Random translations ;)

Thread: Random translations ;)

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  1. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:

    Red face Random translations ;)

    I'm a bit bored lately, as i dont have much to translate here, so I decide to write some random translations I've done before... Maybe someone finds them useful

    Van Gogh - Klupko ~ Bobbin

    Znas li ti
    Do you know
    Da svaka moja noc zavisi od toga
    that my every night depends on
    Koliko blizu mene ti u postelji lezis
    how close you're lying next to me in the bed

    Znas li kako mali je moj dan
    Do you know how small is my day
    Kada ne cujem tvoj glas
    when I dont hear your voice
    Kako tiho sapuce moje ime
    whispering my name quietly

    Da je srece da, da nema zidova
    If only there were no walls
    Visine beskraja iza kojih si
    endlessy tall, behind which
    Sve svoje sklonila sve moje sakrila
    you took away everything yours, hidden everything mine
    Da je srece da
    if only

    Tvoja koza je od zvezda satkana
    your skind is made of stars
    Koje vode me lako bih tad ja
    that lead me, it would be easy for me
    Da nema zidova i glupih razloga
    if there were no walls and stupud reasons

    I tako
    and like that
    Svaku noc i dan
    every night and day
    ja vojnike naslikam
    I paint the soldiers
    Da od drugih cuvaju
    to keep from the others
    kapije tvog srca
    gates of your heart

    Mislim da jos uvek znam
    I think I still know
    Sve tvoje navike
    All of your habits
    Voleo bih samo da
    I'd only want that
    Jedna ne postanem ja
    I dont become one of them
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  2. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Van Gogh - Neko te ima ~ Someone has you

    Hteo bih negde da te vidim
    I'd want to see you somewhere
    Kao slucajno
    by accident
    U kom dzepu ovaj grad
    in which pocket this town
    Te nocas sakrio
    Hid you tonight

    Sada ne mogu da zaspim
    Now I cant fall asleep
    Nesto se dogodilo
    something happened
    Poludeo sam sasvim
    I totally got crazy
    Od kad mislim na tebe
    since I'm thinking about you
    Sve se izmenilo
    everything changed

    Kad sam s tobom kao da hodam po vrelom asfaltu
    When I'm with you it's like I'm walking on the hot asphalt
    I taman kad se noge naviknu ti vise nisi tu
    and just when my feel get used to it, you're not here anymore
    Sada ne mogu da zaspim, nesto se dogodilo
    now I cant fall asleep, something happened
    Poludeo sam sasvim, od kad mislim na tebe
    I got totally crazy, since I'm thinking about you
    Sve se izmenilo
    everything changed

    Neko te ima nocas, neko te voli
    someone has you tonight, someone loves you
    Neko te ima, to nisam ja
    someone has you, and it's not me

    Kad sam s tobom, kao da padam, a nikad ne-padnem
    When I'm with you, it's like I'm falling, and I never fall down
    Gde te sakrio ovaj grad, ne mogu da te pronadjem
    Where this town hid you, I cant find you
    I ne mogu da zaspim, nesto se dogodilo
    And I cant fall asleep, something happened
    Poludeo sam sasvim, od kad mislim na tebe
    I totally got crazy, since I'm thinking about you
    Sve se izmenilo
    everything changed

    Neko te ima nocas, neko te voli
    Someone has you tonight, someone loves you
    Neko te ima, to nisam ja
    someone has you tonight, and it's not me
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  3. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Vlado Georgiev - Sve si mi ti ~ You're everything to me

    Toliko toga znamo ti i ja
    We know so much
    ... med u nocima
    honey in th nights
    s tobom i kad ne razgovaram...
    I never talk to you
    pricam ocima
    we speak with the eyes

    Necu ti kriti sve znas
    I wont hide it from you, you know it all
    previse zelim te ja
    I want you too much

    Sve si mi ti
    You're everything to me
    reci da si moja, reci mi
    say that you're mine, say it
    samo da cujem iako vec znam
    just to hear it, even though I already know it
    ti, samo ti
    you, only you,
    reci da si moja, ljubavi
    say that you're mine, my love
    i bicu zauvijek s tobom ili sam
    and I'll be forever with you or alone

