Djordje Balasevic

Thread: Djordje Balasevic

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  1. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:

    Default Svirajte Mi Jesen Stize Dunjo Moja

    Toga jutra sam stigao putničkom klasom
    pa kući sa stanice časom kroz bašte i prečice znane
    A u vojsci sam stekao druga do groba
    i hroničnu upalu zgloba, suvenir na stražarske dane

    That morning I arrived in economy class
    and went home from the station quickly through gardens and shortcuts well know
    And in the army I found a 'friend til the end'
    and got a chronical arthritis, souvenir from the guardian days

    Ušao sam na prstima
    mati beše već budna i brzo se prekrstila
    Reče: "Prošlo je ko za čas
    baš si stigao dobro jer svatovi su tu do nas
    pa će ti svirati a ti ćeš birati"

    I entered walking on a tiptoe
    my mother was already awake and she crossed herself quickly
    She said: It passed in a split of second
    it's good that you came, there is wedding right next to us
    so they will play for you, and you will chose (songs)

    Svadba beše ko svadba i šta da se priča
    parada pijanstva i kiča i poznata cura u belom
    Već po redu poželeh im zdravlja i sreće
    iz ruku mi otela cveće i sakrila pogled pod velom
    Tad me spaziše Cigani
    kum je tražio pesmu al ja sam stigo briga njih
    Širok osmeh i zlatan zub
    znam da nije ti lako al danas nemoj biti grub
    Nego zapovedi šta ćemo svirati

    The wedding was like any other, what else to say
    parade of drunkeness and bad taste, and a well-know girl dressed in white
    I already wished them health and happiness
    she grabbed the flowers from my hands and hid her look under the veil
    Then the Gipsies saw me
    the godfather asked for a song, but they dont care because now I am here
    wide smile and a golden tooth
    I know it's not easy for you, but dont be harsh today
    but command what to play

    Svirajte mi jesen stiže dunjo moja, jesen rana,
    nek zazvone tambure u transu
    Znam da nije pesma ova za veselje i svatovac
    al ja moram čuti tu romansu

    Play the song "Autumn is comming my quince", an early autumn
    let the tambourine in transe ring
    I know this song is not for celebrations and weddings
    but I have to hear that romance

    Svirajte mi jesen stiže dunjo moja, al polako
    da mi ne bi koja reč promakla
    Sklonte čaše i bokale
    razbio bi svet od šale
    Da je samo slučajno od stakla, dunjo moja

    Play the song "Autumn is comming my quince", but slowly
    so that I wouldnt miss a word
    take the glasses and pitchers away
    I would break the world as a joke
    if it only was made of glass, my quince

    Retko odlazim kući a pišem još ređe
    i slike su bleđe i bleđe
    Pa lepe potiskuju ružne
    al nekad poručim piće i tako to krene
    Pa stignem u svatove njene
    sve prave su ljubavi tužne

    I'm going home rarely, and I'm writing even less
    and the photos are fading away
    so the nice ones are pushing out ugly ones
    But sometimes I order a drink and that's how it goes
    and I come to her wedding
    all real loves are sad

    Nikom ne pričam o tome
    brzo prođe taj talas i znam da ću da potonem
    Spas mi donose cigani
    oni imaju srce za svakog od nas, briga njih
    Oni me pitaju, šta da sviraju

    I dont talk about it with anyone
    that wave goes by quickly and I know I will sink
    gipsies come as a rescue
    they have heart for all of us, they dont care
    they ask me what to play

    Svirajte mi jesen stiže dunjo moja, jesen rana...

    Play the song "Autumn is comming my quince", an early autumn
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  2. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Bluz mutne vode = Blues of troubled water (fig.) - Blues of muddy water (lit.)

    Svasta se rodi u mutnoj vodi,
    lukava mrena i glupavi smudj,
    karas i bandar, lopov i dzandar
    i ribe sto zive na racun tudj'.

    Everything is born in the muddy water
    cunning barbel and a stupid perch
    carp and ??, thief and policeman
    and fish that are living on someone else's back

    Malene one vecih se klone,
    ne pazis i vec te nema za tren.
    Gde god da beze stignu u mreze,
    neko se rodi da postane plen.

    Little ones are staying away from bigger ones
    if you're not careful you disappear in a moment
    Wherever they run they end up in the net
    some are born to become a plunder

    Ja pevam svoj blues bez namere bitne.
    I najvece ribe za mene su sitne.
    Ja sa strane samo posmatram taj svet.
    A budem i ja i smuvan i varan,
    pa svakom se desi da ispadne saran,
    to je bar rutinska stvar.

    I'm singing my blues without any purpose
    and the biggest fishes are small for me
    I'm only watching that world from the side
    but I also get tricked and cheated
    it happens to everyone to appear as a fool
    that is a routine thing at least

    Ko zivot vodi u mutnoj vodi
    mora sve trikove dobro da zna,
    u mutnoj vodi, sto mnogim godi
    posebno onim sa vrha i dna.

