Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations

Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations

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  1. Dangerous & Moving's Avatar

    Dangerous & Moving said:


    When you find someone you really like - you tell her that she's annoying and you block her? I became mad when I've read what you've written me this morning. Nobody has every told me something like that and I hope that you're much better person that you seem to be today.
    Don't worry - I won't write to you anymore. You're maybe the worst enemy to yourself Bane
    ''Glupost je sama u sebe zaljubljena i njeno je samoljublje bezgranično.''

    ''Siamo niente senza fantasie''

    ''Наверное мне место на луне, но страшно оставаться в темноте''
  2. ina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by lorelai_g87 View Post
    Lorelai has constant flashes of your last words and it always feels like a stab in the chest = Serbian?
    Yea, I wondered did you want translation or Serbian word for the phenomenon you described.

    Well, this is harder to translate, this must be modified in translation to catch the meaning, I believe:

    1. U Lorelaj stalno odjekuju tvoje poslednje reči i uvek se osećaju kao brz, oštar, bol u grudima.

    2. U Lorelaj bi uporno zasijale kao blesak tvoje poslednje reči, osećajući ih kao da (joj) probadaju grudi.

    3. Tvoje poslednje reči nailaze kao bleskovi u Lorelaj neprekidno i to uvek izgleda kao zabadanje noža u grudi.

    *slab has to be translated descriptively since we don't have word for it.
  3. darcdante said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerous & Moving View Post
    When you find someone you really like - you tell her that she's annoying and you block her? I became mad when I've read what you've written me this morning. Nobody has every told me something like that and I hope that you're much better person that you seem to be today.
    Don't worry - I won't write to you anymore. You're maybe the worst enemy to yourself Bane
    thank you...really appreciate it.
  4. ina said:


    ok, you're right
    Last edited by ina; 03-30-2009 at 05:51 AM.
  5. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Yes Ina Why? Maybe you should've asked me that in PM lol
  6. dejan839 said:


    Okay, this is an old answer but I had to chip in.
    Quote Originally Posted by Spring View Post
    I'm sorry; Excuse me - Oprostite; Ispričavam se
    If you're sorry for someone's loss or feel bad for something Žao mi je is used. At least in Croatian.
  7. ina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by dejan839 View Post
    Okay, this is an old answer but I had to chip in.

    If you're sorry for someone's loss or feel bad for something Žao mi je is used. At least in Croatian.
    I'm sorry- žao mi je, ispričavam se
    sorry - izvini
    Excuse me - iznini(te);
    there is "izvinite me", i guess this is "ispričavam se" too - like "accept my apology" (prihvatite moje izvinjenje):1. polite way to say you're sorry 2. to say sorry in advance
    pardon - pardon
  8. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    Quote Originally Posted by dejan839 View Post
    Okay, this is an old answer but I had to chip in.

    If you're sorry for someone's loss or feel bad for something Žao mi je is used. At least in Croatian.
    In the case of "sorry for someone's loss (condolence)" I wouldn't use žao mi je I'd rather say 'primite moje iskreno saučešće/sućut'.
  9. ina said:


    "Primite moje saučešće" (žao mi je zbog vašeg gubitka) in Serbia is said ONLY when someone passed away and it's formal, according with the situation;"Žao mi je" could be heard between the youth - close friends probably and it's informal, I belive.
    Last edited by ina; 03-31-2009 at 12:48 PM.
  10. Nur_Demir's Avatar

    Nur_Demir said:


    svaka ti cast ===> english
    Ostani do kraj,
    cekaj go denot nov sto se budi,
    ljubi me i znaj,
    ti si se sto sakam jas.
  11. ina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Nur_Demir View Post
    svaka ti cast ===> english
    all honor to you!
  12. Nur_Demir's Avatar

    Nur_Demir said:


    Quote Originally Posted by ina View Post
    all honor to you!
    mnogo hvala Ina ..
    Ostani do kraj,
    cekaj go denot nov sto se budi,
    ljubi me i znaj,
    ti si se sto sakam jas.
  13. Bosnaboy said:


    Thank you very much Ina it was great i was correct in most of it but u made it sound alot better and sryy i will from now on =] cao
  14. ina said:


