Garavi Sokak

Thread: Garavi Sokak

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  1. swanheart's Avatar

    swanheart said:

    Smile Garavi Sokak

    Can somebody please translate the following song for me?
    Garavi Sokak will come to Timisoara this week and I would like to learn some of their songs. This one I like most... in serbian sounds soooo good, i wonder what means in english or romanian

    Garavi Sokak - Dovidjenja Tugo

    Dovidjenja tugo, bilo te je dugo
    u mojoj blizini, u mojoj sudbini
    ostani u mraku i nemoj da viris
    prosetaj odavde i malo se smiri

    U mom srcu mesta nema
    sunce videli su ljudi
    sreca godinama drema
    a vreme je da se budi

    Dokle god je sirok Dunav
    dokle god je ravan Srem
    za mene je mirna Backa
    ja odavde ne idem

    Dokle god na toj planeti
    kraljica si moja ti
    za srecu mi treba malo
    malo tvoje ljubavi

    Dovidjenja kise, ne padajte vise
    gumicom vas brisem
    da slobodno disem
    putujte daleko, odnesite bol
    sa oblakom prvim na Severni Pol
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Goodbye Sadness

    Goodbye sadness, you've been around for long enough
    close to me, in my destiny
    stay in the dark, and don't peek
    take a walk from here and calm down a bit

    In my heart there's no space
    people have seen the sun
    happiness has been drowsing for years
    and it's time to wake up

    As much as Danube is wide
    as much as Srem is flat
    peaceful Backa is for me
    I'm not leaving here

    As long as on that planet
    you are my queen
    it takes little to make me happy
    just a little of your love

    Goodbye rains, don't fall anymore
    I erase you with a rubber
    so that I can breathe freely
    travel far, take away the pain
    with a first cloud to North Pole
  3. swanheart's Avatar

    swanheart said:


    10x Spring, you're great. I have one more for you

    Garavi Sokak - Bice bolje ako budes tu

    Ako 'oces ti oci pokisle da odmoris,
    evo ti moji dlanovi,
    oni su davno, oni su davno
    tvoji postali...

    Bice bolje ako budes tu,
    sa nekim zivot da podelim ,
    bice bolje ako budes tu
    da ljubav pobedi

    Ako ‘oces ti sa jutrom da se pojavis
    ne moras pisma pisati,
    moji su dani odavno
    tvoji postali..

    Bice bolje ako budes tu,
    sa nekim zivot da podelim ,
    bice bolje ako budes tu
    da ljubav pobedi

    Ako ‘oces ti da krenu jedni tockovi,
    sto moju srecu pokrecu,
    okreni se, okreni se
    i dodji mi...

    Bice bolje ako budes tu,
    sa nekim zivot da podelim ,
    bice bolje ako budes tu
    da ljubav pobedi
  4. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    lol thanks I really like translating so... if it means something to someone, it's 10 times better

    It Will Be Better With You Around *

    If you want to rest wet eyes,
    here are my palms
    they have, long ago, they have long ago
    became yours...

    It will be better with you around
    to share my life with someone,
    it will be better with you around
    so that love would win

    If you want to show up with the sunrise**
    you don't have to write letters
    my days have, long ago
    became yours...

    It will be better with you around
    to share my life with someone,
    it will be better with you around
    so that love would win

    If you want the wheels to start
    the ones that drive my happiness
    turn around, turn around
    and come to me...

    It will be better with you around
    to share my life with someone,
    it will be better with you around
    so that love would win

    *literally= it will be better if you are here
    ** = morning
  5. Becks7 said:


    Thank you so much spring! (and swanheart for asking for the translation :P ) I've been looking for a translation to "Bice bolje ako budes tu" for a long time, since I couldn't really understand the song apart from a few words. But I kind of "expected" it to be a love song, so it's great to see that my "hunch" was right

    I'll be posting some lyrics as well in the near future, so it's good to know that you like to translate spring, I'll be giving you a lot of work thank you again!
  6. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    hehe Becks, you're in the right place for all translations now
    Especially this weekend.. I am resting my brain by focusing all (3 brain cells) of it on this forum LOL
  7. Becks7 said:


    Well, if that's the case, here we go


    Ta tvoja oka dva
    dva mala badema
    što mi ih posla Bog
    protiv vradžbina
    umesto ordena
    na mojim grudima
    noćas su zaspala.

    Kao dva bisera
    u mreži alasa
    noćas će sanjati
    pesmu talasa,
    ko naša tajna
    riku jelena
    dunavskih šuma.