    The one who lives life in the muddy water
    has to know all the tricks
    in the muddy water, where many feel good
    especially the ones from the top and the bottom

    Svi znaju svrhu, stuka na vrhu,
    tu su da kvare i naprave lom,
    a dole na dnu, sudbinu jadnu,
    mnogima resava nekakav som.

    Everybody know the purpose of the pike on the top
    they are here to make a mess
    and down at the bottom, miserable destiny
    is being solved by some catfish

    Ja pevam svoj blues bez namere bitne.
    I najvece ribe za mene su sitne.
    Ja sa strane samo posmatram taj svet.
    Ja pevam svoj blues u srcu dubine
    i drzim se pretezno zlatne sredine,
    to je bar rutinska stvar, rutinska stvar.

    I'm singing my blues without any purpose
    and the biggest fishes are small for me
    I'm only watching that world from the side
    I'm singing my blues in the middle of depth
    and I hold on to the golden mean
    it is a routine thing at least, routine thing

    Na sta se svodi zivot u vodi?
    Pa eto, grabljivci imaju vlast.
    Grgec je glupan, ali je krupan,
    pa male ribice guta u slast.

    What the life in the water comes down to?
    Well, greedy ones have the power
    The perch is stupid, but he's big
    so he's eating little fish with pleasure

    U dane gadne, kad voda padne,
    plasljive ribe ne vrede ni gros,
    naidju krize, drukcije grize,
    i samo najbolji plivaju jos.

    In the bad days, when the water is down
    fearful fish dont worth a thing
    crises are coming, fish bite differently
    and only the best ones are still swimming

    Ja pevam svoj blues bez namere bitne.
    I najvece ribe za mene su sitne.
    Ja sa strane samo posmatram taj svet.
    Ja pevam svoj blues u vrtlogu gluvom
    i pitam se sta rade ribe na suvom,
    a to je bar rutinska stvar.

    I'm singing my blues without any purpose
    and the biggest fishes are small for me
    I'm only watching that world from the side
    I'm singing my blues in the deaf whirlpool
    and I'm asking myself what are fish dong on the land
    and that is, at least, a routne thing
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  3. AnteQ's Avatar

    AnteQ said:


    Saputnik – Co-passenger

    Na granici sam bio posle ponoći.
    At the custom, there I was, after the midnight.
    Mrak je moja boja i tu nema pomoći.
    The night is my colour, no help available for that

    Carinik, još dečak,
    Custom officer, a boy still
    klimnuo mi glavom zvaničan i krut
    nodded me, all self-occupied and stiff
    i samo lupio pečat:
    just stamped the passport:
    "Sve u redu, laku noć i sretan put".
    “All okay, good night and pleasant journey “

    Put se odmotava k'o dugi sivi šal.
    The road wraps out itself like a long, gray scarf.
    Sutra će se stare koke picnuti za bal.
    All the old chicks will spruce themselves for the ball tomorrow.

    Takav dan se pamti,
    It’s a day to remember,
    petnaest godina u vetar poslatih,
    fifteen years thrown in the wind,
    dolaze svi maturanti
    the whole high school class is coming
    al' će neki neke teško poznati.
    but not everyone will recognize each other.

    Dosadne proslave mi dođu kao kazna,
    Boring celebrations reach me as a punishment
    ali svejedno,
    but never mind,
    idem, možda najzad saznam:
    I attend them, maybe finally I’ll find out:

    Gde je moja Pegava? Dugo me izbegava.
    Where’s my Spotty?’ been avoiding me for quite a while…
    Nije mi se javila nikad više.
    She contacted me nevermore.
    Magija je prestala, negde mi je nestala,
    The magic stopped, somewhere she disappeared on me
    kao leptiri pre kiše.
    like butterflies do before the rain.

    Gde je moja Pegi Su? "Nije ovde", rekli su,
    Where’s my Peggy Sue? “Not here”, they said,
    "Oni su odselili, nemoj zvati".
    “They moved out, do not call…”
    Ostao je samo lik, mali verni saputnik,
    All that remains is a shape, a little faithfull co-passenger,
    mali svitac srebrni, da me prati.
    little silvery glowworm to follow me.

    Promiču dani kao jablani uz drum.
    Days go by as the poplars by the road.
    Jutro već miriše na vanilu i na rum.
    The morning already smells like vanilla and rum.

    Gde su? Kako se drže?
    Where are they? How are they holding?
    Baš da vidim šta je s dobrim đacima.
    I wonder what happened to good students.
    Oni se potroše brže,
    They exhaust themselves faster.
    mi smo nekad bili generacija.
    We were once a generation.

    Dosadne proslave mi dođu kao kazna,
    Boring celebrations reach me as a punishment
    ali svejedno,
    but never mind,
    idem, možda najzad saznam:
    I attend them, maybe finally I’ll find out:

    Gde je moja Pegava? Dugo me izbegava.
    Where’s my Spotty?’ been avoiding me for quite a while…
    Nije mi se javila nikad više.
    She contacted me nevermore.
    Magija je prestala, negde mi je nestala,
    The magic stopped, somewhere she disappeared on me
    kao leptiri pre kiše.
    like butterflies do before the rain.