    I drugi put
  15. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Bosnaboy View Post
    hello can someone please translate this into bosnian cause i want to say it my girlfriend. im learning fast but not that fast haha thank you =]

    "I know I don’t always acknowledge your beauty or say the right stuff at the right time but that’s because I believe it in my heart already but that is still no excuse, u are those qualities and more. And u will never find another person with the immesnse love I have for you. From the moment ive met you, if two we’re ever one then we deffinetly are one nd I thank god that ive found someone like you to do this with. Love you"
    Quote Originally Posted by ina View Post
    Well, here is Serbian transformed into Bosnian with few modifications:

    Znam da nisam uvjek primao k znanju tvoju ljepotu (nisam tada shvatio tvoju ljepotu, it sounds better) ili govorio prave stvari u pravo vrijeme, ali to je stoga što sam u to već vjerovao u srcu; to još nije opravdanje, ti poseduješ sve te kvalitete i više od toga. Nikad nećeš naći drugu osobu sa ovakvom beskrajnom ljubavlju za tebe. Od trenutka kad sam te sreo, ako dvoje ikada mogu biti jedno, onda smo mi definitivno jedno. Hvala bogu da sam sreo nekoga kao što si ti da s njom to i ostvarim. Volim te.

    P.S. I know that this is a site for learning languages and not for love advises, but I don't suggest you to tell a woman that you didn't acknowledge her beauty even if that was temporary. Better skip to - didn't tell you the right words

    Wish you luck!
    First: I moved these posts from the Learning thread...

    And I can't help but notice... I don't think he meant that he didn't acknowledge her beauty in the past but that it's not something he constantly does.. doesn't have a habit of doing.. At least that's the way I see it.. meaning that the part doesn't necessarily have to be skipped just translated differently

    "I know I don’t always acknowledge your beauty or say the right stuff at the right time but that’s because I believe it in my heart already..." = "Znam da ti ne stavljam uvek na znanje koliko si lijepa i ne umem uvijek da kazem prave stvari ali to je samo zato jer ja to vec u svom srcu znam..."
  16. lorelai_g87's Avatar

    lorelai_g87 said:


    Can someone translate this into Serbian please?

    - always forgive, never forget
    ...life after death...
  17. ina said:


    "I know I don’t always acknowledge your beauty or say the right stuff at the right time but that’s because I believe it in my heart already..." = "Znam da ti ne stavljam uvek na znanje koliko si lijepa i ne umem uvijek da kazem prave stvari ali to je samo zato jer ja to vec u svom srcu znam..."[/QUOTE]

    You are right Spring, it's written in the Simple Present Tense, not the Past Simple (I don't always....), so your translation is more accurate.

    Quote Originally Posted by lorelai_g87 View Post
    Can someone translate this into Serbian please?

    - always forgive, never forget
    uvek praštaj (or uvek oprosti), nikad ne zaboravi.
  18. lorelai_g87's Avatar

    lorelai_g87 said:


    "When you remembered to forget, you were remembering. It was when you forgot to forget that you forgot".

    mh...this sounds a bit tricky, but I still hope someone can translate it (in Serbian)
    ...life after death...
  19. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    It's more than a bit tricky lol Here is my attempt:

    "When you remembered to forget, you were remembering. It was when you forgot to forget that you forgot".

    To male: "Kad si se setio da zaboravis, secao si se. Zaboravio si onda kad si zaboravio da zaboravis."

    To female: "Kad si se setila da zaboravis, secala si se. Zaboravila si onda kada si zaboravila da zaboravis."

    or less literal:
    "Kad se setis da zaboravljas, onda se secas a kad zaboravis da si zaboravio onda zaboravljas"
  20. lorelai_g87's Avatar

    lorelai_g87 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Spring View Post
    It's more than a bit tricky lol Here is my attempt:

    "When you remembered to forget, you were remembering. It was when you forgot to forget that you forgot".

    To male: "Kad si se setio da zaboravis, secao si se. Zaboravio si onda kad si zaboravio da zaboravis."

    To female: "Kad si se setila da zaboravis, secala si se. Zaboravila si onda kada si zaboravila da zaboravis."

    or less literal:
    "Kad se setis da zaboravljas, onda se secas a kad zaboravis da si zaboravio onda zaboravljas"
    thanks Spring!!!
    ...life after death...