youtube videos

Thread: youtube videos

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  1. Eso's Avatar

    Eso said:

    Default youtube videos

    hi guys
    want to know how can i embed youtube videos or not?

    hope anyone tell me
    and if i can, how i can??
    i try it but it's don't appear
  2. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    salam ya Eso..

    yes you can embed youtube videos, in the link of the video, add the part after the =

    [youtube= ]8Nx7M36_NCk[ /youtube] (I added a space that you can see it)

    (without space thats how will appear)

    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  3. Eso's Avatar

    Eso said:


    thanks ya sadekti
  4. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    did you tried it? ..
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  5. Eso's Avatar

    Eso said:


    no , i'll try now
  6. Eso's Avatar

    Eso said:
  7. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    mm you cant? coz I can see it
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  8. Eso's Avatar

    Eso said:


    lol ok, the problem in my connection