    Gde je moja Pegi Su? "Nije ovde", rekli su,
    Where’s my Peggy Sue? “Not here”, they said,
    "Oni su odselili, nemoj zvati".
    “They moved out, do not call…”
    Ostao je samo lik, mali verni saputnik,
    All that remains is a shape, a little faithfull co-passenger,
    mali svitac srebrni, da me prati.
    little silvery glowworm to follow me.

    Uz dužno poštovanje Adrienne, čini mi se da ovu pjesmu nisam vidio niti na jednoj stranici. A to i s ove strane granice ostavlja dojam lapsusa. Pozdrav
    Last edited by AnteQ; 12-12-2008 at 10:07 AM.
  4. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Hvala na doprinosu
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  5. djoxy said:



    Rekli su mi da je dosla iz provincije,
    they told me she came from suburbia
    strpavsi u kofer snove i ambicije.
    bringing dreams and ambitions in a suitcase
    Drug je studirao sa njom,
    my friend studied with her
    pa smo se najzad sreli ona i ja.
    and we finally met
    Shvatih, Boze, ovo je sazvezdje za nju provincija.
    i realized,my God,this constellation is a suburbia for her

    Srce stade kao dete da se otima,
    my heart went joyful like a child
    trazili smo se po prethodnim zivotima.
    we searched for each other in past lifes
    Ostavih iza sebe sve,
    i left all
    zablude, promasaje koji tiste,
    delusions,mistakes that hurt
    prosto, lako, k'o neko beznacajno pristaniste.
    very easy,like it was some worthless seaport

    O, da mi je da se jos jednom zaljubim,
    oh,if i could fall in love just one more time
    opet bih uzeo kostim vecnog decaka.
    again,i would take the eternal-boy-suit
    I opet bih smislio kako da prodangubim
    and again i would think the way how to kill some time
    dok ona ne sleti niz hodnik studenjaka.
    until she ran down the dormitory's hall

    Gorda naspram podsmeha i spletki poslednjih.
    standing still upon grims and schemes
    Usamljeni galeb iznad mora osrednjih.
    my lonely seagull above average seas
    Reci bi sve pokvarile,
    word would ruin it all
    samo se cutke pokraj mene stisla.
    she just sat quietly next to me
    Sami, svoji, izbeglice iz besmisla.
    all alone,belonging to each other,rebels without a cause

    O, da mi je da se jos jednom zaljubim.
    oh,if i coul fall in love just one more time
    Opet bih gledao niz kej kao niz prugu.
    again,i would stare down the quai,like it was a railway
    I opet bih znao da se u oblak zadubim
    and again,i would know how to find a cloud to wander with
    i cekao bih samo nju, nijednu drugu.
    and i would wait for her,no one else.

    Napisi mi pesmu, mazila se. Nisam znao da li cu umeti.
    write me a song,she cuddled.I didn't know if i could.
    Reci jesu moje igracke, cakle mi se u glavi kao oni sareni
    words are my toys,they twinkle in my head like those colorful
    staklici kaleidoskopa i svaki put mi je druga slika u ocima kad
    glass peaces of kaleidoscope and every time there's a new image in my eyes
    when i close them.

    Ali, postoje u nama neke neprevodive dubine,
    but,there are some uncrossable depths
    postoje u nama neke stvari neprevodive u reci, ne znam...
    there are some things inside us,that can not be converted into words,i dont know....

    Napisi mi pesmu, molila je, i nisam znao da li cu umeti.
    write me a song,she asked,and i didn't know if i could
    Voleo sam je tako lako, i tako sam tesko to znao da pokazem.
    i loved her so easy,but never showed it in the same manner

    I onda, odjednom, na rasporedu mladeza na njenim ledjima,
    and then,suddenly,birthmarks on her back
    kao tajnu mapu,
    like a secret map
    pokazala mi je u koje zvezde treba da se zagledam...
    showed me the stars in which i should look...

    I tako, eto ti pesma, ludo jedna...
    and just like that,a song you asked for,you crazy thing....

    OK,Balasevic is my favourite musician! I had to write down this song.One of his best lyrics!
  6. bb2 said:


    Can you translate Ratnik paorskog srca. Thanx
  7. bosrap's Avatar

    bosrap said:


    gr8 work.. balasevic is the greatest ^^
    Free Palestine!

    Wa La Taqulu Liman Yuqtalu Fi Sabili Al-Lahi 'Amwatun Bal 'Ahya'un Wa Lakin La Tash`uruna | Al-Baqarah 154
  8. Bagira said:


    Hello! Thank you very much for all these translation! I will add some more.
    Here is few links:

    1) english translation:

    2) russian translation:

    and mine also to russian.

    O kako tuznih ljubavi ima
    О, сколько на свете грустных любовей...

    Profesor Lukic sa cetvrtog sprata,
    Профессор Лукич с четвертого этажа

    je ziveo prilicno sam.
    прекрасно жил один.

