Jacques Houdek

Thread: Jacques Houdek

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  1. Vedro said:

    Default Jacques Houdek

    Hi to all slavic friends!
    Is anybody have the lyrics of Jacques Houdek new (I suppose) song "Kao kap kise"? I finally found this song in mp3 but have some problems with lyrics search. Could you please help me? I don't need translation - just croatian (I learn Serbian and think that I'll understand).

    Many thanks to all for everything that you do.
  2. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    I wrote them down for you. I couldn't find the lyrics either.
    I put the translation with it, in case someone else might want it.
    It's a lovely song, thanks for mentioning it
  3. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Jacques Houdek - Kao kise kap ~ Like a drop of rain

    Jacques Houdek - Kao kise kap ~ Like a drop of rain

    Kazem njoj da ti mi nista ne znacis
    I tell her that you mean nothing to me
    a kaku srcu da pogledam u lice
    But how can I look my heart in the face
    kad miris tvoj, na nekoj drugoj osjetim
    When I smell your scent on another (woman)
    tjesim sebe da to su samo sitnice
    I console myself that they are only details
    nisam slab, a kao da je bilo jucer
    I'm not weak, but just like it was yesterday
    jos zaboli mjesto na kom si usla u srce
    The place, where you've entered my heart still hurts

    Ponekad bi, ja na svoju ruku sve ti dao
    Sometimes I would give you everything on (the palm of) my hand
    zbog tebe bi, kao kise kap na dno mora pao
    Because of you I would fall like a drop of rain to the bottom of the sea
    tamo nikada niko nece vidjeti
    There noone will ever see
    sto od mene napravila si
    What you have made of me
    samo ti...
    Only you...

    Prepoznam te u svakom dodiru
    I recognize you in every touch
    sto za mene samo novu tugu skida
    Which only brings new grief for me
    i mrzim sto toliko volim te
    And I hate why I love you that much
    a sto te vise volim, to me vise kida
    But the more I love you, the more it hurts me
    i nisam slab a kao da je bilo jucer
    And I'm not weak, but just like it was yesterday
    jos zaboli mjesto na kom si usla u srce
    The place, where you've entered my heart still hurts
    Last edited by MayGoLoco; 03-19-2009 at 08:52 AM.
  4. Vedro said:


    thank you very-very much for both languages - it was more easy to understand using both versions. Eh, very-very nice song - I added it to my yugoslavian playlist in order to listen everyday!
    If there's something I can do for you - I'm at your disposal.
  5. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    You're very welcome, I'm glad to have helped you
  6. diesel_zg said:

    Default Nina Badric

    Vedro, I suggest you to listen this song (I'll sand you a link for download)
    and also

    The writer is the same person of the song "Kao kise kap", Aleksandra Milutinoć...



    Gdje god da spustim kofere, Tebi pozelim dobar dan
    I neprocitan "Mali princ" da dodje mi na oci san

    Negdje uz put ja sam te izgubila
    Ni jedan nema to sto sam u tebi ljubila

    Da Bog da stane cjeli svijet, stane bar na tren
    Da se opet tebi vratim
    Da me zagrlis kao dijete pa nek' glavom platim
    Ljubi me na blef, vjeruj mi na rijec
    Moj je zivot lazni sjaj, previse za kraj
    A premalo za oprostaj

    Gdje god da spustim kofere, znam da si prokleto sam
    Meni su tijesni zidovi, uvijek se isto osjecam

    Negdje uz put ja sam te izgubila
    Ni jedan nema to sto sam u tebi ljubila


    Ti jos uvijek znas branit' me k'o lud
    Kad o meni svasta govore Za svaku tesku rijec
    Ti bit ćes prejaki sud Da meni nikad lose ne bude

    Tu jednu musku suzu Ponijet ću na dusi
    K'o kamen bit ću ja Znam sto nocima me gusi
    Samo okreni se i idi Nek' nitko ne vidi Koliko znacis mi

    Jos se porezem Na tvoje dodire od stakla
    Nikada se ja Iz tvog srca nisam makla
    I jos branim te, A znam da istina je tanka
    Ja nisam ziva Od kad tvoja me je ruka dotakla
  7. Vedro said:


    2 diesel_zg

    I’ve never listened Nina Badric, but I am always happy to get known new names (for me) and always glad to any recommendations! Because I don’t listen other music except ex-Yu, and my collection is not too big.

