Don't know Artist of this song.....

Thread: Don't know Artist of this song.....

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  1. said:

    Default Don't know Artist of this song.....

    Heard it on a random YouTube video. None of the comments mention the artist or song title, nor does the description.

    I have uploaded my own file, which can be seen/heard here - YouTube - Movie_0001.wmv

    Would appreciate any help. And a little FYI - it's already been flagged by the licensee 'rumblefish'. If the video is removed, I'll find another way to bring it to you.

    Thanks in advance.

    Reason for uploading own file was because the original video might've been inappropriate. It contained a female, dancing half naked.....
  2. mdelaney911 said:


    i think its something someone made on their own because i cant find anything anywhere on the song or any section of the lyrics. did alot of searches for different sections of the lyrics and came up with nothing that sounds like this song.
  3. said:


    Haha.. I've been Googling the lyrics for a few days now and still can't find anything. =(

    Give it a few more days. If nothing, then I'll just always know it as "that song". =p
  4. said:


    Just wanna bump this up to the top for one last try. Thanks.