    A decu je ucio ljubavne pesme,
    Он учил детей любовным песням

    sonete i sta ti ja znam.
    Сонетам и прочему, кто там знает, чему.

    O kako tuznih ljubavi ima,
    О, сколько на свете грустных любовей

    bas nesto razmsljam:
    часто думаю я.

    njegova zena, Lukic Milena, s drugim je otisla.
    Его жена, Милена Лукич, ушла с другим.

    O kako tuznih ljubavi ima,
    О, сколько на свете грустных любовей

    ovaj svet je ispunjen njima,
    мир наполнен ими / полон их

    sve vise sumnjam da neko sretno i voli jos.
    Я сомневаюсь все больше и больше, что кто-то счастлив в любви.

    A gospoda Ruza je radila goblen
    А миссис Ружа вышивала гобелен

    i subotom igrala tac.
    И по субботам играла в карты

    Od muza joj ostalo par zutih slika,
    От мужа у нее осталась пара пожелтевших фотографий,

    oficirska kapa i mac.
    офицерскую фуражку и шпагу.

    O kako tuznih ljubavi ima,
    bas nesto razmisljam:

    porucnik Bata, iz prvog rata, nije se vratio.
    Поручик Бата не вернулся с первой мировой

    O kako tuznih ljubavi ima,
    ovaj svet je ispunjen njima,
    sve vise sumnjam da neko sretno i voli jos.

    Pisu romane, pesme, novele,
    Пишут романы, песни, новеллы,

    o tome kako ljubav uvek nadje put.
    Про любовь, в которой все правильно

    Znam neke sive, tuzne hotele
    Мне знакомы мрачные, унылые отели

    i neke prazne sobe gde je uvek onaj strasni mir.
    Мне знакомы пустые комнаты, где всегда эта ужасная тишина

    O kako tuznih ljubavi ima, bas nesto razmisljam...

    Andelija Prokic je cekala princa
    Анжнла Прокич ждала принца

    i njegovu carobnu moc,
    И его магическую мощь

    da joj otplati kredit,
    Чтобы заплатил ее кредит

    da joj napravi klinca,
    Чтобы сделал ей ребенка

    da je voli do kasno u noc.
    Чтобы любил ее до поздней ночи.

    O kako tuznih ljubavi ima,
    bas nesto razmisljam:

    njen suprug Bane, noci i dane,
    Ее муж Бане ни ночью, ни днем

    nije se treznio.
    Не бывает трезв.

    O kako tuznih ljubavi ima,
    ovaj svet je ispunjen njima,
    sve vise sumnjam da neko sretno i voli jos.

    A kad se jednom, u dva i deset,
    AND ONCE, AT 2:10,
    И однажды, в 2:10,

    vratio kuci zeljan ljubavi i sna,
    Когда он вернулся домой, вожделея любви и сна,

    nasao pismo, pao u nesvest,
    Нашел письмо, и упал в обморок -

    zena mu s Lukicem iz prve strofe pobegla u noc.
    Его жена убежала в ночь с Лукичем из первой строфы.

    O kako tuznih ljubavi ima, bas nesto razmisljam...

    Thanks again, I am happy to find this forum
  9. Bubikovska said:


    Ako smijem skromno pridonijeti ovom famozom topicu

    Neki Novi Klinci


    Moj deda već dugo
    ore nebeske njive.
    Ali baka još čuva sve stvari
    i sliku našeg sveca.
    Na dan kad sam rođen
    tu je posadjen orah,
    i u avliji, pod gustom krošnjom,
    sad igraju se deca.

    My grandpa's been plowing
    the fields of heaven for a while
    But my grandma still has all the things
    and a picture of our saint.
    On the day I was born,
    the nut tree was planted here,
    and on our street, under the thick treetop,
    now children are playing.

    Neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci...
    Neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci...

    Some new kids...

    Kroz maglu treperi
    devet sveća na torti.
    (Tad sam dobio par mandarina
    i malog belog zeca).
    U maju, još uvek,
    zriju komšijske bašte,
    ali trešnje i zelene kajsije,
    kradu druga deca.

    Through the mist, on a cake
    nine candles are quivering.
    (Then I got a couple of mandarins
    and a little white rabbit.)
    Neighborhood's gardens
    still mature in May
    but cherries and green apricots
    other children steal.

    Neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci...
    Neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci...

    Some new kids...

    Moj drugar Milutin,
    druga klupa do vrata,
    ima klinca od četiri i po
    i uči ga da peca.
    Ponekad ga sretnem,
    mahne kroz prozor kola,
    a u porti, za loptom sad jurcaju
    neka druga deca.

    My best friend Milutin,
    second desk to the door,
    has a kid of four and a half
    and he teaches him to fish.
    Sometimes I see him,
    he waves through the car window,
    and in school yard some
    new children are chasing a ball.

    Neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci...
    Neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci...

    Some new kids...