    Za lude misli nemam vremena
    I have no time for crazy thoughts
    ti ih odvlacis
    you take them away
    u mojoj sobi nema oblaka
    There are no clouds in my room
    jer ti se oblacis
    becuase you're dressing up

    Necu ti kriti sve znas
    I wont hide it from you, you know it all
    previse zelim te ja
    I want you too much

    Sve si mi ti
    You're everything to me
    reci da si moja, reci mi
    say that you're mine, say it
    samo da cujem iako vec znam
    just to hear it, even though I already know it
    ti, samo ti
    you, only you,
    reci da si moja, ljubavi
    say that you're mine, my love
    i bicu zauvijek s tobom ili sam
    and I'll be forever with you or alone
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  4. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Vlado Georgiev - Draga ~ Dear

    Only one
    Suzo s moga jastuka
    tear from my pillow
    Reci mi
    tell me
    Da nisi njegova
    that you're not his

    Moja si
    You're mine
    I zauvjek ostani
    and stay forever
    Njemu ne treba niko
    He doesnt need anybody
    Al' meni trebas ti
    and I need you

    Njegova i moja
    his and mine
    Suzo mojih snova
    tear of my dreams
    A bila si moja
    and you were mine

    Sve ti svoje poklanjam
    I give you all mine
    Samo ostani
    just stay
    I nikad, nikad ne idi
    and never, never go away

    Moja si
    you're mine
    I bila i ostala
    you were and you still are
    Mene volela
    you loved me
    A snove drugom dala
    but you gave your dreams to another one
    Njegova i moja
    his and mine
    Zeljo mojih snova
    desire of my dreams
    Ostani moja
    stay mine

    Ne ostavljaj me sada
    dont leave me now
    Dok su moje noci hladne
    while my nights are cold
    Ti pored njega budis se u svitanja
    you're waking up next to him in the dawn
    Moras reci sada
    you have to say it now
    Jer kad svane ova zora
    because when a new dawn comes
    Jedan poci mora bez pitanja
    one has to go away without asking anything

    Ti si mi
    Ono sto nedostaje
    what I'm missing
    Jedna jedina
    the only one, the only one
    U svemu prva i poslednja
    first and last in everything

    Ne bi ti sa njim zore svitale
    the dawns wouldnt come with him
    Ko uz mene
    like with me
    Jedino moje i najdraze
    my only one, and dearest one

    Njegova i moja
    his and mine
    Volja je tvoja
    it's your will
    A bice i moja
    and it will be mine too

    Ne ostavljaj me sada
    dont leave me now
    Dok su moje noci hladne
    while my nights are cold
    Ti pored njega budis se u svitanja
    you're waking up next to him in the dawn
    Moras reci sada
    you have to say it now
    Jer kad svane ova zora
    because when a new dawn comes
    Jedan poci mora bez pitanja
    one has to go away without asking anything

    to be continued
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  5. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Well I hope you don't mind to post some transaltions here also
    sooo here are they ...

    Marija Serifovic - Bolji život
    A better Life

    Ja hocu život, bolji život
    I want life, better one
    Da ga zgrabim poput tigra
    To catch it as a tiger
    Život nije dečija igra
    the life isn't a childish game

    Ja hoću više, hoću bolje još
    I want more, I want better
    Hoću sve, pa kako bude
    I want everything, and how it will be
    Šta to vredi kad ne spadam u taj soj
    what is worthing when I don't belong to this kind
    Jer život traži bolje ljude
    because the life is searching for better people

    Ja hoću život, sve il' ništa
    I want life, everything or nothing
    Hoću glavni zgoditak
    I want the biggest prize
    To moj je moto ali šipak
    it's my motto, but still
    Nešto ipak tu ne štima
    something isn't good
    Život nije loto
    the life isn't a lotto

    Ja hocu život, bolji život
    I want life, better one
    Lupam glavom posred zida
    I am hitting my head against wall
    Gde je tanko tu se kida
    I'm hitting where it's thiniest

    Ja hoću, ipak, da ostvarim san
    I still want, to realize this dream
    Želje sve, pa kako bude
    many wishes, and how it will be
    Šta to vredi kad ne spadam
    what is worthing when I don't belong to this kind
    U taj soj jer život traži bolje ljude
    because the life is searching for better people

    Ja hoću život, sve il' ništa
    I want life, everything or nothing
    Hoću glavni zgoditak
    I want the biggest prize
    To moj je moto ali šipak
    it's my motto, but still
    Nešto ipak tu ne štima
    something isn't good
    Život nije loto
    the life isn't a lotto

    I will post more soon, but now I don't have much time
    Last edited by velvet_sky; 06-17-2008 at 12:52 PM.
  6. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Of course I dont mind, only it would be nice if you coud add the name of the artist, so it would be easier to arrange lyrics later (:
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  7. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    aaah yeah ) I forgot to write it .. now it's edited
  8. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Well here are three more ...

