Jura Secreta
Secret Swear
Só uma coisa me entristece Only one thing makes me sad:…
O beijo de amor que nao roubei The love kiss that I didn't steal
A jura secreta que nao fiz The secret swear that I didn't make
A briga de amor que nao causei The love quarrel that I didn't cause
Nada do que posso me alucina Nothing that I'm able to reach can hallucinate me …
Tanto quanto o que nao fiz more than those things I've never done
Nada do que quero me suprime Nothing that I wish can suppress my being
De que por nao saber 'Ainda nao quis' for never having known the words ''I've never wanted it''
Só uma palavra me devora Only one word devours me
Aquela que meu coracao nao diz That one which my heart doesn't say
Sol que me cega it is sun that blinds me
O que me faz infeliz What makes me unhappy…
É o brilho do olhar is the brightness in the gaze
Que nao sofri. that I never suffered for
Sol que me cega Sun that blinds me
O que me faz infeliz What makes me unhappy...
É o brilho do olhar ... is the brightness in the gaze