Gjyste Vulaj- Shkrihem Pik Pik

Thread: Gjyste Vulaj- Shkrihem Pik Pik

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  1. gv84 said:

    Default Gjyste Vulaj- Shkrihem Pik Pik

    Could someone please give & translate the lyrics to Gjyste's new song. Thanks! Heres the link:

  2. Balkaneuro said:


    Shkrihem pik per pik

    si akullorja ne korrik per ty shkrihem pik pik
    me shpir me shijo ah mua te mjeren o
    mbeshtet per muri ste them jo
    doren tende trupi ma do
    prekem ne shpir mos u ndalo ah mua te mjeren o
    para teje si fukara e zhveshur e zbathur o
    me ty kom ra ne sevda ah une e mjera o

    tri qire ap me ty sme len
    halli madh me ka zen
    i kam ren me tanus spo ndi me ke ber magji
  3. gv84 said:


    Thank you!!!! Can someone translate it?
  4. lediocarciu's Avatar

    lediocarciu said:


    si akullorja ne korrik per ty shkrihem pik pik
    merrem shpirt me shijo ah mua te mjeren o
    mbeshtet per muri ste them jo
    doren tende trupi ma do
    prekem shpirt mos u ndalo ah mua te mjeren o
    para teje si fukara e zhveshur e zbathur o
    me ty kom ra ne sevda ah une e mjera o

    Dreqi e ha,me ty s'me le
    Halli i madh me ka zene
    Pika me rafte,me te s'po rri

    As ice cream in July I get dissolved point by point(small portions)
    Taste me the poor baby with spirit(in albanian we use very often 'poor' when we feel mercy)
    Compressed in the wall,I cant say you NO
    My body wants your hand
    Touch me baby and taste me, dont stop with me the poor
    In front of you I look,poor,naked and barefoot
    I felt in love with you,me the poor

    Goddammed,Im not allowed to be with you
    This is a big problem for me
    Goddammed on me,I cant stay with him

    If the translation sometimes is too long,this is true becouse in albanian we have some unic expressions which you can not find in any other language,and are hard to translate
    Last edited by lediocarciu; 02-19-2010 at 06:17 PM. Reason: not right translation
  5. gv84 said:


    Thank you so much!!
  6. lediocarciu's Avatar

    lediocarciu said:


    hope u like it