    Marija Serifovic Jedan dobar razlog
    One Good reason

    Već ti čitam misli
    I already read your thoughts
    Dok otvaraš mi vrata
    while you are opening me the door
    Treba ti tišina
    you need a silence
    I ćutaćemo dva, tri sata
    and we will be silent two or three hours
    Dobro znam
    I know it good
    Ti i ja odavno nismo mi
    you and me, we aren't we for a long time

    Ko anđeli u snegu
    Like an angels in the snow
    Mi smo zaleđeni
    we're iced
    Otopiće nas tuga
    the sorrow will melt us
    Ali nikada u meni
    but never in me
    Dobro znam
    I know it good
    Ti i ja odavno nismo mi
    you and me, we aren't we for a long time

    Na korak sam do tebe ,
    I am one step far from you
    A dalje nego ikad
    but so far like never before
    Da li pamtiš u šta smo se kleli
    do you remember what with we sweared
    I nikada ne reci nikad
    and never say "never"
    I biraj svoje reči
    and choose your words
    Pre nego me slome
    before they crush me
    Daj mi jedan dobar razlog da te dam nekome
    give me one good reason to give you to somebody

    Ko anđeli u snegu
    Like an angels in the snow
    Mi smo zaleđeni
    we're iced
    Otopiće nas tuga
    the sorrow will melt us
    Ali nikada u meni
    but never in me
    Dobro znam
    I know it good
    Ti i ja odavno nismo mi
    you and me, we aren't we for a long time

    Na korak sam do tebe ,
    I am one step far from you
    A dalje nego ikad
    but so far like never before
    Da li pamtiš u šta smo se kleli
    do you remember what with we sweared
    I nikada ne reci nikad
    and never say "never"
    I biraj svoje reči
    and choose your words
    Pre nego me slome
    before they crush me
    Daj mi jedan dobar razlog da te dam nekome
    give me one good reason to give you to somebody

    Marija Serifovic Kasno da te menjam
    it's too late to change you

    Nek` nikad, niko ne dira
    never don't let anyone to touch
    U ovaj mali deo svemira
    this little piece of the universe
    Samo još tamo mogu,
    Only there I can still
    Da priznam bogu
    admit to God
    Da još zbog tebe ne spavam
    that still I can't sleep because of you

    I otkud tu baš danas
    and why just this day
    Na ovom trgu kiša, ti i ja
    in the rain, you and me
    Već smo se jednom sreli
    we have already met each other once
    A ne bi smeli
    but didn't dare to
    Jer padamo na greškama
    coz we was making mistakes

    Sve je teže da te srcu zabranim
    it is hard to ban you to my heart
    Ako za rukom pođe ti
    when it's seek your hands
    Kako da se odbranim
    how can I defence myself

    Sad je kasno da te menjam
    Now it is too late to change you
    Da te za sebe pravim
    to change you for myself
    Svaki put kad odeš ti
    everytime when you are leaving
    Još veći zid ja stavim
    a bigger wall I am raiseing
    Odavno si ti srcu mom potpisao
    for long time ago you have signed in my heart
    Da si mi prošlost brisao
    and erased my story

    I otkud tu baš danas
    and why just this day
    Na ovom trgu kiša, ti i ja
    in the rain, you and me
    Već smo se jednom sreli
    we have already met each other once
    A ne bi smeli
    but didn't dare to
    Jer padamo na greškama
    coz we was making mistakes

    Sve je teže da te srcu zabranim
    it is hard to ban you to my heart
    Ako za rukom pođe ti
    when it's seek your hands
    Kako da se odbranim
    how can I defence myself

