@kaka: (mixed dialect, lol)
people look for beauty, it's not permanent, Allah doesn't, Allah looks for what's in your heart:
الناس بيبحثو عن الجمال، و هو شي زائل، الله ما بياخد بعين الاعتبار الجمال، بس بيحاسب على اللي جوات القلب
@kaka: (mixed dialect, lol)
people look for beauty, it's not permanent, Allah doesn't, Allah looks for what's in your heart:
الناس بيبحثو عن الجمال، و هو شي زائل، الله ما بياخد بعين الاعتبار الجمال، بس بيحاسب على اللي جوات القلب
The hours of pain have yielded good,
Which prosperous days refused;
As herbs, though scentless when entire,
Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
in this sentence what 'shu' does mean ?
shu ana bahed el arabi ??
the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
Assalam alaikom
Hey guysLong time, hope everyone is well.
I actually need some help with Egyptian Dialect.
Inshallah, I will be marrying an amazing egyptian man in February/March, that I met through my wali and Imam at my masjid. He actually works for the masjid and he has been first a great brother/friend over the past and now.. well enough said.. Alhamduillah!
I now speak with his family in Ciaro and his mother, but she is not very good with english and he usually translates. However, I wanted to send her a message from me to her. Can someone PLZ help me??
Assalam alaikom dearest mother,
May Allah Ta'ala bless you for raising such a beautiful muslim man. Your son is the light that brightens my life. He is righteous and generous. Wallahi I will take care of him as you asked. I look forward to being part of your family. Thank you for the warm welcome you have given me. May Allah Ta'ala keep you all safe and grant you peace, mercy and love. ameen
Much love, fi aman Allah, christine
Last edited by indelwyn; 12-23-2009 at 05:34 PM.
I believe in Islam like the sun rising, not because I see it but because by it, I see everything else.
what is this means?
السلطات تقبض على ارهابي
بجد فرحتلك من قلبي مفيش احسن من الخلق الحسن
انت عارف الصورة ديه من كام سنه يا أمور
and those 2 lines can some 1 giv translation in eng pls
lol its equivalent to m.f.er but often times people use it to describe someone who is sly and too smart for their own good, in some places you will hear a lot of parents saying it to their children.. especially when they reach the terrible two stages and become a little too clever..
Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
ya 3ars: is something we say to a naughty person or a clever person who knows how to get everything he wants. like when a boy wants something from his parents and his mom says no he'll go to his dad and tell him that his mom sent him to get it.
?? ???? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ? ??? ??????? ???? ?????
Who can translate this in english?
"Ya Aba 3abed El Allah"
------>Kaal ho na ho<------
------>Lebnan ya 2it3it sama<------
------>La 2ilaha 2illa allah<------
hii everybody plz can u help me for some sentence?
- nawarit
- sakarik rej3it la 7ala
- hawa so ma starjet
- mensir nenzal beleil netsaba7 ariban
- lesh wa2afte el cam
- balashet dob el shanta
- bel beit la 7ale
- mani mest7ieh
- tshoufine kelne balla tieb
- ana walla chi bel marra
- shla7iyoun
thanksss ktir in advanceeee
Shukran Daydream and Louie for your help
Another small request. How would one say: 'Good times are ahead' ?
someone can help me a little?
- nawarit = she\you lighted (as a welcome)
- sakarik rej3it la 7ala = (...) came back alone
- hawa so ma starjet = Air, so she couldn't do it
- mensir nenzal beleil netsaba7 ariban = we will go out in the night soon
- lesh wa2afte el cam = why you stopped the cam
- balashet dob el shanta = I start preparing my baggage
- bel beit la 7ale = In the home alone
- mani mest7ieh = I'm not shy
- tshoufine kelne balla tieb = look at me without clothes
- ana walla chi bel marra = I'm nothing
- shla7iyoun = take them off (the clothes)
Syria ♥
لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
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