    Teci, teci Dunave,
    teci Dunave,
    al' ne pričaj nikome
    daću sve
    teci, teci Dunave,
    sve zbog nje
    teci, teci Dunave,
    al' ne pričaj nikome.

    Neka nas sakriju
    krilima ždralovi
    kad slete na dlan tvoj
    oko ponoći
    i neka odu
    beli brodovi
    ti nemoj mahati.
    I neka odu
    beli brodovi
    ti moja ostani.

    Thank you!
  8. swanheart's Avatar

    swanheart said:


    .... and another one for you Spring

    Garavi Sokak - Svako ima nekog koga vise nema

    Ti si ta
    s' kojom sam upoznao raj
    i sedmo nebo a i dno
    i slucajno i namerno

    Zato znaj
    da niko od nas ne bira
    ko ce da ga nervira
    u svom delicu svemira

    I nemoj mnogo da se brine
    sto nismo blizu, nismo tim
    sve ce na svoje jednom doci
    veruj mi, veruj mi

    Svako ima nekog
    koga vise nema
    da mu u zivotu
    kao sunce sja

    Svako ima nekog
    koga vise nema
    k'o sto tebe imam
    i sto nemam ja

    Ti si taj
    gost u mojim mislima
    kao soko visoko
    a kao sunce daleko

    Zato, znaj
    na mojom javi i mom snu
    srebrne kise padaju
    sto me na tebe secaju

    I nemoj mnogo da se brines
    sto nismo blizu, nismo tim
    sve ce na svoje jednom doci
    veruj mi, veruj mi
  9. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Becks7 View Post
    Well, if that's the case, here we go


    Ta tvoja oka dva
    dva mala badema
    što mi ih posla Bog
    protiv vradžbina
    umesto ordena
    na mojim grudima
    noćas su zaspala.

    Kao dva bisera
    u mreži alasa
    noćas će sanjati
    pesmu talasa,
    ko naša tajna
    riku jelena
    dunavskih šuma.

    Teci, teci Dunave,
    teci Dunave,
    al' ne pričaj nikome
    daću sve
    teci, teci Dunave,
    sve zbog nje
    teci, teci Dunave,
    al' ne pričaj nikome.

    Neka nas sakriju
    krilima ždralovi
    kad slete na dlan tvoj
    oko ponoći
    i neka odu
    beli brodovi
    ti nemoj mahati.
    I neka odu
    beli brodovi
    ti moja ostani.

    Thank you!
    Flow, Flow Danube

    Those two eyes of yours
    two little almonds
    that God has sent to me
    against bewitchment
    instead of a medal
    on my chest
    you've fallen asleep tonight.

    Like two pearls
    in fishermen's net
    tonight will dream
    waves' song
    like our secret
    deer roaring
    from Danube forests

    Flow, flow Danube,
    flow Danube
    but don't tell anyone
    I will give anything
    Flow, flow Danube,
    all because of her
    Flow, flow Danube,
    but don't tell anyone

    Let us be hidden
    by cranes' wings
    when they land on your palm
    around midnight
    and let
    white ships leave
    don't wave
    And let
    white ships leave
    you stay mine.
  10. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Quote Originally Posted by swanheart View Post
    Garavi Sokak - Svako ima nekog koga vise nema

    Ti si ta
    s' kojom sam upoznao raj
    i sedmo nebo a i dno
    i slucajno i namerno

    Zato znaj
    da niko od nas ne bira
    ko ce da ga nervira
    u svom delicu svemira

    I nemoj mnogo da se brine
    sto nismo blizu, nismo tim
    sve ce na svoje jednom doci
    veruj mi, veruj mi

    Svako ima nekog
    koga vise nema
    da mu u zivotu
    kao sunce sja

    Svako ima nekog
    koga vise nema
    k'o sto tebe imam
    i sto nemam ja

    Ti si taj
    gost u mojim mislima
    kao soko visoko
    a kao sunce daleko

    Zato, znaj
    na mojom javi i mom snu
    srebrne kise padaju
    sto me na tebe secaju

    I nemoj mnogo da se brines
    sto nismo blizu, nismo tim
    sve ce na svoje jednom doci
    veruj mi, veruj mi
    Everybody Has Somebody Who's Not There Anymore

    You're the one
    with whom I've seen paradise
    and the seventh heaven but the bottom too
    both unintentionally and on purpose