    Sad je kasno da te menjam
    Now it is too late to change you
    Da te za sebe pravim
    to change you for myself
    Svaki put kad odeš ti
    everytime when you are leaving
    Još veći zid ja stavim
    a bigger wall I am raiseing
    Odavno si ti srcu mom potpisao
    for long time ago you have signed in my heart
    Da si mi prošlost brisao
    and erased my story

    Marija Serifovic Ne voliš je znam
    I know you don't love her

    Tu je da se s tobom smeje
    she is here to laugh with you
    Tu je da ti dušu greje, nije kao ja
    she is here to warm up your soul, she is not like me
    Tu je da ti s dlana pije
    she is here to drink from your hands
    Uvek kad me bilo nije
    everytime when I was not here
    Umela je da se da
    she knew how to give herself

    Ne voliš je znam, samo mi se svetiš
    I know you don't love her, you only revengeing to me
    Svoju tugu deliš na pola
    you are divideing your sadness into two
    Ne voliš je znam al` boli to što ona može da ti da
    I know you don't love her, but it's hurt to know that she can give you everything
    Sve što nisam ja
    everything that I am not

    Tu je kad ti treba neko
    She is here when you need someone
    Tu je kad sam ja daleko, ćutim da znam.
    She is here when I am far away, I don't tell you I know
    Tu je da krivicu spreči
    She is here to erase your guilty
    Posle mojih grubih reči
    after my rude words
    Da ti novu snagu da
    to give you a new strength

    Ne voliš je znam, samo mi se svetiš
    I know you don't love her, you only revengeing to me
    Svoju tugu deliš na pola
    you are divideing your sadness into two
    Ne voliš je znam al` boli to što ona može da ti da
    I know you don't love her, but it's hurt to know that she can give you everything
    Sve što nisam ja
    everything that I am not
    Last edited by velvet_sky; 08-25-2008 at 12:35 PM.
  9. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Great! Thanks for your translations, keep up to the good job
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  10. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Hehee thanks Adrienne .. I will do my best
  11. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Marija Serifovic Nisam anđeo
    I am not an angel

    Kad mi dođu lutke, a ti me ne diraj
    when the madness come over me, don't touch me
    Sačekaj na tren, sačekaj
    wait a little, wait
    Posle 5 minuta kao dete kajem se
    after five minutes like a child I will regret
    Pa te molim poljubi me
    and I will beg you to kiss me
    Sve na svetu što postoji sve sam tebi
    everyting that exist on this world, I have given it to you
    Osećam i znam jedina
    I feel it and I only know it
    šta je to sa nama ma reci slobodno
    what is this with us, tell me
    Zašto nismo zajedno
    why we are not togheter

    Znam da nisam anđeo, a volim te
    I know I am not an angel, but I love you
    Poveruj u dodir moj i prepoznaj me
    Belive in my touch and identify me
    Nisam anđeo, al` veruj mi
    I am not an angel, but believe me
    Ako ne znaš ko sam ja… ljubav zna
    if you don't know who am I, the love knows

    Kosa tvoja pod mojim noktima
    Your hair is under my nails
    Tvoja ruka bol otima
    your hand is takeing the pain away
    Pusti naše đavole da potonu na dno
    let our devils to go to the bottom
    Mi smo ljubav to je to
    we are the love, and this is it

    Znam da nisam anđeo, a volim te
    I know I am not an angel, but I love you
    Poveruj u dodir moj i prepoznaj me
    Belive in my touch and identify me
    Nisam anđeo, al` veruj mi
    I am not an angel, but believe me
    Ako ne znaš ko sam ja… ljubav zna
    if you don't know who am I, the love knows

    Polako i lepo samnom treba
    slowly and nice you have to be with me
    Ni sama ja sebe ne razumem
    I don't understand myself either
    Polako za ime milog Boga
    slowly in the name of the dear God
    I padam ja na kolena, za mene treba vremena
    and I fall on my knees, I need time

    Marija Serifovic Podvala
    A deceit

    Opet na pragu mome,
    again on my doorstep
    opet jer nemaš kome
    again, because you don't have elsewhere to go
    Nudiš se ponovo
    you're offering yourself again
    Gađas u srce meko kajanjem
    you're hitting the delicate heart with regret
    Bolje nego olovom
    it's better this than with a lead

    Ne sluti to na dobro
    This isn't going to bode well
    Znam da ljubav s tobom podvala
    I know that the love with you is a deceit
    Al kad mi ruke puste
    but when my hands let me to
    Opet bi tvoje usne probala
    I would taste your lips again

