3. djdarwin said:


    puno hvala
    can i add the next lyric to this thread too?
  4. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    If they are by Boris Novkovic - sure! Otherwise, maybe open a new one or.. I don't know.. depends ...
    And.. nema na cemu!
  5. djdarwin said:


    ok then here is the next song

    Boris Novkovic - Ne kuni se

    Pred vratima tuge u kasni sat
    vec vodimo tihi mali rat
    ja vidim u tvojim ocima
    da nasu si ljubav izdala
    i samu sebe slagala

    Te tvoje suze iz navike
    k'o cigaretu pale me
    ne prolazi to ti svaki put
    ma nisam ni ja bas tako lud
    jako si lijepa, al' uzalud

    Ne kuni se da me volis najvise
    i pregrizi usnice koje su me varale
    ne kuni se da su meni sudjena
    jer kad zbrojim dva i dva vise necu nikada
    tebe voljet ja

    Te tvoje suze iz navike
    k'o cigaretu pale me
    ne prolazi to ti svaki put
    ma nisam ni ja bas tako lud
    jako si lijepa, al' uzalud
  6. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Ne kuni se ~ Don't Swear

    In front of the door of sadness at a late hour
    we're already fighting a small silent war
    I can see in your eyes
    that you've betrayed our love
    and lied to yourself

    Those tears of yours, out of habit
    like a cigarette they're lighting me
    that doesn't work every time
    well even I am not that crazy
    you are very beautiful, but in vain

    Don't swear that you love me the most
    and bite those lips that cheated on me
    don't swear that you are destined to me
    because when I put two and two together I will never ever
    love you again

    Those tears of yours, out of habit
    like a cigarette they're lighting me
    that doesn't work every time
    well even I am not that crazy
    you are very beautiful, but in vain
  7. djdarwin said:


    hvala,here is the next =)

    Boris Novkovic - Malo ljubavi

    Sada dijelimo nas zivot na pola
    al' kako dijeliti sva ta sjecanja
    tebi jeseni, a meni proljeca
    i dodir tuge se u svemu osjeca

    Malo ljubavi za kraj mi ostavi
    samo nemoj to sa sobom ponijeti
    ti kako znas bez mene nastavi
    al' malo ljubavi za kraj mi ostavi

    Mozda kasno je za rijeci utjehe
    al' kada gubimo nek' nesto ostane
    na svakom koraku nova lica cekaju
    na ovaj tuzan cin da spuste zavjesu
  8. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Little bit of love

    Now we're parting our life in half
    but how to share all these feelings
    autumns to you, springs to me
    and a touch of sorrow is felt everywhere

    Leave me a little bit of love for the end
    just dont take it with yourself
    go on without me the way you know
    but leave me a little bit of love for the end

    Maybe it's too late for the words of comfort
    but when we're losing, let something stay at least
    at each step new faces are waiting
    to put down the curtain for this sad akt
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em você, você em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  9. djdarwin said:


    hvala ti,next lyric =):

    Boris Novkovic - Otkada je otisla

    Otkada je otisla hodam gradom bez cilja nesigurnih koraka
    otkada je otisla moje oci su dobile boju plocnika
    ljudi svasta govore, al' ne cujem im glas
    izmedju snova i jave u mom zivotu sve je veci jaz

    Jer svaki dan je prazan kad mi je nema
    u mnostvu ljudi tako sam sâm
    i svaku noc mi treba pomoc njena
    opet cu budan docekat dan

    Otkada je otisla hodam gradom bez cilja nesigurnih koraka
    otkada je otisla moje oci su dobile boju plocnika
    ljudi svasta govore, al' ne cujem im glas
    izmedju snova i jave u mom zivotu sve je veci jaz

    Jer svaki dan je prazan kad mi je nema
    u mnostvu ljudi tako sam sâm
    i svaku noc mi treba pomoc njena
    opet cu budan docekat dan

    I samo sjene na zidu k'o da mi govore, k'o da mi govore
    ne, ti ne mozes bez nje
  10. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Since she's gone

