Boban Rajovic Lyric translation

Thread: Boban Rajovic Lyric translation

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  1. djdarwin said:

    Default Boban Rajovic Lyric translation

    hey can someone please translate this lyric for me =)

    Boban Rajovic-Kosaci

    Sa njim je bila kad sam je sreo
    u casu kap mi dolila
    k'o da me hladnom vodom
    tad po celu polila

    On je ljubi i ona njega
    nisu se stidjeli
    samo su stegli tijelo uz tijelo
    kad su me vidjeli

    Hej, kosaci, ne kosite travu
    gdje je ona gazila
    tu su negdje njene stope
    jos tu su, kad je odlazila

    Hej, kosaci, ne kosite cvijece
    na nju nek mirise
    ja i tako nemam srece
    rane me ubise, to mi je previse

    Jos je lijepa, takvu je pamtim
    u krvi jos mi stanuje
    i dalje patim za njenom sjenom
    jos jednom da mi je

    On je ljubi i ona njega
    nisu se stidjeli
    samo su stegli tijelo uz tijelo
    kad su me vidjeli
  2. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Boban Rajovic - Kosaci - Mowers

    Sa njim je bila kad sam je sreo
    She was with him when I met her
    u casu kap mi dolila
    she poured a drop in my glass
    k'o da me hladnom vodom tad po celu polila
    (it was) as if she poured cold water on my forehead then

    On je ljubi i ona njega
    He was kissing her and she was kissing him
    nisu se stidjeli
    they didn't hold back
    samo su stegli tijelo uz tijelo
    They pulled eachother close, body to body
    kad su me vidjeli
    when they saw me

    Hej, kosaci, ne kosite travu
    Hey, mowers, don't mow the lawn
    gdje je ona gazila
    where she stepped on
    tu su negdje njene stope
    there were once her footsteps
    jos tu su, kad je odlazila
    they're still there, when she left

    Hej, kosaci, ne kosite cvijece
    Hey, mowers, don't mow the flowers
    na nju nek mirise
    let it smell like her
    ja i tako nemam srece
    I don't have any luck anyway
    rane me ubise, to mi je previse
    hurts have killed me, that's too much for me

    Jos je lijepa, takvu je pamtim
    She's still beautiful, I remember her that way
    u krvi jos mi stanuje
    she still remains in my blood
    i dalje patim za njenom sjenom
    I'm still suffering for her shadow
    jos jednom da mi je -> strange sentence , not sure of the meaning though!
    If only I could have her once more (If it could only be the way it was before)
  3. djdarwin said:


    thank you =)

    next lyric:

    Boban Rajovic - Broj 23

    Ma, ne znam ja srce da ti dam
    bez obaveze, to je moje pravilo
    u dzepu mi od sobe kljucevi
    broj dvadeset i tri, to je mjesto gdje cu ti
    svoje pravilo pokazati

    Dovoljno bi bilo par minuta
    a onda svojim putem nestani
    ne trazi od mene nista vise
    mi smo samo kozom vezani

    Dovoljno bi bilo par minuta
    meni to na savjest ne ide
    ako sam ti dao svoje tijelo
    obec'o ti nisam prezime

    Ti gledas me vec drugacije
    al' srce maleno ti pamet zavelo
    jer ti bi znam, dugu vezu sad
    al' bolje pogledaj, ja nisam covjek taj
    ja samo sebi samom pripadam
  4. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Number 23

    I don't know how to give you my heart
    without any obligations, that's my right
    there's a key to the room in my pocket
    number 23, that's the place where I'll
    show you my rights

    A few minutes would be enough
    and then dissapear on your own road
    don't ask anything else from me
    we're only connected by skin

    A few minutes would be enough
    It doesn't damage my conscience
    if I have given you my body
    I didn't promise you my surname

    You're looking at me differently
    but your little heart has seduced your brain
    cause you would, I know, (want) a long relationship now
    but look closer/better, I'm not that (kind of) guy
    I belong to myself
    Last edited by NPazarka; 07-10-2008 at 01:50 AM.
  5. djdarwin said:


    thank you =)
    here is the next:

