Can anyone plzzzz translate this song into english for me??
The name of the song i think is etha nwet
Can anyone plzzzz translate this song into english for me??
The name of the song i think is etha nwet
Hehe.. halaw.. its called “itha nawey trooh”
اذا ناوي تروح
If your intending on leaving
ابفهم وين اروح
I want to understand where should I go
تخليني اعيش بعدك
Your leaving me live alone
بألم و جروح
With pain and wounds
و اذا عني مشيت
And if you walk away from me
و اذا غيري لقيت
And if you find someone other than me
منو غيرك انا بلقى
Who else will I find other than you
يا روح الروح
You, the soul of my soul
يعني ترضاها علي
So does doing this to me please you
تترك ايدينك ايدي
Your hands leave mine
تنسى من عايش عشانك
You forget who’s living for you
ان كان ميت او حي
Whether him being dead or alive
و اذا نويت تعشق تحب ثاني
And if you intend on loving someone else
امانة لا تنساني
I trust that you will not forget
اني احبك موت
That I am deeply in love with you
طمني عليك إذا
Give me a feeling of tranquility if
حسيت بـ اي اذى
You feel any harm coming your way
بتلقاني مع قلبك اذا بكى
You’ll find me with your heart if it started crying
منو يحس فيني انا
Who will feel what im feeling
اذا ذقت العنا
if I got into trouble
منو يداري قلبي في يوم اذا شكى
who will console my heart if it complained one day
يعني ما بشوفك بعد
So I wont see you anymore
ولا اسمع صوتك ابد
And I wont hear your voice again
و اذا ضاقت علي دنياي
And if my world was closing on me
مالي غيرك اي احد
I have no one else other than you
و اذا نويت تعشق تحب ثاني
And if you intend on loving someone else
امانة لا تنساني
I trust that you will not forget
اني احبك موت
That I am deeply in love with you
تذكر هالمكان
Remember this place
انا وانت بزمان
Me and you once upon a time
تذكر يوم تسقيني حب و حنان
Remember when you gave me love and tenderness
اذا ناوي الغياب
And if your intending on your ebsence
أبرضى بالعذاب
I will be satisfied with the pain
ابرضى و انا في قلبي ألم و احزان
I will be satisfied while my heart is filled with pain and sorrow
خلاص روح الله معاك
This is it, just go and may god be with you
و بخليك انا بهواك
And I will leave you with your own way
واذا خايف انا انساك
And if you fear that I will forget you
انسى روحي ما انساك
I’d rather forget myself than forget you
و اذا نويت تعشق تحب ثاني
And if you intend on loving someone else
امانة لا تنساني
I trust that you will not forget
اني احبك موت
That I am deeply in love with you
if you need the transliteration lemi know =D