Corectari va rog! Mersi!
"Mi-e greu fara tine"
It's Hard for Me Without You"
Intr-o zi ai venit ca o ploaie calda de vara
You came one day, like a warm Summer rain
Mi-ai zambit si-am simtit ca traiesc pt prima oara
You smiled at me & I felt that I'm living for the first time
Parca pluteam te sarutam si simteam dor din tine
It seems that I floated, I kissed you & I felt (a) longing from/for you(?)
Acum zilele trec,secundele dor nu traiesc fara tine
Now the days pass by, the seconds hurt, I don't live without you
2. Doar o inima am si tu ai luat-o cu tine
I have only one heart & you've taken it with you
De ce nu m-ai invatat cum sa respir fara tine
Why didn't you teach me how to breathe without you?
Norii te plang te-aud in vant doar pe tine
The clouds cry to you, I only hear you in the wind
Soare nu e nimic nu e am ramas eu cu mine
The sun is nothing, it doesn't exist, I was left with myself/alone
Ref: Mi-e greu fara tine
It's hard for me without you
Mi-e-atat de greu fara tine
It's very hard for me without you
Cand piesa noastra te ridici
When our song picks you up
Si o asculti la nesfarsir,mi-e dor de tine ->bis
& you listen to it endlessly, I miss you
3. Intr-o clipa ai plecat de ce nu m-ai luat si pe mine
In a moment you left, why didn't you leave me alone(?)
Nu stiu drum pe care sa pot pasi fara tine
I don't know which road on which I can step without you
Singur si gol eu joc un rol ma prefac ca mi-e bine
Alone & naked I play a part, I pretend that I'm OK
Ochii ii inchid doar ca sa-i deschid,nu traiesc fara tine
My eyes close like they opened(?), I don't live without you
4. Doar o inima am si tu ai luat-o cu tine
De ce nu m-ai invatat cum sa respir fara tine?
Nu e ocean sa stinga dorul din mine
There isn't an ocean to quench my longing
Soare nu e nimic nu e fara tine
Ref: Mi-e greu fara tine
Mi-e-atat de greu fara tine
Cand piesa noastra te ridici
Si o asculti la nesfarsir,mi-e dor de tine ->bis
Si as vrea sa te simt din nou,nu mai esti
& I'd like to feel you again, you're no longer here
Si degeaba mai sper din nou nu mai esti
& in vain I still hope again, ...
Si as vrea sa te-ating din nou nu mai esti
& I'd like to touch you again, ...
Si degeab ma mint din nou nu mai esti
& in vain I lie to myself again, ...
Si as vrea sa-te-aud din nou nu mai esti
& I'd like to hear you again, ...
Si degeab te strig din nou...
& in vain I yell to you again...