I need 2 translations asap - Enta Ana & Shefto Mn Biid

Thread: I need 2 translations asap - Enta Ana & Shefto Mn Biid

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  1. Anelstrickerbessinger said:

    Talking I need 2 translations asap - Enta Ana & Shefto Mn Biid

    Hi there! Can anyone write the Arabic lyrics into the Western/Roman alphabet, and also translate it for me into English, please? These 2 songs appear on Jean Marie Riachi's album, Belaaks, which was released in 2009. Both of the songs were written by Nizar Francis. Gorgeous!! Anyone out there who can help? I am rehearsing for a show and would like to include these 2 songs in my repertoire. Many thanks!
    Last edited by Anelstrickerbessinger; 03-23-2010 at 08:58 AM. Reason: not specific enough about what I needed
  2. jonne said:


    Shefto min b3eed

    b3atm el layali, wa7di la7ali w ma 7ada
    tal min 2abali eedo w mali 3al hada

    shefto mn b3eid, mashi wa7id
    sar b3aineh ya3ti mwa3id
    basme 3a shfaaf aalet w2aaf
    7addek mashini wel2eed bil2eed

    sawa tmashaina w nazret 3ainaina
    mlabake shou 7akyou 3alaina
    wala khtamaina bil 7aki

    sirna 3al dareb w twadigharb
    sar yghazelni w ye7ki bil 7ob
    2elli dalou3a, 2eltello ew3a
    w saret masmo3a da22at el alb

    shefto mn b3eid, mashi wa7id
    sar b3aineh ya3ti mwa3id
    basme 3a shfaaf aalet w2aaf
    7addek mashini wel2eed bil2eed

    la la la...
  3. Anelstrickerbessinger said:


    Thanks Jonne! The Arabic lyric helps a lot. Now I just need the English translation for Shefto mn biid.