    My best at the moment is the new album of Jelena Tomasevic. Someone can help me with the lyrics of “Nocas dodji mi”? (As I feel, it’s Zeljko’ music?)

    Thank you again!
  8. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Jelena Tomasevic - Nocas dodji mi ~ Come to me tonight

    Jelena Tomasevic - Nocas dodji mi ~ Come to me tonight

    Dali znas da kada sklopis oci
    Do you know that when you close your eyes
    moj grad bez svetlosti ostaje
    My city is left without light
    i u mraku zivim sne
    And in the darkness I live my dreams

    Zato nemoj, nemoj nikada do kraja
    So don't, don't ever completely
    da ih sklopis za mene
    Close them for me
    da mi svetla ostane
    So that there's light left for me

    Samo pitaj srce svoje
    Just ask your own heart
    dal jos kuca za nas dvoje
    If it still beats for the two of us
    jasno je sta smo izgubili
    It's clear what we've lost
    znamo oboje...
    We both know it...

    Tuga moja nema reci
    My grief has no words
    nek me boli, nek me leci
    Let it hurt me, let it heal me
    jedini, otvaram prozore
    My only one, I'm opening the windows
    nocas dodji mi
    Come to me tonight
  9. Vedro said:


    2 MayGoLoco

    THANK YOUUUU! Thank you again. You are magician! @}--<--
  10. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    You're very welcome! Thnx a lot Vedro, nice rose hihi!

    Cao, Maja
  11. buzdo92 said:

    Default Jacques Houdek - Kao Kazna Bozija

    Could someone please translate this song into English cause i love it sooo much. hvala puna.

    vratit ce se jednog dana
    tuga davno znana
    vratit ce se da me podsjeti...
    da za mene poslije tebe
    nema nikog da me grije
    sto mi nocas radis...ljubavi...

    Ivana Kindl:
    ja jos uvijek zivim sama
    sve u meni ko da spava
    vrijeme mi sporo prolazi...
    kada rekao si zbogom
    sve je umrlo za tobom
    sto mi nocas radis...ljubavi...

    Jacques & Ivana:
    dali tebi umire...srce od nostalgije
    kad o meni govore...
    dali tebi izgleda...kao kazna bozija...
    ovaj zivot koji zivis bez mene

    Ivana Kindl:
    ja jos uvijek zivim sama
    sve u meni ko da spava
    vrijeme mi sporo prolazi...

    kada rekla si mi zbogom
    sve je umrlo za tobom
    sto mi nocas radis...ljubavi...

    Jacques & Ivana:
    dali tebi umire...srce od nostalgije
    kad o meni govore...
    dali tebi izgleda...kao kazna bozija...
    ovaj zivot koji zivis bez mene
  12. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default Jacques Houdek - Kao kazna Bozija

    Like God's Punishment

    It will come back one day
    the long known sorrow
    It will come back to remind me...
    that for me, after you,
    there's nobody to keep me warm
    What's up with you tonight... my love...

    Ivana Kindl:
    I still live alone
    as if everything within me is sleeping
    time is passing slowly
    when you said goodbye
    everything grieved to death
    What's up with you tonight... my love...

    Jacques & Ivana:
    Is your heart... dying of nostalgia
    when they talk about me...
    does it seem to you... like God's punishment...
    this life that you're living without me

    Ivana Kindl:
    I still live alone
    as if everything within me is sleeping
    time is passing slowly...

    When you said goodbye
    everything grieved to death
    What's up with you tonight... my love...

    Jacques & Ivana:
    Is your heart... dying of nostalgia
    when they talk about me...
    does it seem to you... like God's punishment...
    this life that you're living without me
  13. buzdo92 said:


    thank you so much
  14. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    You're welcome! I like his lyrics