    Opet bi da mi sude
    they will judge me again
    Ruke što nemir bude
    the hands which are a confusion
    Uzdah se otima
    the air is pluckсing out of me
    Opet bi da me kupe
    again would buy me
    Usne što lazno ljube noćima
    lips, which in the night falsely kisses me

    Ne sluti to na dobro
    This isn't going to bode well
    Znam da ljubav s tobom podvala
    I know that the love with you is a deceit
    Al kad mi ruke puste
    but when my hands let me to
    Opet bi tvoje usne probala
    I would taste your lips again

    Marija Serifovic Sve po starom
    Everything by old

    Idu vekovi a priča uvek stara
    centuries are passing by and the story is always the same
    Jedan može sve a drugi nema dara
    one can do everything, and others don't have the gift for
    Praštam, ti praštam sigurna samo se pravim
    I forgive you, I only pretend to be certain
    Od bola i tuge oproštaj da sastavim
    from pain and sadness I will forgive you

    Opet si lagao, ja isto zaljubljena
    Again you were lieing,and I am still inlove
    Hiljadu dokaza ja isto prevarena
    Thousands of proofs and I am again fooled
    Opet sam naivna i ko da ne poludi
    again I am naive and who don't become insane
    To ti se dešava kad srcu daš da sudi
    It happens to you, when you let your heart to judge

    Opet se svađamo, znam ja sa kim si bio
    Again we're arguing, I know who with you were
    I sve ti verujem a ti me prevario
    And for everything I belive you, and you were cheating me
    Udaram ja od zid opet sa istim žarom
    I am crashing again in walls, with the same fervour again
    Opet se ljubimo i opet sve po starom
    again we're kissing and again everyting is by old

    Nema razloga a nekada mi dodje
    there is no reason , but sometimes I feel like I have ( but sometimes it comes to me )
    Da vičem na sav glas, da popusti, da prođe
    to scream with all my voice, to ease it up, to obliterate it
    Tajna je tajna kako to ne umem da letim
    the secret is secret, why I can not fly
    Kad zemlju bez tebe ne mogu da osetim.
    when without you I can't feel the ground

    Opet si lagao, ja isto zaljubljena
    Again you were lieing,and I am still inlove
    Hiljadu dokaza ja isto prevarena
    Thousands of proofs and I am again fooled
    Opet sam naivna i ko da ne poludi
    again I am naive and who don't become insane
    To ti se dešava kad srcu daš da sudi
    It happens to you, when you let your heart to judge

    Opet se svađamo, znam ja sa kim si bio
    Again we're arguing, I know who with you were
    I sve ti verujem a ti me prevario
    And for everything I belive you, and you were cheating me
    Udaram ja od zid opet sa istim žarom
    I am crashing again in walls, with the same fervour again
    Opet se ljubimo i opet sve po starom
    again we're kissing and again everyting is by old
  12. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Here are some more

    Marija Serifovic Vreme je da krenem
    It's time for leaving you

    Vreme je da krenem
    it's time for leaving you
    Rekla bih ti nešto ako smem
    I would tell you something If I have the courage to
    Varala te jesam, priznajem
    I was cheating you, I admit it
    Htela sam da vratim sve što si mi radio
    I wanted to give you back all this what you've done to me
    Srce mi prehladio
    you have cooled my heart

    Kada si varao, varao si me sa gorima
    when you were cheating me, you were cheating me with worse one
    I voleo to
    and you liked it
    Kada sam te varala, varala sam te sa boljima
    when I wan cheating you, I was cheating you with better ones
    A bilo mi zlo
    and I felt bad

    Znala sam da grešim i da samo gubim te
    I knew that I am wrong and that I'm only loosing you
    Glupo je da kažem, nisam htela, volim te
    it's foolishly to say I didn't want to, I love you
    Znala sam da tonem i da život gubi sjaj
    I knew I was drowning and that the life is loosing it's shine
    Al` bolji je kraj
    but better is to end this

    Kada si varao, varao si me sa gorima
    when you were cheating me, you were cheating me with worse one
    I voleo to
    and you liked it
    Kada sam te varala, varala sam te sa boljima
    when I wan cheating you, I was cheating you with better ones
    A bilo mi zlo
    and I felt bad

