what does "kamia sxesi" mean??
what does "kamia sxesi" mean??
Hi, ellenatr
I think it means ,,no relationship"
ax!..euxaristo poliii geomac!!
you're welcome and for ,,ti vathmous pairneis;" = what grades do you get?
oh!..u translated that too!!..thx again!!
In this case no, it's not possible. When you see kamia sxesi without anything else in the context, it's what zvezda said.
And from my experience in the "misc translations thread" translating words and stuff for ellenatr, I can see that all she wants to know is kamia sxesi. If she wanted the translation of a whole sentence like den exo kamia sxesi auth th stigmh (=I'm not in a relationship right now) she would just say it
Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.
I thought ellenatr was wondering if someone was involved in a relationship but she knows better
i actually only wanted to know "kamia sxesi"..like Maria said!..but thx to all of you...when geomac write "no relationship"..i figured out it was something like "it has nothing to do with it"..well, thanks again!!