    Boban Rajovic - Ljubav

    Sve sto imali smo reci
    rekla je tisina mjesto nas
    ma, vidio sam i zmureci
    da neko treci je izmedju nas

    I ne razumem sto me budis sad
    kad s ove tacke sve smo stoput prosli
    tamo, 'vamo, uvijek okolo
    opet u krug, na isto mi smo dosli

    Ljubav s nama igra se zmurke
    bas pateticno
    ljubav nas je lavirint
    u kome se ne snalazimo

    Ma, daj, sad il' nikad, sve mi priznaj
    bjezi, ili me spasi, il' me izdaj
    ma, daj, sad il' nikad moja budi
    il' mi se vise ne nudi

    Ma daj, sad il' nikad sve mi kazi
    i sve neka zalede se lazi
    ma, daj, sad il' nikada, ko dijeli
    neka u nema pobjedi ljubav
  6. kupi29 said:


    can someone please translate CRNO LALA by boban rajovic?
  7. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    here's the text of it for someone to translate

    Boban Rajović - Crna lala

    Svatova, svatova biti nece
    meni u rukama vene cvijece
    hej, moja crna lala
    nekom drugom vazda cvjetala

    'Ej moj Bobane, crni covjece
    sta ces sada ti, reci mi

    Pogledaj, sunce do mene ne stize
    mjesec mi kapke spusta i podize
    danima, samo drijemam
    sanjam sve, sve sto nemam

    Postelja, hladnija mi od mermera
    oblake, vise niko ne otjera
    danima, samo drijemam
    sanjam sve, sve sto nemam

    Ljepotice, trepavice moje voljene
    crne kose spustene

    Svatova, svatova nece biti
    kisa ce, kisa ce, dugo liti
    hej, meni nema ljeta
    crna lala drugom cvjeta

    Svatova, svatova biti nece
    meni u rukama vene cvijece
    hej, moja crna lala
    nekom drugom vazda cvjetala

    'Ej moj Bobane, crni covjece
    sta ces sada ti, reci mi

    'Ej moj Bobane, crni covjece
    bit' ce piroman ceri i sinova

    Pogledaj, vec sam razum izgubio
    dangube usne kojim sam ljubio
    danima, samo drijemam
    sanjam sve, sve sto nemam

    Postelja, hladnija mi od mermera
    oblake vise niko ne otjera
    danima, samo drijemam
    sanjam sve, sve sto nemam

    Ljepotice, trepavice moje voljene
    crne kose spustene

    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  8. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Boban Rajović - Crna lala ~ Black Tulip

    Wedding party, there will be no wedding party
    flowers are dying in my hands
    hey, my black tulip
    always bloomed for someone else

    Hey, my Boban, my man
    what will you tell me now

    Look, sun is not reaching me
    moon raises and closes my eyelids
    for days, I'm only dozing
    dreaming of everything, everything I don't have

    My bed, it's colder than marble
    clouds, nobody chases away anymore
    for days, I'm only dozing
    dreaming of everything, everything I don't have

    Beautiful woman, eyelashes of my loved one
    black loose hair

    Wedding party, there will be no wedding party
    rain will, rain will pour for a long time
    hey, there's no summer for me
    black tulip blooms for someone else

    Wedding party, there will be no wedding party
    flowers are dying in my hands
    hey, my black tulip
    always bloomed for someone else

    Hey, my Boban, my man
    what will you tell me now

    Hey, my Boban, my man
    there will be pyrolator daughters and sons

    Look, I've already lost my mind
    the lips I used to kiss with are wasting time
    for days, I'm only dozing
    dreaming of everything, everything I don't have

    My bed, it's colder than marble
    clouds, nobody chases away anymore
    for days, I'm only dozing
    dreaming of everything, everything I don't have

    Beautiful woman, eyelashes of my loved one
    black loose hair
  9. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Quote Originally Posted by djdarwin View Post
    Boban Rajovic - Ljubav