    Marija Serifovic Zabranjena priča
    A forbidden story

    Kad srce ostavim
    When I leave my heart
    Na beloj hartiji
    on white paper
    I ljubav zaplače po notama
    and the love start to cry on the notes
    Zabranjene priče
    of a forbidden story

    K`o džep prišiven strah
    fear like a sewed up pocket
    Kad ispod oka gledaju nas
    when everybody are looking at us under eyes
    Mi smo pogrešni za čitav svet
    we are sinful for the whole world
    Svaki put još po malo gubim te
    everytime a bit I am loosing you

    Nije istina poznajem ti dodir
    It's not a true, I know your touch
    Vlažne ruke pred odlazak
    wet hands befere leaving
    Kao da je to zauvek
    as if it is for ever
    Nije istina da nismo ništa i sve sto kažes
    it is not true we are nothing , and everything that you are saying

    Ko uvek kriješ se, glavu okrećeš
    as always you're hiding and turning your head away
    Ako ovo nije ljubav zašto uvek vratiš se
    if that is not love, why you are always comeing back
    K`o džep prišiven strah
    fear like a sewed up pocket
    Kad ispod oka gledaju nas
    when everybody are looking at us under eyes
    Mi smo pogrešni za čitav svet
    we are sinful for the whole world
    Svaki put još po malo gubim te
    everytime a bit I am loosing you

    Nije istina poznajem ti dodir
    It's not a true, I know your touch
    Vlažne ruke pred odlazak
    wet hands befere leaving
    Kao da je to zauvek
    as if it is for ever
    Nije istina da nismo ništa i sve sto kažes
    it is not true we are nothing , and everything that you are saying
    Ko uvek kriješ se, glavu okrećeš
    as always you're hiding and turning your head away
    Ako ovo nije ljubav zašto uvek vratiš se
    if that is not love, why you are always comeing back

    O,o,o,o,o moj je život takav kakav je
    oooo, my life is what is it
    O,o,o,o,o iza njega dobro kriješ se
    oooo, and you are good hiding behind it
    Ne treba, i ne treba ti neko kao ja
    you don't need and you don't need someone like me
  13. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Poslednja igra leptira - Mozak mi pomeras

    Kad bi lako moglo da se kaze
    If it was so easy to say
    rek'o bi' ti odavno.
    I'd say it long time ago
    Kad bi srce moglo da se proda,
    If the heart could be sold
    vec bi bilo prodano...
    it would already be sold
    Dugo vec ne dolazim bezveze,
    For a long time I'm not coming for nothing
    samo kada tvoji nisu tu.
    only when nobody's around
    Kazes da me volis kao brata,
    You say you love me as a brother
    a meni je vec muka od tog.
    And I'm already sick of it
    Mozak mi pomeras, a nista ne shvatas,
    You move my brain, and you dont understand a thing
    misli mi preturas s kraja na kraj.
    you turn my thoughts from one end to another
    Nije lako kad mi sedis blizu
    It's not easy when you're sitting close to me
    (haljine su providne),
    dresses are transparent
    nije lako kad ti gledam usne,
    It's not easy when I look at your lips
    ne greju, a vruce je.
    they dont heat, and it's hot
    Dugo vec ne dolazim bezveze,
    For a long time I'm not coming for nothing
    samo kada tvoji nisu tu.
    only when nobody's around
    Kazes da me volis kao brata,
    You say you love me as a brother
    a meni je vec muka od tog.
    And I'm already sick of it
    Mozak mi pomeras, a nista ne shvatas,
    You move my brain, and you dont understand a thing
    misli mi preturas s kraja na kraj.
    you turn my thoughts from one end to another
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  14. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Bijelo Dugme - Nakon svih ovih godina ~ After all these years

    Tebi je lako jer ti imas mene
    It's easy for you, because you have me
    a sta sam zato dobio
    and what did I get for that?
    na kraju ces me ostaviti
    You'll leave me in the end
    e to bi i blesav vidio
    even a fool would see it

    Poneka ljubav mozda i vrijedi bola
    Some love might be worth of pain
    moja i tvoja vise ne
    mine and yours is not anymore
    jer ti si samo trag u pjesku
    because you're only a trace in the sand
    gorka brazda koja nestane
    bitter wrinkle that disappears