    Therefore, you should know
    that none of us gets to choose
    who'd get on their nerves
    in which part of the universe

    And don't worry too much
    because we are not close, we are not a team
    everything will fall into place one day
    believe me, believe me

    Everybody has somebody
    who's not there anymore
    to light up their lives
    like sun

    Everybody has somebody
    who's not there anymore
    like I have
    and don't have you

    You're the
    guest in my thoughts
    like a falcon high
    and like the Sun far

    Therefore, you should know
    that in my reality and in my dream
    silver rains are falling
    that remind me of you

    And don't worry too much
    because we are not close, we are not a team
    everything will fall into place one day
    believe me, believe me
  11. Becks7 said:


    Hey, I have one more as well

    Za to ja volim Novi Sad

    Tamo gde Dunav plavi jednu luku je stvorio
    I celom svetu vrata svoja otvorio.
    Od pesme tamburaša zlatnih greda je postala
    Ta varoš gde je osmeh znak raspoznavanja.

    Zato ja volim Novi Sad
    I celu Vojvodinu
    Zato ja volim Novi Sad
    I uvek ja se vraćam tu.

    Tu ispod starog sata trista godina cveta cvet
    Zbog kojeg' svi smo došli, a neko je doš'o i pre.
    Ja stvarno nemam takvih deset,
    Ni devet, osam, sedam ni šest,
    Ni pet, ni četir', ni tri, ni dva,
    Već' samo jedan, jedini grad.

    I kad zatvorim svoje oči, ja dobro osećam,
    Gde mene srce vuče, gde mi je sreća najveća.
    K'o svetionik na mom putu svetleće doveka,
    Jer Novi Sad je grad za pravog čoveka.

  12. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Tamo gde Dunav plavi jednu luku je stvorio
    there where the blue Dunabe has made one harbour
    I celom svetu vrata svoja otvorio.
    and has opened it's door to the whole world
    Od pesme tamburaša zlatnih greda je postala
    from tambura's songs has put golden beams
    Ta varoš gde je osmeh znak raspoznavanja.
    This Varos where tha sign of laugh is discerning identify

    Zato ja volim Novi Sad
    that's why I love Novi Sad
    I celu Vojvodinu
    and the whole Vojvodina
    Zato ja volim Novi Sad
    that's why I love Novi Sad
    I uvek ja se vraćam tu.
    and I always come back here

    Tu ispod starog sata trista godina cveta cvet
    here under the old clock, 3 hundred years flower blooms
    Zbog kojeg' svi smo došli, a neko je doš'o i pre.
    because of which we all have come, and some one has come and before
    Ja stvarno nemam takvih deset,
    I really don't have this 10
    Ni devet, osam, sedam ni šest,
    nor 9, 8, 7, nor 6
    Ni pet, ni četir', ni tri, ni dva,
    nor 5, 4, 3, nor 2
    Već' samo jedan, jedini grad.
    it's already only One, One town

    I kad zatvorim svoje oči, ja dobro osećam,
    and when I close my eyes, I feel well
    Gde mene srce vuče, gde mi je sreća najveća.
    where my heart wander, where is my happiness
    K'o svetionik na mom putu svetleće doveka,
    like a lighthouse on my way it will shine forever
    Jer Novi Sad je grad za pravog čoveka.
    because Novi Sad is a town for right ppl
    Last edited by velvet_sky; 10-19-2008 at 08:41 AM.
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  13. swanheart's Avatar

    swanheart said:


    Last night I was to Garavi Sokak's concert and it was more than I expected, it was a special evening. I simply love them.
    They inspire me and bring me so much joy and love!
    I must recognize that serbs are special in everything they do

    please, translate this song for me :

    Ko te ima taj te nema

    Ne može se uhvatiti senka
    od života što k'o Dunav teče
    jer je život i svetlo i tama,
    nekad jutro a nekada veče,
    jer je život i svetlo i tama,
    nekom jutro a nekome veče.

    R: Ko te ima taj te nema,
    ko te nema taj te sanja,
    ko te sanja taj te ljubi
    a ti o tom pojma nemaš.

    Neki žive blizu al' daleko,
    kao kamen ne mogu se maći
    i kad se za ruke drže stalno
    u mraku se ne mogu pronaći,
    i kad se za ruke drže stalno
    u mraku se ne mogu dotaći.