    A ja, ja se kockam
    s prevarantom životom.
    Iz rukava on svakoga dana
    izvuče nekog keca.
    I stari mi kažu:
    "Sad si u pravom dobu!"
    A u ulici Jovana Cvijića
    rastu druga deca.

    And I, I gamble
    with life the cheater,
    every day from his sleeve
    he pulls out another ace.
    And elders tell me:
    "You're the best age now!"
    And on Jovan Cvijic's street
    some new children are growing.

    Neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci...
    Neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci, neki novi klinci...

    Some new kids...

    Ratnik Paorskog Srca

    The Warrior of a Rustic's (or farmer's) Heart

    Kada se Braca devetnaeste vrn'o s dalekog fronta 'di soldat je biv'o
    Pric'o nam kako ga trefilo zrno, pa zavrt'o rukav i to pokaziv'o
    A mi, mi smo bili derani, a mi, mi smo bili derani

    When in nineteenth Braca came back
    from a far away battlefront where he was a soldier,
    He used to tell us how the bullet got him,
    and he would roll up his sleeve to show us.
    And we, we were whipper snappers

    Pric'o nam Braca o mirisu mora i o patroli od koje je bez'o
    I kako je opsov'o nekog majora i zbog tog posle na robiji lez'o
    A mi, mi smo bili derani, a mi, mi smo bili derani

    He told us about the smell of the sea,
    and about the patrol he was running from
    and how he cursed at some major and got in jail
    And we, we were whipper snappers

    Pric'o nam kako je pres'o Karpate, zujali meci k'o rojevi pcela
    Rek'o je: Rat vam je krvav da znate, al' nije mi zao ni ljudi ni sela
    Hej, zao mi konja

    He told us how he traversed Carpathian Mountains,
    Bullets flying like swarms of bees
    He said: "War is bloody you know, but I'm not sorry for people or villages,
    Hey, I'm sorry for the horses

    Kada se Braca devetnaeste vrn'o pric'o je svako vece na soru
    Kol'ko je curica usput prevrn'o i kako topovi livade oru
    A mi, mi smo bili derani, a mi, mi smo bili derani

    When in the nineteenth Braca came back,
    he would tell stories every evening on our street
    How many girls he turned over along the way
    and how the canons were plowing through meadows
    And we, we were whipper snappers

    I cim Braca korak iz avlije kroci skupi se drustvo iz naseg sokaka
    A svi smo imali velike oci, prepuna srca i mastu decaka
    Pa da, jer tad smo bili derani, pa da, tad smo bili derani

    And, as soon Braca steps out from the street,
    all the neighborhood gang gathers
    And we all had big eyes, full hearts and boy imagination
    Well, yes, because we were whipper snappers then

    Psov'o je braca i krivce i zrtve, puske i vaske i rov prepun blata
    Rek'o je: Ne mo's izbrojati mrtve jer su se carevi igrali rata
    Hej, zao mi konja

    Cursing was Braca, the culprits and victims, guns and lice and muddy trench
    He said: "You can't count the dead, because the emperors were playing war
    Hey, I'm sorry for the horses

    Negde u braci je paorski koren i moze rata i rata da bude
    Kad nije paor za soldata stvoren, volije konje i zemlju neg' ljude
    A mi, mi smo bili derani i sve jos je vredelo za nas
    Hej, hej, konji beli nebom terani, kroz san i kroz oblake u kas

    Somewhere in Braca there's a rustic root, and there can be war and war
    When farmer is not made to be a soldier,
    he loves horses and fields more than people
    And we, we were whipper snappers, and everything was still valid for us
    Hey, hey, white horses reined across the sky,
    through dream and through clouds into trot...
  10. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Hvala na doprinosu!
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  11. Bagira said:


    One more to russian


    Štagod noćas da zapevam vućiće na sevdalinku...
    Anything I sing tonight will turn into an old Bosnian folk song…
    Что бы я не запевал сегодня, все превращается в Севдалинку…

    Usnuo sam čobanicu uplakanu u šljiviku...
    I dreamt of a crying shepherd girl in a plum-orchard…
    Мне приснилась заплаканная пастушка в саду…

    Grom udari... Planu seno... Rasturi se stado njeno...
    Thunder crashes…Hayricks burst into fire…Her herd falls apart…
    Гром гремит, горит стог сена, стадо разбредается в стороны,

    Zaplete se dim na uvojku... Reče da se zove Bosna...
    Smoke entangles in a curl…She says Bosnia she is called…
    Дым сплетается в кольца… Говорит, что ее зовут Босния…

    Čudno ime za devojku?
    Strange name for a girl?
    Странное имя для девочки?

    Nekom Drina teče desno... Nekom Drina lijevo teče...
    For someone Drina runs on the right…For someone Drina runs on the left…
    Для кого-то Дрина течет вправо. Для кого-то Дрина течет влево.

