Song Translation into Hungarian Please :]

Thread: Song Translation into Hungarian Please :]

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  1. superstar_eylul's Avatar

    superstar_eylul said:

    Smile Song Translation into Hungarian Please :]

    Hey guys.
    Can someone be kind enough to translate the following song into Hungarian for me? I know it's a strange request, but it'd make me so happy. Thanks so much


    Here comes the evil man
    Pray for their lives you'll end
    Smashing the gaudy throne
    He throws it on[to] their bones

    Like I'm losing with my wings in orbit
    Try my best to make the moment awesome
    If you remember not to tread with caution
    I'll make your body speak in full distortion

    I can't sleep at night, I fear death's warning
    I keep afloat by holding tide so cautious
    Somebody dragged me here, I'm trapped with wild horses
    And now I'm losing and my heart is nauseous

    Don't dance, don't dance, don't dance, don't dance
    You can't win

    Where there's freedom
    There's freedom
    Is this freedom?

    Papa's left, papa's left
    Papa's gone away from here
    What is left in it's place?
    Only our aching feet
    You can see, you can see
    Is there an exit here?
    I believe, I believe
    We're gonna leave this fear


    This world is still afloat
    No not in Noah's boat
    We've only lost the vision of the stars we're meant to be

    This world is full of love
    We still have hope
  2. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:


    Here you go !
    Why would this be a weird request ? I liked the lyrics !

    Here comes the evil man
    Pray for their lives you'll end
    Smashing the gaudy throne
    He throws it on[to] their bones

    Itt jön a gonosz ember
    Imádkoz az életükért melyeknek véget veszel
    Rátör a cifra trónra
    Rádobja azt a csontjaikra

    Like I'm losing with my wings in orbit
    Try my best to make the moment awesome
    If you remember not to tread with caution
    I'll make your body speak in full distortion

    Mintha veszitenék a szárnyaimmal a pályán
    Megprobálok mindent azért hogy a pillanatot győnyőrűvé tegyem
    Ha emlékszel nem óvatosan lépkedni
    A tested teljes torzitásban beszélni fog

    I can't sleep at night, I fear death's warning
    I keep afloat by holding tide so cautious
    Somebody dragged me here, I'm trapped with wild horses
    And now I'm losing and my heart is nauseous

    Nem tudok éjjel aludni, félek, a halál figyelmeztetésetol
    A felszínen maradok folyamatosan es óvatosan tartozkodva
    Valaki ide hurcolt, vadlovak között fogoly vagyok
    És most én vagyok vesztes, és a szívem hányingeres

    Don't dance, don't dance, don't dance, don't dance
    You can't win

    Ne táncolj, ne táncolj, ne táncolj, ne táncolj
    Nem tudsz nyerni

    Where there's freedom
    There's freedom
    Is this freedom?

    Ahol szabadság van
    Ott szabdság van
    Ez szabadság-e?

    Papa's left, papa's left
    Papa's gone away from here
    What is left in it's place?
    Only our aching feet
    You can see, you can see
    Is there an exit here?
    I believe, I believe
    We're gonna leave this fear

    Papa elment, papa element
    Papa elment innen
    Mi marad ezen a helyen?
    Csak a fájó lábaink
    Láthatod, láthatod
    Van-e kijárat innen?
    Hiszem, hiszem
    Elfogjuk hagyni ezt a félelmet.


    This world is still afloat
    No not in Noah's boat
    We've only lost the vision of the stars we're meant to be

    Ez a világ még mindig a felszínen van
    Nem, nem Noé hajójában
    Csak elvesztettük azoknak a csillagoknak a látomását, melyek kelletek volna legyünk.

    This world is full of love
    We still have hope

    Ez a világ tele van szeretettel
    Még mindig van remény
    " Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "
  3. superstar_eylul's Avatar

    superstar_eylul said:


    Thank you so much I really appreciate it.
    If you want to listen to the song it is here:
    Youtube - "watch?v=BdRhX6PAmWk"
  4. superstar_eylul's Avatar

    superstar_eylul said:


    And I love Hungarian by the way; so cool!
  5. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:


    You're welcome
    And thanks for the link !

    I am glad you like it
    Would you be able to ever learn it?

    lol honestly....i was expecting for a more rough beat....
    " Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "