pleaase's important

Thread: pleaase's important

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  1. PrincessMarina said:

    Arrow pleaase's important

    Hi everybody!
    I need the translations of some serbian songs ^^
    The songs are from Ena
    I would be nice if someone could do that for me
    so here's the list:
    -Kazu Mi
    -Srce mi place
    -Stara Bagra
    -Nije mi dobro
    -Celu noc si pio uzalud
    -kafic u predgradju
    Last edited by PrincessMarina; 11-15-2008 at 04:38 PM.
  2. PrincessMarina said:


    by the way I need one song more to be translated, too ^^
    it's from Boza Nikolic- Ikona
    Thanks a lot guys!!!
  3. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Kazu mi - they're saying

    Danas sam se zaklela
    Today I swore
    necu da se zaljubim
    that I wouldn't fall inlove
    a vec sam pozelela da se s tobom probudim
    but I already have a desire to wake up next to you

    Danas sam se zaklela
    Today I swore
    necu biti blesava
    I won't be stupid
    a vec se u grudima nova glupost desava
    but there's already happening a new stupidity in my chest

    Kazu mi da bacim tvoj broj
    They're saying I need to throw away your phone number
    da smo mi nemoguc spoj
    that we're an unpossible combination
    mene je briga za sve
    I don't care for anything
    ti si taj sto krade mi sne
    you're the one who's stealing my dreams

    Kazu mi da luda sam ja
    They're saying that I'm crazy
    da me ti vodis do dna
    that you're bringing me to the bottom
    zelim te k'o nikoga pre
    I long for you like I never have before
    ti si taj ja dacu ti sve
    You're the one, I'll give you everything

    Danas sam se zaklela
    Today I swore
    necu da te zavolim
    I won't love you
    a vec tvojim ocima ne mogu da odolim
    but I can't stay away from your eyes
  4. PrincessMarina said:


  5. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Ena - Cokolada ~ Chocolate

    Ena - Cokolada ~ Chocolate

    Ena kad kazes mi nezno
    When you say Ena delicatly to me
    topim se vrela po tebi
    I melt hotly on you
    ko cokolada, cokolada, cokolada
    Like chocolate, chocolate, chocolate

    Za druge nedostupna
    For others unreachable
    za tebe kradem od sna
    For you I steal from dreams
    ti reci kada i gde
    Say when and where
    spremna sam, dacu ti sve
    I'm ready, I'll give you everything

    Za druge nedostupna
    For others unreachable
    za tebe striptiz i ples
    For you a striptease and a dance
    ti samo reci rec, dve
    You just say a word or two
    letecu, dacu ti sve
    I'll fly, I'll give you everything

    Ena kad kazes mi nezno
    When you say Ena delicatly to me
    na glas ti padam
    I fall for your voice
    topim se vrela po tebi
    I melt hotly on you
    ko cokolada
    Like chocolate

    Ena, kad kazes to sexy
    When you say Ena (very) sexy
    ja sva treperim
    I tremble
    i znam da s drugom te delim
    And I know I share you with another woman
    a jos te zelim
    But I still desire you
  6. PrincessMarina said:


    love it...
    thanks a lot!
  7. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    You're welcome
  8. PrincessMarina said:


    can someone pleaaaase go ahead with the translations?!
  9. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Ena - Nije mi dobro ~ I'm not well

    Ena - Nije mi dobro ~ I'm not well

    Nije mi dobro
    I'm not well

    Molim Boga da se javis
    I beg God for you to greet me
    ali toga plasim se
    But that frightens me
    da od glasa ti zanemim
    That I become speechless from your voice
    i u nesvest ne padnem
    And don't faint

    Molim Boga da mi pridjes
    I beg God for you to approach me
    da me pitas kako sam
    If you ask me how I'm doing
    rekla bih ti kako moram
    I'd tell you how I have to
    kako znam
    How I know

    Molim Boga da se javis
    I beg God for you to greet me
    ali toga plasim se
    But that frightens me
    da od glasa ti zanemim
    That I become speechless from your voice
    i sa zemlje nestanem
    And that I disappear from the earth

    Molim Boga da mi pridjes
    I beg God for you to approach me
    da me pitas kako sam
    If you ask me how I'm doing
    al' pred tvojom novom devojkom
    But infront of your new girlfriend
    je blam
    That's a disgrace

    Ref. 2x
    Nije mi dobro kada vas vidim zajedno
    I'm not well when I see you together
    a ni njoj kada vidi mene nije svejedno
    But she's not well too, when she sees me, it's not all the same
    nije mi dobro kada vas vidim zajedno
    I'm not well when I see you together
    a nisi nasmejan i srecan sa njom
    But you don't smile and you're not happy with her

    Nije mi dobro
    I'm not well
  10. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Ena - Kafic u pregradju ~ A cafe in the suburb

    Ena - Kafic u pregradju ~ A cafe in the suburb

    Jedno je mesto na svetu nase
    A place in our world
    kafic u predgradju
    A cafe in the suburb
    bliski ste, pije iz tvoje case
    You're close, she's drinken from your glass
    i ne sluti da sam tu
    And doesn't suspect that I'm here

    Na metar dva od vas u soku
    I'm in shock (standing) a meter or two away from you
    da ne srucim bes na nju
    To not spill my rage on her
    ona te ljubi uzivo gledam
    I watch live (how) she's kissing you
    podmuklu prevaru
    A lingeringly deceit

    Snimam sve, nas mali separe
    I register (see) everything, our little booth
    kao reklama sijas pored nje
    You shine like a billboard next to her
    mlada je dama maloletnica
    The young lady is a minor
    a ti bez blama krijes godine
    But without disgrace you don't hide your age

    Snimam sve nas mali separe
    I register (see) everything, our little booth
    kao reklama sijas pored nje
    You shine like a billboard next to her
    ispred mi nosa slike prolaze
    Infront of my nose photographs pass by
    a ja budala trazim dokaze
    But I, a fool search for proof

    Jedno je mesto na svetu nase
    A place in our world
    kafic u predgradju
    A cafe in the suburb
    bliski ste, pije iz tvoje case
    You're close, she's drinken from your glass
    i ne sluti da sam tu
    And doesn't suspect that I'm here

    DJ vam pusta nasu pesmu
    The DJ is playing our song for you
    smrt je za sujetu
    Death is for vanity
    njene te ruke javno pred svima
    Her arms publicly infront of everyone
    grle, dodiruju
    Caress, touch (you)


    E, a dokaz mi je sve
    Hey, but proof is everything to me
  11. PrincessMarina said:


    thaaaaaanks soooo much
  12. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    you're welcome
  13. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Ena - Srce mi place ~ My heart is crying

    Ena - Srce mi place ~ My heart is crying

    Nije tama nista sta si ti
    Darkness isn't close to what you are
    djavoli su tvoji dodiri
    Your touches are devils
    kao dar ludom obecan
    Like a present promised to a crazy person
    pomalo se bedno osecam
    I slowly feel miserable

    Kao da sam nit izgubila
    Like I've lost the connection
    k'o da nikad nisam ljubila
    Like I've never kissed
    sve sam ti dala olako
    I easily gave you everything
    a ti mi vracas ovako
    But you give it to me like this in return

    U sobi hladnoj ti ja
    I'm in a cold room
    strah me od tvog cutanja
    I'm affraid of your silence
    opsuj, reci bilo sta
    Curse, say anything
    bar jednu rec sam zasluzila
    I've atleast earned one word

    Srce mi place a mrak sve jace
    My heart is crying, but the darkness
    u ritmu bola dah oduzima
    Takes my breath away in the rhythem of the pain
    od ove noci sama cu poci
    Alone I'll go from this night
    cudan me osecaj obuzima
    A weird feeling is comming over me

    Srce mi place a mrak sve jace
    My heart is crying, but the darkness
    u ritmu bola bije k'o led
    It strikes like ice in the rhythem of the pain
    neka si proklet, zbogom ti opet
    Let you be damned, goodbye again
    moram to reci mada nije red
    I have to say that, although it's not done

    Nesreca je smesna sta si ti
    Misfortune is funny compared to you
    preskupi su tvoji poljupci
    Your kisses are too expensive
    ceo vek da zivim malo je
    To live a whole century is short
    ti si kralj moje pustinje
    You're the king of my desert

    U sobi hladnoj ti ja
    I'm in a cold room
    strah me od tvog cutanja
    I'm affraid of your silence
    opsuj, reci bilo sta
    Curse, say anything
    bar jednu rec da sam kriva ja
    Just one word, that I'm wrong

  14. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Ena - Celu noc si pio uzalud ~ The whole night you drank in vain

    Ena - Celu noc si pio uzalud ~ The whole night you drank in vain

    Znam ja dobro takve kao ti
    I know those like you very well
    muskarcine sto zvezde s neba skidaju i apartmane zidaju
    Men that take down the stars from the sky and build apartments

    Skupe ti stvari poklone, da svaku sumnju otklone
    They give you expensive stuff (presents), to take every suspicion away
    kafu u krevet donesu, vodu na usne prinesu
    They bring coffee in bed, carry water on their lips

    Sutra traze sve sa kamatom, emotivni nude brodolom
    Tomorrow they demand everything with interest, emotionally they offer a shipwreck
    znam ja takve, zmiju imaju u srcu svom
    I know those (types), they carry snakes in their hearts

    Celu noc si pio uzalud
    The whole night you drank in vain
    cemu prica da si za mnom lud
    Why the story that you're crazy about me
    nisam od onih sto ce ti
    I'm not one of those that will give you
    za jedno vece dati sve
    Everything for one night

    Celu noc si pio uzalud
    The whole night you drank in vain
    ja ti nisam nagrada za trud
    I'm not your prize for the effort
    sacuvaj za neku drugu
    Save for someone else
    price ljubavne
    Love stories

    Znam ja dobro takve kao ti
    I know those like you very well
    nasrtljive sto samo sebe gledaju srce ti nikad ne daju
    Aggressive (types) that only look at themselfs, they never give you their heart

    Lazu te dok ne okuju, osmehom laznim kupuju
    They lie to you until they put you in chains, they buy with a false smile
    sipace srecu najludju dok ti pod kozu ne udju
    They poor the craziest happiness until they get under your skin

    Sutra traze sve sa kamatom emotivni nude brodolom
    Tomorrow they demand everything with interest, emotionally they offer a shipwreck
    znam ja takve, zmiju imaju u srcu svom
    I know those (types), they carry snakes in their hearts


    Opeklo me, dosta mi je tuge
    It has burned me, I have had enough of grief
    ti za igru nadji neke druge
    Find someone else for (your) games
    necu da se ceo zivot kajem
    I don't want to be sorry my whole life
    zato dobro pazim kome dajem
    That's why I'm carefull with who I allow
    da me ljubi, s tobom mogu samo da izgubim
    To kiss me, with you I can only loose

  15. PrincessMarina said:


    love it.