    Sve da teče u dubinu... Na dve pole svet da seče...
    Even if it ran into depth…Cutting the World in two halves…
    Даже если уйдет вглубь… Разделяет мир на две половины…

    Znam tajni gaz, moje lane... Most se pruži gde ja stanem...
    I know a secret ford, my fawn…Where I step, a bridge spreads out…
    Я знаю тайный брод, моя лань… Где я шагну, там раскинется мост…

    Sve da vuku me konji vrani... Nema meni jedne strane dok si ti na drugoj strani...
    Even if black horses drag me…There is no side for me, while you are on the other one…
    Даже если черные кони понесут меня… Нет для меня какой-либо стороны, если ты на другой стороне…

    Osta ovaj stari kompas u grudima... A po polju nikli zabrani...
    Left is this old compass in the chest…And no-trespassing field sprouted…
    Оставь этот старый компас в груди… И не причиняй вреда полевым всходам…

    Crne senke što se gnezde u ljudima nadleću me kao gavrani...
    Black shadows which nest in people, fly over me like ravens…
    Черные тени, что гнездятся в людях, летают надо мной как вороны…

    Nekada sam putovao po mjesecu... Kroz vilajet pun hajdučije...
    I used to travel across Moon…Through a band of highwaymen…
    Я путешествовал по месяцу. Продирался сквозь шайку разбойников…

    A sada me oči ljudske plaše više nego vučije...
    And now, human eyes scare me more than wolfish…
    И сейчас глаза людей пугают меня больше волчих…

    Stoputa su prijatelji u molitvi pomenuti...
    Hundred times have friends been mentioned in a prayer…
    Сотни раз друзья были помянуты в молитвах

    Dal će mi se radovati? Ili glavu okrenuti?
    Will they be delighted for me? Or will they turn their heads away from me?
    Будут они рады мне? Или отвернутся от меня?

    Šta slagati? Šta im kasti? Svet ne možeš pesmom spasti...
    What to lie? What to tell them? You cannot save the World with a song…
    Что соврать им? Что сказать им? Песней мир ты не спасешь…

    Njine brige me i noćas brinu
    Their worries, are my worries tonight as well…
    Их тревоги – это и мои тревоги сегодня ночью…

    Dok se spremam na put kući... Na put kući...U tuđinu...
    While I am getting ready for the way home…For the way home…To the unknown…
    Когда я собираюсь в дорогу домой… В дорогу домой… В неведомое…

    Svetom smo se rasipali ko đerdani... Nosili nas nebom ćilimi...
    We were dissipating around the World as a string of pearls…Carried on carpets across the sky…
    Мы были рассыпаны по свету как нитка жемчуга… Покрыты ковром неба…

    Da li su to stvarno bili bolji dani, ili smo to bolji bili mi?
    Were those really better days, or were we better?
    Это были лучшие дни, или мы были лучше?

    Nekad smo se bratimili po pogledu... Sluteći da isto sanjamo...
    We used to fraternize by gazes…Surmising that we dream the same…
    Мы братались взглядами. Кажется, мы мечтали об одном…

    I bogu je prosto bilo krstimo l' se ili klanjamo...
    Even God was indifferent if we christen or bow…
    И Богу было все равно, крестимся мы или кланяемся…
  12. Bagira said:


    Could somebody please translate this song to english:

    Nemam nista sa tim

    Ona je volela blues, njen kralj zvao se Peter Green,
    A ja, sasvim slucajno tu... Za taj film neko levi, sasvim...

    Uvek je gledala sat, i cim sklope kazaljke krug
    Ko mala bi saputala tad, da negde neko misli na nju.

    U njenoj sobi mala riznica greha, kao duga, preko besmisla most...
    Puno knjiga nekog prebeglog Ceha, i sportska stampa ako naidje gost...

    Uglavnom prodje sve, ali ostane blues,
    boje se razliju kad ga cujem na radiju...
    Ubija metronom... sta taj sat radi tu?
    Jedan i nula pet, neko misli na nju.

    Negde u meni je kvar, i mrak sto me gricka k'o mis...
    I sav sam kao ona staklena stvar u kojoj veje kad je pomeris.

    U ovoj sobi ravnoteza je prosta:
    sto i krevet i prekidac za luc...
    Ispod cena mole cenjenog gosta da pre puta ne zaboravi kljuc.

    Uglavnom prodje sve, ali ostane blues,
    boje se razliju kad ga cujem na radiju...
    Ubija metronom... sta taj sat radi tu?
    Jedan i nula pet, neko misli na nju.

    Ona je volela blues...
    Oh, yeah, lucidni Peter Green...
    A ja, ja sam voleo nju, a blues... Sta blues?
    Nemam nista sa tim.
  13. Bagira said:

    Default ...

    Everybody forgot Balasevic
  14. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default Djordje Balasevic - Nemam Ništa Sa Tim

    I Have Nothing To Do With It

    She loved blues, her king was Peter Green,
    And I was just randomly there... completely unrelated to the story...

    She was always watching the clock and as soon as the hands cross
    Like a kid, she'd whisper, that there's someone somewhere thinking about her.

    In her room, a small treasury of sins, like a rainbow, a bridge over the absurdity..
    A lot of books by some refugee Czech, and sports magazines in case a guest should arrive...