    Dotaknu se linije života,
    dve sudbine kao jedna traju
    il' se dirnu il' se ne dodirnu
    al' jedna za drugu dobro znaju,
    il' se dirnu il' se ne dodirnu
    al jedna za drugu dobro znaju.
  14. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Thanks swanheart

    Now, this song.. it's not originally by Garavi sokak but it's actually a poem by Dusko Trifunovic and it was sang by Zvonko Bogdan etc
    Anyways.. beautiful lyrics!!!

    He Who Has You Doesn't Have You

    Shadow of life that like Danube flows
    can not be caught
    because life is both light and darkness
    sometimes morning sometimes evening
    Because life is both light and darkness
    to somebody morning to somebody evening

    He who has you doesn’t have you
    he who doesn’t have you dreams of you
    he who dreams of you loves you
    and you have no idea about it

    Some live close but far
    like a stone, can’t be moved
    and though they hold hands all the time
    can’t find each other in the dark
    And when they hold hands all the time
    can’t touch each other in the dark

    Life lines touch each other
    two destinies last as one
    they either touch or don’t touch
    but know well about each other
    they either touch or don’t touch
    but know well about each other
  15. Becks7 said:


    Hello again I too have another song by Garavi Sokak:

    Kao ja

    Ti idi slobodno
    ako si rešila
    nek' ti je sreća
    na putu tom.
    Mnogo je bolje što
    nisi pogrešila
    i nisi prekasno shvatila.

    Kao ja što sam tebe voleo
    kao ja što sam tebe želeo
    kao ja što sam tebe ljubio
    i zauvek izgubio.

    Lepo što putuješ
    što ne tuguješ
    i što se ne bi vratila.
    Što si mi ukrala
    srce u grudima
    a nisi ništa platila.

    Kao ja što sam tebe voleo
    kao ja što sam tebe želeo
    kao ja što sam tebe ljubio
    i zauvek izgubio.

    Na dlanu piše sve
    šta kome ostaje
    i ti ćeš nekog voleti
    al' jednom ljubi se
    i jednom gubi se
    to nikad nećeš preboleti.

    Kao ja što sam tebe voleo
    kao ja što sam tebe želeo
    kao ja što sam tebe ljubio
    i zauvek izgubio.

    Thank you!
  16. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Hey Spring could please check my translation (#12 post) , coz there is empty lines Thanks in advance
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  17. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    tambura is a type of stringed instrument and I don't think there's an English word for it..
    Tamburasi are people who play the instrument = >

    varoš = town


    cveta cvet = flower blooms
  18. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Kao ja
    Like me

    Ti idi slobodno ako si rešila
    You can freely go/ leave, if you have decided it
    nek' ti je sreća na putu tom.
    Let the luck be on your way
    Mnogo je bolje što nisi pogrešila
    it's better that you weren't wrong
    i nisi prekasno shvatila.
    and that you didn't realize it too late

    Kao ja što sam tebe voleo
    like me that I loved you
    kao ja što sam tebe želeo
    Like me that I wanted you
    kao ja što sam tebe ljubio
    Like me that I kissed you
    i zauvek izgubio.
    and that I lost you forever

    Lepo što putuješ, što ne tuguješ
    it's nice that you leave and you don't suffer/ you're not sad
    i što se ne bi vratila.
    and that you wouldn't come back
    Što si mi ukrala srce u grudima
    that you have stolen my heart and chests
    a nisi ništa platila.
    and you haven't paid nothing

    Kao ja što sam tebe voleo
    like me that I loved you
    kao ja što sam tebe želeo
    Like me that I wanted you
    kao ja što sam tebe ljubio
    Like me that I kissed you
    i zauvek izgubio.
    and that I lost you forever

    Na dlanu piše sve
    on the palm of the hand is written everything
    šta kome ostaje
    who remain to the other
    i ti ćeš nekog voleti
    and you will like someone else
    al' jednom ljubi se
    but once you Love
    i jednom gubi se
    and once you lost
    to nikad nećeš preboleti.
    and you will never get over it

    Kao ja što sam tebe voleo
    like me that I loved you
    kao ja što sam tebe želeo
    Like me that I wanted you
    kao ja što sam tebe ljubio
    Like me that I kissed you
    i zauvek izgubio.
    and that I lost you forever
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  19. Becks7 said:



    one question though: "kao" is a conjunction so the title means "the same as me"? (not a verb, as in [to] like me)...
  20. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Spring Thanks

    And Becks7 yep here "like me" is meant as "the same as me" :P
    Last edited by velvet_sky; 10-19-2008 at 08:46 AM.
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[