    Since she's gone I'm walking through town with insecure steps
    Since she's gone my eyes got the colour of a sidewalk
    People are talking around, but I dont hear their voice
    There is a big abyss between dreams and reality

    Because every day is empty when she's not around
    in a crowd I'm so alone
    and every night i need her help
    I'll wait another day awake again

    Since she's gone I'm walking through town with insecure steps
    Since she's gone my eyes got the colour of a sidewalk
    People are talking around, but I dont hear their voice
    There is a big abyss between dreams and reality

    Because every day is empty when she's not around
    in a crowd I'm so alone
    and every night i need her help
    I'll wait another day awake again

    And it's like her shadows on the wall say to me
    No, you cant do without her
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em você, você em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  11. djdarwin said:


    hvala that was a fast translation thank you very much =)

    Boris Novkovic - Ljubav nije ovih dana

    Probudim se ranim jutrom izgubljen
    dok mjesec brise stazu svojih tragova
    umoran i iscrpljen od lutanja
    kroz uske labirinte mojih sjecanja

    I svaki novi sat gori brzo kao strast
    a ja bih htio da si tu
    jer nad srcem vec odavno nemam vlast

    Ljubav nije ovih dana vise moja jaca strana
    kad te nema samo kisi k'o prijatelju govorim
    jedino je ovih dana tvoje ime moja mana
    grizem usne, ali srce ne da da te presutim

    Probudim se ranim jutrom izgubljen
    dok mjesec brise stazu svojih tragova
    umoran i iscrpljen od lutanja
    kroz uske labirinte mojih sjecanja

    I svaki novi sat gori brzo kao strast
    a ja bih htio da si tu
    jer nad srcem vec odavno nemam vlast
  12. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    you're welcome

    These days love isnt

    I wake up lost early in the morning
    while the moon is erasing the path of its traces
    tired and ehxausted because of wandering
    through narrow labyrinths of my memories

    And each new hour is burning fast like passion
    and I would want that you're here
    because over my heart i dont have power for a long time

    These days love isnt my stronger side
    when you're not around I'm only talking to rain like to a friend
    these days only your name is my flaw
    I'm biting my lips, but heart wont let me to stay quiet

    I wake up lost early in the morning
    while the moon is erasing the path of its traces
    tired and ehxausted because of wandering
    through narrow labyrinths of my memories

    And each new hour is burning fast like passion
    and I would want that you're here
    because over my heart i dont have power for a long time
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em você, você em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  13. djdarwin said:


    thank you =)

    Boris Novkovic - Kad ljubav stigne u grad

    Ovo nije san, ovo nije java, nije noc, ni dan
    nisam umoran, ne znam da l' sam budan ili blesav sam
    ovo nije mrak, nije svjetlo, suton, a ni svitanje
    k'o da gori zrak, kao da me deset tona pritisce

    To sto se dogadja k'o grom me pogadja
    otkad te vidjeh ja pamet me izdala

    Ref. 2x
    Kad ljubav stigne u grad
    dani brzo prolaze, moja vucice
    i bio star ili mlad
    nema sanse da ti tad koljeno ne klecne

    Ovo nije mrak, nije svjetlo, suton, a ni svitanje
    k'o da gori zrak, kao da me deset tona pritisce
    to sto se dogadja k'o grom me pogadja
    otkad te vidjeh ja pamet me izdala


    Odjednom ceste su sve pune iluzije
    pocinje magija kad zaljubim se ja


    Odjednom ceste su sve pune iluzije
    pocinje magija kad zaljubim se ja
  14. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    When love arrives in the town

    This is not a dream, this is not reality, it's not a day, nor night
    I'm not tired, I dont know if I'm awake or silly
    this is not darkness, it's not a light, dusk nor dawn
    like the air is burning, like there is 10 tones weight down on me

    What's happening is hitting me like a thunder
    Since I saw you my mind has gone