    Mostly everything goes away, but the blues stays,
    colours diffuse when I hear it on the radio...
    A metronome is killing me... what's the clock doing here?
    One zero five, someone's thinking about her.

    There's a malfunction somewhere inside me, and a darkness that's nibbling on me like a mouse...
    And I'm completely like the glass thing inside which it snows when you move it.

    The balance in this room is simple:
    a table and a bed and a switch for (luč?)...
    Below the price, they're asking the honorable guest not to forget the key before he leaves...

    Mostly everything goes away, but the blues stays,
    colours diffuse when I hear it on the radio...
    A metronome is killing me... what's the clock doing here?
    One zero five, someone's thinking about her.

    She loved blues...
    Oh, yeah, the lucid Peter Green...
    And I, I loved her, but blues... What blues?
    I have nothing to do with it.


    I don't think we forgot him but.. it's not easy to translate his lyrics.. And, I totally don't know what is (luč?)...
  15. zsuzsi said:

    Smile oh noooo

    Nooo, I haven't fogotten him... But I cannot help at the translating, I'm only reading the beautiful translations, because I don't speak such a good Serbian you know... And his music is HEAVEN ^^ really. Don't worry, this page will be revitalised it just takes some time.
    Lots of love,
    Zsuzsi xxxx

    Balasevic je kralj ^^
  16. Bagira said:


    Spring, hvala, hvala puno!!!
    I have a few questions about translation, can you tell me please:

    Za taj film neko levi, sasvim... = completely unrelated to the story...
    - isn't "taj film" means "this movie"?

    prekidac za luc...
    - can it be "lighting switch"?

    Ispod cena mole cenjenog gosta = Below the price, they're asking the honorable guest
    - what can"below the price" mean here? cannot understand

    Oh, yeah, lucidni Peter Green... = Oh, yeah, the lucid Peter Green...
    - here "lucid" like "clear, translucent" or "uminous, clear, sane" or "transparent, intelligible, understandable"?

    Uglavnom prodje sve, ali ostane blues = Mostly everything goes away, but the blues stays
    - here is Present? not Future like it will be in russian usially?

    Thanks again! Bas svida mi ovo
  17. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Za taj film neko levi, sasvim... = completely unrelated to the story...
    - isn't "taj film" means "this movie"? - yep. I just chose not to translate it literally (for that movie, someone unrelated, completely...)

    prekidac za luc...
    - can it be "lighting switch"? - yes it would make sense but I really do not know what is luc

    Ispod cena mole cenjenog gosta = Below the price, they're asking the honorable guest
    - what can"below the price" mean here? cannot understand - ispod cena = bellow regular prices. I am not sure what he meant with it but I guess something like - they are willing to charge him less than the normal price

    Oh, yeah, lucidni Peter Green... = Oh, yeah, the lucid Peter Green...
    - here "lucid" like "clear, translucent" or "uminous, clear, sane" or "transparent, intelligible, understandable"? - as you see he also says lucid(ni) so, whatever the word means, it can be the answer but I'd say it'srational.

    Uglavnom prodje sve, ali ostane blues = Mostly everything goes away, but the blues stays
    - here is Present? not Future like it will be in russian usially? - It could be - but the blues will stay but, in this case I like it better translated literally
    In Serbian, it would be Future if first part was future too. Like: Sve ce proci ali bluz ce ostati - Everything will pass but the blues will stay
    (and maybe that's a better translation of the line anyway)

    Thanks again! Bas svida mi ovo - I meni! So.. my pleasure!
  18. dejan839 said:

    Default Poluuspavanka

    Hey! Djordje rocks. So I started translating this Poluuspavanka. But I need some help:

    Half a lullaby???

    Hej, otkači šlepove!
    Hey, release the barges
    Nanišani jutro i pusti tu stvar neka klizi.
    Aim for the morning and drop that thing, let it slip
    Postoje kod Amera reči za to:
    The Americans have words for that:
    "Take it easy", lutko lepa
    "Take it easy", my beautiful doll
    Zrela se breskva nebom cepa
    The peach ripened by the heaven of ???

    U kosu me zadeni
    ??? me in my hair??
    K'o malenu sedefnu šnalu me skri iza temena.
    Like a small pearl? ??, covering me behind the ???
    Svi satovi svemira žure
    All clocks of the universe hurry
    Mi imamo vremena, puna kapa
    We've got time, a full ??hat???
    Noć i nas dvoje, stara klapa
    The night and the two of us, an old gang

    Nije ovo uspavanka
    This is not a lullaby
    Pesma gnjavanka
    A complainer's song??
    Buenas noches chiquita
    Good night little girl
    To smo smislili vrag i ja
    We came up with that, the devil and I
    To je magija,
    It's magic
    Tajni prolaz kroz noć.
    A secret passage through the night

    Baš polaze galije
    So the galleys cast off
    Do vina i maslina
    To wines and olives
    'Ajmo malo na jug Italije
    Come on towards the south of Italy
    Zatvori oči
    Shut your eyes