    Sve sto imali smo reci
    rekla je tisina mjesto nas
    ma, vidio sam i zmureci
    da neko treci je izmedju nas

    I ne razumem sto me budis sad
    kad s ove tacke sve smo stoput prosli
    tamo, 'vamo, uvijek okolo
    opet u krug, na isto mi smo dosli

    Ljubav s nama igra se zmurke
    bas pateticno
    ljubav nas je lavirint
    u kome se ne snalazimo

    Ma, daj, sad il' nikad, sve mi priznaj
    bjezi, ili me spasi, il' me izdaj
    ma, daj, sad il' nikad moja budi
    il' mi se vise ne nudi

    Ma daj, sad il' nikad sve mi kazi
    i sve neka zalede se lazi
    ma, daj, sad il' nikada, ko dijeli
    neka u nema pobjedi ljubav
    Boban Rajovic - Ljubav ~ Love

    Everything we had to say
    silence said it for us
    well, I saw it with my eyes closed
    that there was a third person between us

    And I don't understand why you are waking me up now
    because from this point we've already been through it all for hundred times
    there, here, always around
    again in circle, we came back to the same

    Love is playing hide and seek with us
    how pathetic
    love is our labyrinth
    in which we're not finding our way

    Come on, now or never, confess everything to me
    run, or save me, or betray me
    come on, now or never be mine
    or never offer yourself to me again

    Come on, now or never, tell me everything
    and may or lies freeze
    come on, now or never, who's dividing (?)
    may love win in us

    I just saw Maja already translated it (link)
    Last edited by Spring; 10-11-2008 at 07:06 AM. Reason: found another translation... ;p
  10. karolinaa_pl's Avatar

    karolinaa_pl said:


    could anyone translate pomozite mi drugovi (i couldn't find it anywhere, so i guess it hasn't been translated yet)

    Budva,Herceg Novi na javi moji snovi
    pa preko Kotora do Podgorice
    drustvo,provod je to,ma dzaba mi je sve to
    kad kraj mene nije njeno drago lice.

    Vjetar nosi dah,njenog poljubca
    daleko od oka,al'ne i od srca.

    Pomozite mi drugovi
    da nadjem spas od ljubavi.
    Pomozite mi rodjeni
    samo jos ove noci.

    Treba mi da se napijem
    sa mahom nekad razbijem.
    Pomozite mi najbolji
    bez vas to necu moci.

    Nesto njoj me tera,da li atmosfera
    il' vece ko stvoreno za njeznost pravu.
    Ko da kraj mene tu je,kao da glas joj cijem
    sve vise osecam da za njom gubim glavu.

    Vjetar nosi dah,njenog poljubca
    daleko od oka,al' ne i od srca.

    Pomozite mi drugovi
    da nadjem spas od ljubavi.
    Pomozite mi rodjeni
    samo jos ove noci.

    Treba mi da se napijem
    sa mahom nekad razbijem.
    Pomozite mi najbolji
    bez vas to necu moci.

    Refren 2x

    I'd really appreciate ur help
  11. karolinaa_pl's Avatar

    karolinaa_pl said:


    still waiting
  12. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default sorry!

    Help Me My Friends

    Budva, Herceg Novi my dreams coming true
    then through Kotor to Podgorice
    friends, it's fun but it's all in vain to me
    because her dear face is not next to me


    The wind carries the breath of her kiss
    far from the eye, but not from the heart

    Help me my friends
    to find salvation from love
    help me loved ones
    just this one night

    I need to get drunk
    (this sentence makes little sense to me -- > sa mahom nekad razbijem. but should be something like - get smashed in a flash sometimes )
    Help me best ones
    without you, I wont be able to do it

    Something is driving me to her, whether the atmosphere
    or the night like made for real tenderness
    As if she was next to me, as if I can hear her voice
    more and more I feel I'm loosing my mind because of her

    The wind carries the breath of her kiss
    far from the eye, but not from the heart

  13. karolinaa_pl's Avatar

    karolinaa_pl said:


    thank you soooo much