    When love arrives in the town
    the days are passing by so fast, my wolf (female one)
    and wheather you're old or young
    your knees are buckling

    this is not darkness, it's not a light, dusk nor dawn
    like the air is burning, like there is 10 tones weight down on me
    What's happening is hitting me like a thunder
    Since I saw you my mind has gone

    Suddenly the streets are full of illusions
    the magic starts when I fall in love

    Suddenly the streets are full of illusions
    the magic starts when I fall in love

    Welcome once again
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em você, você em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  15. djdarwin said:


    thank you again =)

    Boris Novkovic-Ispod mog kisobrana

    Kap po kap padala je kisa iznad nas
    kao znak, kao da sam cuo tajni glas
    i sve je bilo kao neki san, neki neobican dan
    kao da sam odabran
    i sve se vidjelo u pogledu, sve je bilo deja-vue
    k'o da bio sam vec tu

    Ispod mog kisobrana
    kap po kap krala si mi srce toga dana
    ispod mog kisobrana
    kap po kap da l' to bjese ljubav medju nama

    Ispod mog kisobrana
    kap po kap krala si mi srce toga dana
    ispod mog kisobrana
    kap po kap da l' to bjese ljubav, reci Ana

    Kap po kap padala je kisa iznad nas
    kao znak, kao da sam cuo tajni glas
    i sve je bilo kao neki san, neki neobican dan
    kao da sam odabran
    i sve se vidjelo u pogledu, sve je bilo deja-vue
    k'o da bio sam vec tu
  16. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Under my umbrella

    Drop by drop it was raining above us
    like a sign, like I heard a secret voice
    and everything was like a dream, an unusual day
    like I was chosen
    and a look said everything, everything was a deja vu
    like I have already been there

    Under my umbrella
    drop by drop you were stealing my heart that day
    under my umbrella
    drop by drop, was that a love between us?

    Under my umbrella
    drop by drop you were stealing my heart that day
    under my umbrella
    drop by drop, was that a love between us? Tell me Ana

    Drop by drop it was raining above us
    like a sign, like I heard a secret voice
    and everything was like a dream, an unusual day
    like I was chosen
    and a look said everything, everything was a deja vu
    like I have already been there

    It's my pleasure, btw. Those songs are beautiful..
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em você, você em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  17. djdarwin said:


    do you know the songs?
    next two lyrics =)

    Boris Novkovic - Zapisan u tebi

    Svaki puta kada hodas
    moje srce ritam navije
    svaki puta kada odes
    meni tuga cestu savije

    I kao program radija
    osjecam te na daljinu
    bicu s tobom i kad nisam tu

    Lagala bi sebi kad mi rekla ne bi
    da me volis jer sam zapisan u tebi
    lagala bi sebi kada htjela ne bi
    da me imas jer sam davno zapisan u tebi

    Svaki puta kada hodas
    moje srce ritam navije
    svaki puta kada odes
    meni tuga cestu savije

    I kao program radija
    osjecam te na daljinu
    bicu s tobom i kad nisam tu

    Boris Novkovic - Nemogu da ne mislim na tebe

    Jednom kad sam bio dole
    kad je bilo puno gore
    nego ovih ludih dana

    Tada iznenada spazi
    mog' zivota vjecni praznik
    to su tvoje usne bile

    Andjele i komad neba
    cuvala si mili Boze
    negdje ispod svoje koze

    Dala si mi sto mi treba
    vrijednije od zlata, srebra
    ono sto se taknut' neda

    Ne mogu da ne mislim na tebe
    tudja ruka jos i sad me grebe
    zbogom bolja proslosti
    zbogom prva ljubavi

    Dan za danom vuku se polako
    valjda nam je sudjeno ovako
    zbogom klupe, parkovi
    zbogom prva ljubavi

    Andjele i komad neba
    cuvala si mili Boze
    negdje ispod svoje koze

    Dala si mi sto mi treba
    vrijednije od zlata, srebra
    ono sto se taknut' neda
    Last edited by djdarwin; 07-05-2008 at 04:17 AM.
  18. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Quote Originally Posted by djdarwin View Post
    do you know the songs?
    next two lyrics =)