    U tajnoj sam misiji
    I'm on a secret mission
    Moj dom je tek maleni svitac na nebeskoj pučini
    My home is just a small world in a heavenly cavern
    A ja sam na ovoj planeti
    But I'm on this planet
    Da sretnom te učinim, spavaj samo
    To affect you by happiness, sleep a bit
    Ne znaju oni šta mi znamo.
    They don't know what we know

    Nije ovo sweet baby dream,
    This is not a sweet baby dream
    Glupi evergreen,
    A stupid evergreen
    Nema ljutnje Sinatra
    There's no anger??? of Sinatra
    Ova pesma te voli sva,
    All of this song loves you
    To je molitva
    It's a prayer
    Za još jedan lep san
    For one more beautiful dream

    O, ne boj se granica i naslovnih stranica
    O, don't fear borders and front pages -- What does he mean?
    Nema tih glupih stanica
    There are none of those crazy stops
    Na putu do jutra
    On a voyage to the morning
  19. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Half a lullaby??? -or Semi-lullaby

    Hej, otkači šlepove!
    Hey, release the barges
    Nanišani jutro i pusti tu stvar neka klizi.
    Aim for the morning and let that thing slide
    Postoje kod Amera reči za to:
    The Americans have words for that:
    "Take it easy", lutko lepa
    "Take it easy", my beautiful doll
    Zrela se breskva nebom cepa
    A ripe peach is tearing up the sky (sort of)

    U kosu me zadeni
    Stick me in your hair (like a flower)
    K'o malenu sedefnu šnalu me skri iza temena.
    Like a small pearl hairpin, hide me behind the top of your head
    Svi satovi svemira žure
    All the clocks of the universe run too fast
    Mi imamo vremena, puna kapa
    We've got time, as much as we need
    Noć i nas dvoje, stara klapa
    The night and the two of us, an old gang

    Nije ovo uspavanka
    This is not a lullaby
    Pesma gnjavanka
    An annoying song
    Buenas noches chiquita
    Good night little girl
    To smo smislili vrag i ja
    We came up with that, the devil and I
    To je magija,
    It's magic
    Tajni prolaz kroz noć.
    A secret passage through the night

    Baš polaze galije
    The galleys are just departing
    Do vina i maslina
    To wines and olives
    'Ajmo malo na jug Italije
    Let's visit the south of Italy for a while
    Zatvori oči
    Close your eyes

    U tajnoj sam misiji
    I'm on a secret mission
    Moj dom je tek maleni svitac na nebeskoj pučini
    My home is just a little firefly in the skies
    A ja sam na ovoj planeti
    But I'm on this planet
    Da sretnom te učinim, spavaj samo
    To make you happy, just sleep
    Ne znaju oni šta mi znamo.
    They don't know what we know

    Nije ovo sweet baby dream,
    This is not a sweet baby dream
    Glupi evergreen,
    Stupid evergreen
    Nema ljutnje Sinatra
    No hard feelings Sinatra
    Ova pesma te voli sva,
    This entire song loves you
    To je molitva
    It's a prayer
    Za još jedan lep san
    For one more beautiful dream

    O, ne boj se granica i naslovnih stranica
    O, don't fear borders and front pages - *
    Nema tih glupih stanica
    There are none of those stupid stops
    Na putu do jutra
    On the way to the morning

    *Maybe something like - don't worry about what papers write (bad news about disasters etc.. )
  20. Tujec said:


    Adrienne in ostali,

    Moj dragi prijatelj mi je velikokrat linkal kake Balaševičeve pesmi, ko sem mu postavljal življenjska vprašanja... Balaš je že zdavnaj vse povedal, veliko bolje, kot to lahko uspe meni.

    Seveda se me pesmi niso dotaknile, dokler se me ni dotaknilo življenje... dokler sem bil premlad in preveč pameten. No, sedaj jih lahko poslušam cele dneve, in pojavila se je želja, da bi jih razumel čimbolje, in da bi jih prevedel. Tako se bom naučil tudi jezika in kulture.

    S prevajanjem je zmeraj težko, če hočeš ohraniti ritem, število zlogov,(da bi se pesem lahko zapelo po originalni melodiji) in obenem pa pesem približati govorcem tujega jezika - kar pomeni uporabo tujejezičnih fraz in s tem poseg v originalnost.

    Upam, da mi boste pri tem pomagali, ker pogosto ne razumem nekaterih Djoletovih posebnosti.

    Adrienne and the rest,

    my dear friend often answered to questions about life with links to Balaševič lyrics. Balaš said it all long time ago, much better than I will ever be able to say it.

    The poems did not reach me of course, until life taught me a few lessons. I was too young and too smart. Now I listen to them all day long, and I decided to translate them - it brings even more understanding, not only of the poem, but cultural differences and language barriers too.

    It is always hard to translate, when you try to keep the rhythm, number of syllables (so that the poem can be sung with original melody), and to approach the lyrics to foreign language speakers - which means to use their language phrases and interfere with script originality.

    I hope you will help me with that, as I often do not understand some of Djole's specialties.