    Danas otvaram oci
    Today I'm opening my eyes
    nakon svih ovih godina
    after all these year
    niti ja voljeh tebe
    Nor I loved you
    nit' si ti mene voljela
    neither you loved me
    samo stara navika
    only old habit
    je ostala
    has left
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  15. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    I'm a bit bored, so let's translate some songs that I like hehe

    Emilija - Što mi značiš ti - What you mean to me

    Samoj sebi se bojim priznati
    pogled ne mogu sa tebe skinuti
    cijeli zivot bi te mogla gledati
    i sebicno te ja nikom ne dati

    I'm afraid to admit it to myself
    I can't take my eyes off you
    I could look at you all my life
    and not to give you to anyone selfishly

    I oprostice mi Bog
    sto si meni sve moje molitve
    milion godina trebala bih ja
    da ti ispricam

    And God will forgive me
    because you're all my prayers
    It would take million years
    to tell you

    Sto mi znacis ti
    sto mi znacis ti
    ti si zrak sto moram disat ja
    da te nema ja bih umrla

    What you mean to me
    what you mean to me
    you're the air I have to breathe
    If you werent here I would die

    Volim te ja, volim te ja
    i da u isto vrijeme na dva mjesta mogu biti ja
    s tobom bi stajala
    i da u isto vrijeme dva zivota mogu zivjet ja
    s tobom bi zivjela

    I love you, love you
    and if I could be in two places at the same time
    I would stand with you
    and if I could live two lives at the same time
    I would live with you

    Cijeli zivot bih te mogla ljubiti
    i svako jutro se kraj tebe buditi
    milion godina trebala bi ja
    da ti ispricam

    I could kiss you all my life
    and wake up next to you every morning
    It would take million years
    to tell you

    Sto mi znacis ti
    sto mi znacis ti
    ti si zrak sto moram disat ja
    da te nema ja bih umrla

    What you mean to me
    what you mean to me
    you're the air I have to breathe
    If you werent here I would die

    Volim te ja, volim te ja
    i da u isto vrijeme na dva mjesta mogu biti ja
    s tobom bi stajala
    i da u isto vrijeme dva zivota mogu zivjet ja
    s tobom bi zivjela

    I love you, love you
    and if I could be in two places at the same time
    I would stand with you
    and if I could live two lives at the same time
    I would live with you
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  16. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Yep me too !

    But.. have you seen there are some requests in Balasevic thread that we never answered?
  17. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Zdravko Čolić - Jedina - The only one

    Ostani, da ti kazem nesto jos,
    ostani, ovaj dan je bio los,
    ostani da ne budem vise sam,
    jer je tuga sve sto znam...

    Stay to tell you something more
    Stay, this day was bad
    Stay, so that I wont be alone anymore
    because sorrow is all I know

    Pricaj mi, makar bajke bile to,
    pricaj mi, ti ces otjerati zlo,
    pricaj mi nek me umire na cas
    tvoje ruke i tvoj glas...

    Tell me, even if those were fairy tales
    tell me, you will chase the evil away
    tell me, let your hands and your voice
    calm me down for a moment

    Ti si jedina od svih
    koja dodje kada treba,
    ti si sunce moga neba,
    tebi mogu reci sve.

    You're the only one
    who comes when its needed
    you're the sun of my sky
    I can say everything to you

    Ti si jedina od svih
    koja tajne moje cuva,
    ti si moja ljubav prva,
    za mnom podjes bilo gde...

    You're the only one
    who keeps my secrets
    you're my first love
    you follow me everywhere

    Ostani nisi ista, ali znas,
    ostani da mi opet snage das,
    pricaj mi nek me umire na cas
    tvoje ruke i tvoj glas...

    Stay, you're not the same but you know
    stay to give me strength again
    talk to me, let your hands and voice
    call me down
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  18. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Spring View Post
    Yep me too !

    But.. have you seen there are some requests in Balasevic thread that we never answered?
    Oh I see that now, but those songs are quite a bit challenging hehe.. Have you tried to translate them?
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  19. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    I stared at them (many times haha) but.. pfff
    I might try Requiem though..
    Aw and there's also the Dirlija challenge...
  20. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    I just translated Requiem

    lol many challenges here I see... But you're the best for that!
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!