    Boris Novkovic - Zapisan u tebi

    Svaki puta kada hodas
    moje srce ritam navije
    svaki puta kada odes
    meni tuga cestu savije

    I kao program radija
    osjecam te na daljinu
    bicu s tobom i kad nisam tu

    Lagala bi sebi kad mi rekla ne bi
    da me volis jer sam zapisan u tebi
    lagala bi sebi kada htjela ne bi
    da me imas jer sam davno zapisan u tebi

    Svaki puta kada hodas
    moje srce ritam navije
    svaki puta kada odes
    meni tuga cestu savije

    I kao program radija
    osjecam te na daljinu
    bicu s tobom i kad nisam tu
    Zapisan u tebi - Written In you

    Every time when you walk
    my heart starts to beat (gets rhythm)
    every time you leave
    sorrow bends my road

    And like radio program
    I can remotely feel you
    I'll be with you even when I'm not there


    You'd be lying to yourself if you wouldn't tell me
    that you love me because I am written in you
    you'd be lying to yourself if you wouldn't want to
    have me, because I've been written in you since long ago

    Every time when you walk
    my heart starts to beat (gets rhythm)
    every time you leave
    sorrow bends my road

    And like radio program
    I can remotely feel you
    I'll be with you even when I'm not there
  19. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Quote Originally Posted by djdarwin View Post

    Boris Novkovic - Nemogu da ne mislim na tebe

    Jednom kad sam bio dole
    kad je bilo puno gore
    nego ovih ludih dana

    Tada iznenada spazi
    mog' zivota vjecni praznik
    to su tvoje usne bile

    Andjele i komad neba
    cuvala si mili Boze
    negdje ispod svoje koze

    Dala si mi sto mi treba
    vrijednije od zlata, srebra
    ono sto se taknut' neda

    Ne mogu da ne mislim na tebe
    tudja ruka jos i sad me grebe
    zbogom bolja proslosti
    zbogom prva ljubavi

    Dan za danom vuku se polako
    valjda nam je sudjeno ovako
    zbogom klupe, parkovi
    zbogom prva ljubavi

    Andjele i komad neba
    cuvala si mili Boze
    negdje ispod svoje koze

    Dala si mi sto mi treba
    vrijednije od zlata, srebra
    ono sto se taknut' neda

    Nemogu da ne mislim na tebe ~ I Can't Not Think Of You

    One time when I was down
    when it was much worse
    than these crazy days

    Then all of a sudden I saw
    my life's eternal holiday
    those were your lips

    Angels and a piece of the sky
    you've kept, dear God,
    somewhere under your skin

    You gave me what I need
    more valuable than gold, silver
    what can not be touched

    I can't not think about you
    stranger's hand still scratches me
    goodbye better past
    goodbye first love

    The days are dragging on slowly, one by one
    I guess this was destined to us
    goodbye benches, parks
    goodbye first love

    Angels and a piece of the sky
    you've kept, dear God,
    somewhere under your skin

    You gave me what I need
    more valuable than gold, silver
    what can not be touched
  20. djdarwin said:


    thank you =)
    here is the next:

    Boris Novkovic - Obecajem

    Godinama gledam isto nebo
    godinama cekam iste zore
    al' sada vidim nesto sasvim drukcije

    Godinama sviram iste stvari
    godinama slusam iste pjesme
    al' sada cujem nesto puno milije

    I stvarno ne znam sta se desilo
    al' sa tobom se sve promijenilo

    Obecajem da, da bicu ti sve
    i vjetar i vir, i nemir i mir
    samo nemoj razocarati

    Obecajem da bicu ti sve
    i jutro i noc, i slabost i moc
    samo nemoj ovo izdati

    Godinama pravim iste greske
    godinama sreca stize pjeske
    ali sada znam da nevazno je sve

    Godinama sanjam iste snove
    godinama vidim iste boje
    ali sada sve je zanimljivije

    I stvarno ne znam sta se desilo
    al' sa tobom se sve promijenilo